The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1036

Lin Feng is a light smile: "you don't say I also know!"

"Ah? How do you know? " Sophia was even more surprised.

Lin Feng said: "if the death alliance really wants to kill me, how can it send a killer to kill me? The worst is to send out the people from the list of death! "

After all, now that I'm ranked 90 in the death list and sent to the top of the killer list, I'm not sure I can kill myself!

So Sophia must not have been sent by the Deathly alliance. She was hired to kill people!

Lin Feng asked, "I just don't know who hired you!"

Sophia bit her bright red lips and said, "my mission has failed. I might as well tell you that it is a Western European Organization called the order of the light that wants to kill you."

"Ah Lin Feng frowned: "I have no intersection with them."

Lin Feng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. The blood jade has not been found yet, and foreign organizations are ready to move.

And there are many domestic organizations that have not reached out.

If it's found, it's ok?

It seems that the charm of blood jade is not small, enough to set off a shocking bloodbath.

Lin Feng asked, "why did they want to kill me, do you know?"

Sophia said, "I just heard the reason why they and the alliance of death told me when I received the mission. They said that blood jade involves the seal of blood clan, so blood jade can't be seen in the sky again. So, whoever looks for blood jade, they kill who! Now you have a clue about the blood jade, so they hired me to kill you and ask to take the blood jade clue from you

"Oh, that's it Lin Feng nodded: "and I guess is also similar!"

Lin Feng knew that there was an ancient organization in Western Europe, which was founded by a fallen knight named farrain in the middle ages.

According to legend, farian was the leader of a royal order and the chief magistrate of the noble knight.

When the prince arrived at the northern border, he called in the prince's birthday and presented the prize to the prince in the northern border.

In order to show his father's love for his son, the king specially sent the Royal cavalry to the northern border to meet the prince back to the capital.

Led by farian, on the way back to the capital city, he passed a dark jungle. Farian had a keen sense of smell, and he smelled an unusual smell of danger.

But in order to get to the capital on the eve of the celebration, farian had to choose the shortest way. The detour would take an extra week, and the king would be furious.

So the Knights still chose this path.

As farrien had expected, the road was full of danger. In the depths of the jungle, there were many huge bats and wolves.

Farian ordered all the knights to proceed cautiously. In order to better protect the prince, he personally sat in the carriage to escort him.

The carriage galloped fast on the muddy road, and the trees on both sides were like ferocious demons, waving in the wind with open arms at random.

Even in the daytime, there was no sunshine in the jungle, blocking out the sun and misty.

As farrien and others were on their way, he heard a howl outside the carriage.

Farian lifted the curtain and saw some giant bats tearing at his knights.

The Knights drew out their swords and fought in a desperate position, and soon they were out of the encirclement.

After running for more than an hour, farian ordered the motorcade to stop and rest. As a result, he found that almost half of his knights were dying.

The knights, bitten by bats, had white faces, purple lips, and empty eyes.

What's terrifying is that they all have sharp teeth, just like the sharp teeth of cats.

These people lay on the ground and finally slowly stopped breathing.

Farrien had no time to grieve, but something else happened to scratch his head.

Their motorcade was surrounded by a pack of wolves, which were very big, one head higher than the usual wolves.

There are only a dozen left in the team. They fight with the wolves and fight back with the last bit of strength.

But all of them were seriously injured, except for farrien.

Farian and the prince, under the protection of others, did not engage in close combat with the wolves.

Farrien asked everyone to dress up and had to drop the Knights killed by bats and drive away.

Finally, after a few hours of marching, they came to an open place.

It was late at night, and farrien saw the long lost sky, clouds and stars, and the full moon slowly emerging from the clouds.

However, when farian breathed out his breath, he was surprised to find that the Knights around him seemed different.Facing the pale moonlight, they howled. Then, their bodies grew up and broke the knight's clothes. Hair grew out of their bodies. A face was also slowly distorted and deformed. It turned into the face of a wolf.

In the end, they become a group of wolf headed human monsters.

The monsters were tall and fierce, staring at farian and Wang next to him.

"Prince, go away!" Farian decided to use his life to buy time for the prince.

However, the Prince did not run a few steps, but found that a group of monsters appeared in the front of the jungle.

A close look, it turned out to be those knights who had been bitten to death by bats.

The knights were all changed. Their tusks came out of their mouths, their eyes were scarlet, and their wings were flapping like bats.

The prince began to retreat in fear, and farrien, holding his sword, slowly retreated.

The two of them collided with each other, back to back.

On both sides were extremely ferocious creatures, and they felt a burst of despair.

But it is strange that the target of these creatures seems to be the prince.

They all rushed at the prince.

Farian drew up his knight's spear and stabbed them fiercely, but they ignored it and launched a more violent attack on the prince.

Although the prince is brave and good at fighting, how can he face a group of extremely fierce monsters? He is like a boat on the vast sea, which is wantonly rolled by the turbulent waves.

Farian looked at all this, but could do nothing about it.

The group of people killed by bats, and the monsters in the form of werewolves, did not seem to be along the way.

They were all robbing the prince, and the robbery became more and more fierce. Finally, the prince's life was torn into pieces of bloody pieces.

After the death of the prince, both sides became angry and felt that the other side was fighting for the prince with himself. The other side was a stumbling block to his side, so they fought together.

Farian took advantage of the chaos, took the prince's head and returned to the capital.

However, after seeing all this, the king was very angry. He didn't believe what farian said. How could there be ghost bats and wolf monsters?

Moreover, the ministers who did not agree with farian on weekdays took the opportunity to slander him. They not only failed to protect him, but also made up a ridiculous reason to deceive the king.

The prince won many battles in the northern border, and the king was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, he became so sad that he ordered farrain to be killed.

Thanks to the advice of loyal officials, farrain was spared by counting the contributions of the family to the royal family.

However, farrien was also hit hard. He did not protect the prince well. He felt remorse in his heart. He resigned and left the capital. He was no longer the leader of the royal order.

After abandoning the halo that generations had bought with his life, farian felt ashamed of his ancestors. All these were caused by those two groups of monsters. So he vowed to avenge the prince and his dead Knight brothers and kill those monsters.

Therefore, with his savings from generations, he gathered many wandering knights to form a knighthood and killed the dark jungle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!