The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1034

In fact, Lin Feng knew that Yu Wenji had followed him.

He did not eat dinner today, but came to the East Cemetery, in fact, another part of the reason is that he found the assassin Sophia.

So he came to the East Cemetery to lead Sophia away, so as not to hurt his friends in the villa.

However, Yu Wenji saw this scene, but followed.

However, Lin Feng thought that she did not exist for the time being, otherwise Sophia would find her very dangerous.

But Sofia found out.

To hide in front of a sniper is to show off his skills.

Snipers are good at hiding, and of course, they're good at breaking through and hiding.

Just now, Sophia has noticed yuwenji, but she has no time to pay attention to her.

At this moment, Lin Feng is in the tree, within her sight range. If she jumps down from the tree, it will take another second to land.

In this second, she can easily solve the bystander hiding behind the grave, and then kill Lin Feng.

Her highest record for a revolver is six shots per second, while for this sniper rifle, his highest record is three shots per second.

Every one of his clips is a combination of three rounds, that is to say, once loaded, he can shoot three shots.

So, she had more than enough to kill two people in a second.

However, at the critical moment when she pulled the trigger, she saw that Lin Feng suddenly dropped a piece of black things towards the ground.

This action surprised Sophia.


There was a blast and sparks.

Sophia that shot, but hit in the black "brick" thrown down by Lin Feng.

That is the weapon that Lin Feng carries with him. In order to save Yu Wenji, Lin Feng can only throw it into Sophia's trajectory ahead of time.

Sophia had never seen such a scene before. Someone could predict her trajectory and block her shooting with something.

What's more, he said that his bullet was made of special alloy, and even a 5 cm steel plate could be pierced. Why was it blocked by a piece of black thing.

Sophia's three views were rewritten in an instant.

However, in her stupefied moment, Lin Feng jumped to him from the tree.

Sofia immediately turned the gun head to shoot at Lin Feng.

But listen to Lin Feng shout: "left side!"

Sophia thought that Lin Feng was interfering with her, but did not look to the left. However, at the moment when she was about to pull the trigger, she suddenly felt a pain in her left hand.

The pain tore her heart and lungs, and made her hands spasmodic for a moment.


There was a shot. As a professional shooter, Sophia still shot out.

But the action is slow a lot, Lin Feng also easily hide in the past.

However, at this time, her left hand is out of black blood.

In fact, at the moment Sophia shot yuwenji, Xiao Qi had already shot at her. At this time, the wound on her hand was bitten by Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi contains poison. The person who is bitten will die in a few seconds!

Sophia looked at her hand and was at a loss.

She used to wear gloves, which were made of special bulletproof material to protect her hands.

Gunners, the two most important things are the gun and the hand. Without the gun and without the hand, they have no combat effectiveness.

So, she protected her hands very well.

Just a moment ago, Lin Feng held her left hand. She abandoned her car, left her glove and pistol, and was bitten by a poisonous snake.

At this time, Lin Feng stepped forward, grabbed her left hand, pinched the artery with his fingers, and then put his lips together to directly help her hand suck blood.

"What are you doing?" Sophia was shocked and humiliated, trying to pull back her hand.

But a "Desert Eagle" is against Sophia's forehead.

Lin Feng inhaled poison here, but the other hand directly seized the pistol, against Sophia's forehead.

Sophia has never been so close to any man, and at this time, her white hand is actually by a man...

she is very angry, but there is no way.

But Yu Wenji came forward and picked up Xiao Qi and put it into her clothes.

"Antidote!" Lin Feng said to Yu Wenji.

Yu Wenji threw a small bottle to Lin Feng and said to Sophia, "you are such a cruel woman that you almost shot me. If you kill me, you can't live!"

Sophia said coldly, "who are you? Are you a friend of Shura? "

Yuwenji said, "yes, I am his girlfriend."

Female friends, of course, are girlfriends, but yuwenji always likes to play ambiguous, so casually.

Lin Feng also picked eyebrows and did not explain.

Yu Wenji said to Sophia, "you are a lucky woman. Fortunately, Lin Feng is beside you. If you are someone else, you have already died. Do you know?""What do you mean?" Sophia looks at yuwenji.

"My snake is called Xiao Qi, because as long as it bites a person, the venom will spread all over the body in seven seconds. In other words, the poisoned person will be killed in seven seconds. There is no way to save it!"

"But, Lin Feng helped you smoke poison, bought time for you, plus my antidote, you should be safe and sound!" Yu Wenji said and looked at Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng has already sucked the poison blood, is giving Sophia medicine.

Looking at the black blood stains on Lin Feng's mouth, Sophia was suddenly moved.

She thought that this man was totally different from herself. He aimed his gun at him to kill him, but he aimed at himself, but he was saving himself.

Sophia was trained to be a killing machine since she was a child. In her belief, if you want to do it, you have to be the strongest. Because in this world, either you kill others or you are killed by others. There is no habit and concept of saving people.

But Lin Feng today let her feel a trace of warmth, even in that cold and sharp eyes, also emerged a touch of doubt and warmth that never existed.

But it was just a moment, and after that, she returned to her former cold state: "you'd better kill me!"

Lin Feng gently smile, wiped the corner of his mouth: "you this person also really don't know good or bad!"

In fact, Lin Feng had his own selfish intention to save her. Lin Feng wanted to know why the alliance of death sent her to assassinate him. Did the alliance covet blood jade? Lin Feng is very puzzled about this. She feels that Sophia is deceiving herself. He needs to find out.

Sophia said, "if you don't kill me, I won't be grateful to you. It's not you who beat me today. It's someone who helps, so you can't take the top spot in my list of killers."

After hearing this, Lin Feng said with a smile: "Sophia, even if you give me the first place in the list of killers, I'm not rare, because that's just a front-end list. You're all tools to hide people's eyes!"

"What do you mean? What is the front list? " Sophia doesn't understand what Lin Feng is talking about.

"You want to know, don't you? Then I'll tell you! " Lin Feng looked at Sophia and said word by word: "in fact, the list of the top 100 killers in the alliance of the dead is not your current list. You have been cheated!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!