The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1052

Looking at the appearance of the two, Xu Shilong was more angry. Just now, Xu Youming and Xia sulfur ordered a fire. Now, how to see Lin Feng feels angry.

Especially see Lin Feng pull the appearance, Lin Feng led the woman, also than any woman around him to have a look, he will be more angry.

Xu Shilong's pride and vanity were ignited. He felt that Lin Feng did not give Qinglong face, or xushilong face. He must represent Qinglong society and fight against Lin Feng.

Just when Xu Shilong was thinking about how to deal with Lin Feng, he saw Lin Feng settle down the Golden Phoenix, but he came to him.

Xu Shilong frowned, pretending not to see Lin Feng, thinking about things with his head down.

"President Xu, long time!" Said Lin Feng.

Xu Shilong slowly raised his head, and said coldly: "Oh, Lin Feng, sit down, the performance is going to start!"

"President, I am not watching the show. I want to talk to you a few words," Lin Feng said

"Oh?" Xushilong has a look of disdain on his face. He said that you are a forest peak. I arranged a program that is hard to watch or what? You kid is always breaking the rules. I don't know how to face it!

"Lin Feng, what is the matter? Talk back, sit down quietly and watch the program quietly!" Xu Shilong said with a face of discontent.

"My business is in a hurry!" Lin Feng Road.

Xu Shilong was impatient, but he said with a strong pressure on the emotion: "Oh? What is so urgent? "

"There are several things, first, I want to borrow the name of the Qinglong Association and hire some top-level practitioners..." br >

xushilong didn't want to listen to it, but he asked more: "what can I do?"

"Protect my girlfriend!" Lin Feng finished, feeling less than a word, should be female friends, but he doesn't matter, lazy to change.

Xu Shilong, with a hand, said firmly, "no talk!"

He said to himself that I am a president of the Qinglong society, and there are only a few junior high school students. I haven't started any top bodyguards to protect my junior high school students. You are such a good guy. I said this openly. You have a problem in your mind or don't know how many Jin and how many jin you are?

Xu Shilong's impression of Lin Feng is even worse. He has always felt that Lin Feng is nobody in sight. Now, Lin Feng is not only a blind man, but also has a bad mind.

Lin Feng did not expect xushilong to give him directly, he did not want to hear what benefits he would bring to Qinglong?

Moreover, Lin Feng also wants to make Qinglong as his own support force.

Of course, in a few scenes, it is a cover to take the blue dragon as a cover. What is used for the Qinglong society is a famous person. The substantive things can be handled by himself. Moreover, he can help Qinglong to support Qinglong through his all-day relationship in Kyoto.

If, as long as the green dragon will cooperate.

But at present, it is obvious that Xu Shilong did not take him seriously, and he didn't think about cooperation, and it was totally a subordinate to suppress it.

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile, and looked at xushilong with a little fun.

Xushilong has the ability, but it seems that his pattern is only a little bit. The Qinglong will decline in the future.

At this time, xushilong noticed Lin Feng's eyes, and he felt that Lin Feng's eyes were full of disrespect. He was furious and asked coldly, "the program is about to start. What are you still doing here? Is this the place you should sit in? "

I want to go to the show.

However, Xu Youming came here and said with a smile: "I think Lin Feng wants to show us the show?"

"Show?" Xu Shilong was a little surprised, but immediately understood Xu Youming's intention. He said, "Lin Feng, you have also come to the chamber of Commerce for the first time. Many people don't know you. Go on stage and give you a show. By the way, let's impress you a little bit!"

"Yes, Lin Feng, you are sent by Lin family. What you represent is Lin family. How long do you want to give Lin family a face!" Xushilong behind, summer sulfur Yin Yang Yang said.

Obviously, Xu Youming and Xia sulfur want to take advantage of the opportunity to humiliate Lin Feng. Xia sulfur takes all the forest families with them, and wants to shame the forest family together.

Xu Youming is more insidious, because today's first program is a sand painting performance. Now the sand tray and projector of sand painting on the stage are already placed, so they wait for the master to come up and draw.

Xu Youming is very proficient in sand painting, which is also the magic weapon he has always relied on. In some important occasions, Xu Youming performs sand painting, welcomes a full hall of cheers and gives Qinglong a lot of glory. Therefore, xushilong valued his point, which gave him many opportunities and resources.

Xu Youming let Lin Feng perform the show, obviously catching the duck on the shelf.

Just want to make Lin Feng embarrassing.

Lin Feng laughed: "you let me perform programs, I can't perform anything, this is not difficult for strong people!"

"Well, that's not right. It doesn't matter if you can't perform. What we want is your attitude!" Xu said, "or you can see a ready-made sand table on it, you can perform a sand painting!""This..." Lin Feng just looked at the sand table and felt a little itchy. He had not done sand painting for a long time. The last sand painting he made was taken away and collected by the little prince of White Russia. He didn't have time to appreciate it. This will make him really want to show his hand.

However, in Xu Youming's eyes, no one can do sand painting except him.

He felt that even if he could, he would not reach his level. He is a municipal player.

Therefore, he felt that Lin Feng must be very embarrassed, and then added fuel to it and said, "what are you afraid of? Is it difficult? "

With that, he glanced at the Golden Phoenix beside him and said in a loud voice: "of course, not everyone has artistic cells. I know that, but you can't have any talent at all, right? How can you be qualified to join our chamber of Commerce? "

Finally, the fox tail began to leak out, he began to ridicule Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiles and doesn't want to pay attention to him.

But Xu Youming refused to let go. He said to Xu Shilong, "president, you see, we are new members. We don't give face at all."

Shangguan Yun couldn't see it any more, and interrupted: "we don't have the custom of letting members perform, so don't embarrass Lin Feng?"

"Which eye of yours saw me embarrass him?" Xu Youming gave a cold drink. Then, he said with pride: "people, sometimes it is necessary to have some artistic cells, so as to better appreciate life and make the other half feel more romantic and love!"

The second half of the sentence is obviously for the Golden Phoenix.

"So, Mr. Xu must be very artistic?" Jin Fenghuang Ming knows that Xu Youming is showing off. She is not happy to look at it, so she asks with some provocation.

This happened to be the trick of Xu Youming. He patted his chest and said, "of course, I'm not the same as some people."

"Mr. Xu, show your hands!" Summer sulfur coax way.

"Mr. Xu, show your hands!" There were also people behind.

Xu Youming, however, pretended to say, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't plan to perform today!"

"Master Xu, beautiful women don't believe you, you have to prove it!" Xia Tiao said, "I haven't seen you do sand painting for a long time. We're all waiting."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, let's show you a hand." There are also people behind the urging way.

Xu Youming was very satisfied with everyone's performance. Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, he waved his hand and said, "Oh, respect is better than obedience. I'll make a fool of myself!"

With that, go on the stage! , the fastest update of the webnovel!