The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1027

Lin Feng got the fourth piece of broken jade. This news spread widely. Many families in Kyoto who pay attention to blood jade know about it.

And jack also called to ask Lin Feng to be more careful, because the Brad family has already known about it, and it is estimated that there will be big moves in the future.

To this end, the wolf family sent five more powerful wolf warrior, will soon arrive here to protect Lin Feng.

Without jack, Lin Feng also knows that all these are unavoidable.

Blood jade will soon be seen in the sky, and it will cause a bloodbath.

Now, the collection of four pieces of broken jade indicates that the blood jade is about to appear again. Therefore, various organizations at home and abroad are ready to move.

His later days will never be peaceful.

On the other side, "Mie" after giving up the last piece of broken jade, will naturally step up the pursuit of Lin Feng's progress.

So this period of time seems calm, but actually the undercurrent surging.

Some powerful organizations are expected to send people to seize the four pieces of jade in advance.

And those who are cautious will observe in secret until the blood jade comes into the world.

Lin Feng and Lao Hu also talked on the phone and asked Lao Hu about some of the capital's ancestral gates.

Among the four main gates in Kyoto, xuanming house and white tiger hall, have begun to gather core disciples for meetings, Hu said.

Shenhemen and wuwangzong were very quiet and didn't see anything unusual.

Lao Hu warned Lin Feng that he must pay attention to his whereabouts. From this moment on, everything should be careful. He should pay attention to whether he has been poisoned when drinking water, and take a group of experts with him wherever he goes!

For Lao Hu's concern, Lin Feng is very moved, but also a little want to laugh, he asked Laohu, is not now himself more careful than the stars?

Lao Hu's answer is that you are more careful than the emperor. However, there are royal guards and you have nothing, so you are in a more dangerous situation.

Lin Feng didn't think so. He said, "Lao Hu, I plan to spend this time in Jincheng, because the new year is coming. I want to spend a new year here. Do you want to come?"

Lao Hu said, "well, well, I'll go to your place on New Year's day."

He spent the Spring Festival alone, which was not interesting!

"Well, that's a deal!" Lin Feng Road.

In fact, Lin Feng just took the Spring Festival as an excuse. He didn't go to Kyoto this time because of his own reasons.

He needs to solve two things in a quiet environment:

first, to solve the mystery of the whereabouts of blood jade. 2、 In a short period of time, the devil training, to become more powerful.

At the same time, he was in his home in Jincheng, waiting for those impatient people to come and solve them!

Because Lin Feng is in Jincheng, Su Jing and others often come to get together. They are here for two nights in three days.

After all, Songjiang and Jincheng are not too far away from each other, so it's convenient to drive back and forth.

As soon as Lin Feng came back, his house became lively.

During the day, Chen Wu and others are noisy. At night, some beautiful women come in and out in their pajamas.

The security guards of Swan Lake Villa are all confused. What kind of person is this? Why do we have parties every day?

During this period, Lin Feng studied the broken jade during the day and went to the basement to practice at night.

He also told Lao Hu about the four lines of broken Jade's poems and asked him to help him analyze them.

Lin Feng put the four pieces together and found that he was in the shape of a tear.

To be more specific, it is like the shape of one of the yin yang fish in the middle of the eight trigrams.

Lin Feng didn't know what the shape represented. He felt that the most important thing was to figure out what the four poems meant.

The east wind is weak, and all the flowers remain. In the ground, it is willing to be a LIANLI branch. The garden is becoming more and more clear and overcast. Do not use the western character at the head of the tomb.

Lin Feng did not find out the direction, and Lao Hu was even more useless, so that Lao Hu called in late at night to complain to Lin Feng: "Xiaofeng, in order to study this thing of yours, I often stay up for half a night, a lot of hair is lost, and the hairline is worrying!"

Lin Feng said, "why did you study so late? Can't we study it during the day? "

"Day?" "I still have business in the daytime," said Lao Hu

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"Playing mahjong Lao Hu said.

"Ah Lin Feng shook his head helplessly: "you deserve it!"

"Well, how can you talk?" "I'm not all for you!" he said

Lin Feng said, "what have you worked out?"

Laohu was very annoyed: "I think, Tibetan blood jade must be a profound master, and he is also quite accomplished in ancient poetry. Up to now, I have not been able to understand the master's intention..."

Lin Feng said with a white eye: "said so much, it is not that nothing has not been studied out!"

"Yes Lao Hu said, "give me some time and I'll try again.""All right Lin Feng Road.

Since Lao Hu is so enthusiastic, Lin Feng can't eliminate his enthusiasm!

Although Lin Feng made little progress in studying the whereabouts of the blood jade, he made rapid progress in another matter.

That is, his cultivation!

When he practiced at night, he always felt that someone was looking at him secretly. One day, he deliberately practiced there, and he felt that the familiar breath came again.

He started the phantom step fiercely, came to the place where he had been doubting for a moment, and finally caught a man.


Qingfeng is a night owl. He is indifferent to women but interested in men. He sees that Lin Feng goes down to the basement every night, and then comes up in the early morning. He thinks there is something strange about him. He also follows him down and finds that Lin Feng secretly practices in the basement every night.

With the addition of these treasures, Lin Feng practiced for thousands of miles. His cultivation can be described by ice and fire.

When he was practicing seriously, the cold breath of the black ice beads and the boiling blood of the vampire would form two streams of hot and cold air around him, and the strength of the air was also in two different colors.

A light blue, a light red, lingering around the body, looks very ornamental.

So the breeze didn't disturb Lin Feng, he was observing in the dark.

But the more he watched, the more surprised he was.

He found that Lin Feng's breathing, breathing and practicing methods greatly opened his eyes.

And the speed of Lin Feng's cultivation is amazing.

He saw with his own eyes that once, Lin Feng broke through the importance of Huagu state in one night. For several consecutive days, Lin Feng came to Huaqi state.

This is also the reason why Qingfeng has never made a sound. He seems to have discovered the most shocking thing in the world. Therefore, he wants to see how much potential Lin Feng has and whether he can make something more surprising.

But I don't want to be discovered by Lin Feng today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!