The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1032

Sophia is of mixed blood. She is of sengapo nationality. Her father is from Longguo and her mother is from Western Europe. Therefore, she has three-dimensional lines of cheeks and deep eyes. At the same time, she also has the delicate facial features of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, as well as the occasionally passing elegance.

Of course, most of the time, this half breed beauty is still cold and sharp.

She ignores life, because life is in her hands, like mustard, like the fruit of a wild tree, which she can pick at any time.

Facing Lin Feng, she still felt so.

Therefore, she came closer and just wanted to observe carefully what kind of ability this frightening God of killing Shura, this amazing genius in the mercenary world, has.

But it seems that Lin Feng is no different from ordinary people.

Just when she was about to start, she was called out by Lin Feng.

But after a brief language exchange, she found that Lin Feng has extraordinary wisdom, a few words, can find out her details.

What's more, her tracking skill is first-class, and her concealment skill is even more powerful. However, she didn't want to see her at a glance. Even, listening to Lin Feng's meaning, she had already been exposed to Lin Feng's vision before this.

Therefore, she felt that Lin Feng's anti reconnaissance ability was absolutely unmatched, and even she was amazed.

However, even so, the arrogant Sophia also regards Lin Feng as a fruit that can be picked at will. After all, these can't represent strength. Only when you really survive in the fight can you be called ability.

Sophia pointed the gun at Lin Feng's forehead and said, "although you are very smart, unfortunately, today you fell into my hands!"

Lin Feng is not any trace of fear, but smile at Sophia: "then I can ask you a few questions?"

"Yes!" You said, "I can see it for Sofia!"

She has always admired the strong.

"Why did you come to kill me?" asked Lin Feng? Who has so much money to hire you

Sophia said, "Shura, you are also on the list of killers. You should know that in our business, you can't disclose who the employer is."

Lin Feng said: "I guess the employer must be the boss of a large consortium, otherwise you can't afford to hire you, the biggest killer on the list!"

There was a glimmer of pride in Sophia's eyes, and she said, "can the boss of a big consortium afford me? You look down on me

"Oh?" Lin Feng's sly look in his eyes flashed: "so it is!"

"What?" Sophia was stunned.

"You're supposed to be from the killers' League Headquarters!" Lin Feng said, "you keep saying that the consortia can't afford you. The big clients of the death alliance are all big consortia. If they don't hire you, the only person who can let you kill me is the alliance itself or yourself. But I have no injustice or hatred with you. Therefore, it should be the alliance of death that sent you to kill me

"You are so cunning that I must kill you at once!" Sophia's heart is more surprised, she found that she can say a word, can be analyzed by this guy, and if she goes on, she will surely leak more.

"I have more questions to ask!" Lin Feng said.

"No!" Sophia said.

"Is death alliance coming for blood jade?" Lin Feng ignored Sophia's refusal and asked directly.

There was a flicker of hesitation in Sophia's eyes, and then she stood firm: "shut up, no more questions!"

Lin Feng laughs: "I guess right, they really come for blood jade!"

"How do you know?" Sophia was even more surprised, but suddenly felt that she had leaked her mouth again. She quickly covered her mouth, leaving only her beautiful big eyes shining in disbelief.

"I can read mind. At that moment, I saw the answer in your eyes!" Lin Feng said.

Sophia was a little crazy when he was a little crazy. He was not a human being. He would be exposed when he spoke, and he could not speak. It was just too hard to be bothered.

However, there is nothing to be tangled with when there is a dead man.

Thinking of this, Sophia's eyes filled with determination and said, "no matter how much you know, it's just that!"

Said, suddenly raised the pistol, fired at Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng knew that she would do so, so he dodged to one side early to avoid the shot.

"It's very fast." Sophia's eyes flashed a little surprise, and seemed to have a touch of expectation: "there are not many people who can avoid my gun, but next, you should be careful!"

With that, Sophia suddenly frowned, as if in secret.

In the dark, it was not very clear, but vaguely visible.

The wisps of white gas, along the two arms downward flow, and then gathered in the hands, slowly hidden disappeared.

At this time, if you look at the two desert eagles in Sophia's hands, they even flash a faint white awn in the absence of light.Although all this is not very obvious, but Lin Feng can see these changes.

He concluded that Sophia was a practitioner and had already reached the realm of qi transformation.

Although there is no cultivator in foreign countries, Sophia's father is from the Dragon kingdom. It should be related to his father that Sophia can cultivate to the realm of Huaqi.

In the past, Lin Feng thought that Huaqi state was a very difficult hidden world Master. But now, when he reaches this level, he can often see such a master around him.

At this time, he also understood a truth. It was not that there were more experts in Huaqi state, but that he had reached this level and contacted different people.

Xuanlingzi also told Lin Feng that when you don't reach that stage, you don't think there are people like that. Only when you are in it, do you find that the group of people you don't think exist exists. Even, the number of them exceeds your imagination.

Sophia's gas gathering on the gun, on the one hand, is to make her hands move more quickly, before others can see her movements, she has fired the gun.

Secondly, the gas accumulating gun, the trigger and the spring in the cavity will be more easily triggered. The person who pulls the trigger must be Sophia who shoots the bullet first.

So, if we talk about the gun duel, just like the Western Cowboy duel, Sophia relies on these two points, no one can match.

With the help of her own practice, she can shoot six rounds of left-handed bullets in a second in a row, and the gun hits.

So far, Sophia's accomplishments in firearms have been unmatched.

Just now her one shot was just a small trial. After being dodged by Lin Feng, she decided to use her real strength to deal with Lin Feng.

She wanted to kill Lin Feng and took some pieces of broken jade in Lin Feng's pocket to hand over the task quickly, so as not to dream too much at night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!