The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1018

A strong force clamped Lin Zhengqing's throat. Lin Zhengqing struggled desperately, but there was no effect.

He was surprised to see Lin Feng in front of him, a boy of Huagu state. He could stop the cultivator of Huaqi state with no effort. What's the matter?

At this time, Lin Feng, with a little red in his eyes, holds Lin Zhengqing in one hand and stares at Lin Zhengqing like a hell devil.

"I'll kill you!" Lin Feng said word by word.

"No, Lin Feng!" Lin Zhengwu and Lin Zhengming began to plead.

In any case, it was the second elder brother who grew up with them. Although it was impossible to end the scene at this stage, there was still a touch of kinship in their hearts.

Lin Feng said coldly: "what he did, I killed him several times enough. Why can't I kill him?"

Then he looked at Lin Zhengwu and Lin Zhengming: "because he is your second brother?"

Lin Feng said, "I tell you, it's not only him today, but you two are also responsible for what happened in those years. After that, I will settle accounts with both of you."

Lin Zhengwu and Lin Zhengqing are guilty of silence.

"Cough! Please let me go, Lin Feng

Lin Zhengqing feels that his breath is not smooth. If he goes on like this, he will suffocate and die. He asks Lin Feng quickly.

"You know now, please? Hum Lin Feng said coldly, "who does Jin Wan'er ask for? Who should my parents ask? "

Lin Zhengqing coughed hard and said quickly: "let me go. I'll tell you the whereabouts of Jin... Wan'er, cough, and... What happened to your parents in those years... Cough...

a sly look flashed over Lin Feng's eyes.

Yes, he won't kill Lin Zhengqing immediately. What he said was to kill him was just to scare him.

And the purpose of this bluff has been achieved!

Lin Feng said coldly, "if you dare to cheat me, I will dig you out three feet."

Lin Zhengqing's face turned red and his mouth was bruised.

"Cough... No... can't...

seeing that he was struggling to speak, Lin Feng released his hand and directly threw Lin Zhengqing on the ground.

Lin Zhengqing was wearing coarse clothes and breathing greedily.

He didn't expect that he was so unbearable that he couldn't even accept Lin Feng's move.

It turns out that today's failure has been doomed, even if the breeze did not come, he is not Lin Feng's opponent.

And Lin Zhengwu and Lin Zhengming are also aware of this. When they were in the Lin family just now, Qingfeng said that they had a tie with Lin Feng. Now it seems that this sentence is not a joke.

It's impossible for ordinary people to lift the master of Qi state into the air, but the other party has no way to deal with him.

They are very curious. Isn't Lin Feng a cultivator of bone state? How can you have such a powerful ability?

Lin Feng is all attention in that small box.

Lin Zhengqing was nearly strangled to death. He refused to put down the small box in his hand. He was really greedy!

However, in Lin Zhengqing's heart, this small box is his life. Without this box, even if he had survived Lin Feng's pass today, he would not have survived the master's pass.

Lin Feng put out his hand again and said to Lin Zhengqing, "give me the box first!"

Today, Lin Feng not only wants to get the whereabouts of Jin Wan'er, but also gets the broken jade.

Lin Zhengqing coughed a few times, as if he had not heard Lin Feng's words. At this time, he was thinking about how to face Lin Feng.

He didn't want to give this box to Lin Feng.

However, at this time, he heard a big drink from behind: "you Lin Zhengqing, you dare to stay here, and we won't tear you into pieces!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Zhengqing's body suddenly trembled, and he quickly looked back.

But Qilin and Taotie are running towards this side.

Qilin and Taotie went out of the labyrinth of the cave.

They two face with anger, a strong sense of killing swept over the sky.

You can imagine how risky it is to throw the two top experts of Huaqi state into the cave maze. Now that the two masters have come out, Lin Zhengqing has to pay for what he has done.

But Lin Zhengqing is a cunning and cunning man. In the face of such a situation, his mind suddenly rises.

He turned to Lin Feng for help and said, "Lin Feng, if you can help me kill them two, I will give you the broken jade, and explain everything!"

He can only do so now, and just saw the ability of Lin Feng, he can only pray that Lin Feng can conquer these two masters.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "you can play, you want us to kill each other, and then you run away, do you think others are fools?"

"I don't run, absolutely not!" Lin Zhengqing said."Give me the box, or I'll do it!" Lin Feng didn't eat his way.

When Lin Zhengqing saw that Lin Feng was not cheated, his heart was half cold, but he suddenly had a plan.

He suddenly yelled at Qilin and Taotie: "two masters, Lin Feng, they want to take my box. It's what your master wants. Come and kill them for me!"

With that, he dropped the box at the foot of Lin Feng.

The Qilin and Taotie are not far away, watching Lin Feng reach out for Lin Zhengqing. Lin Zhengqing is helpless and throws the box on the ground. The two of them run over and attack Lin Feng.

"Boy, you dare to touch the things of our master, and you will die!" Taotie swept to the ground and stopped Lin Feng from picking up the box.

But Lin Feng didn't fight hard. When he went to pick up the box, he suddenly turned his direction to block the foot of Taotie.

Then, the two sides confront each other. The box is on the ground among them. Neither of them reaches for it.

"Can't you see that this is Lin Zhengqing's plot?" Lin Feng asked.

Lin Zhengqing instigated the two tigers to fight against each other, and then, fortunately, he would find another opportunity after they were both defeated.

"I don't care if it's a trick or not, but it's ours. You can't touch it!" Taotie said with a commanding tone.

"Yours? Ha ha Lin Feng gently smile: "this is my Lin family thing, when did it become yours?"

"Don't talk nonsense. You can choose one today Taotie said.

"Only children do multiple choice questions!" Lin Feng pondered a smile: "I am an adult, so, I want everything."

"Insatiable greed, seek death!" Taotie said.

"Don't always say that others want to die. I think you want to die yourself!" Lin Feng confidently said.

Taotie thinks that he is a master at the top of the Huaqi state. He is hard to meet his opponent at ordinary times. At this time, with Kirin, who has the same ability, his ability is doubled. Looking at the whole area of Kyoto, few people can compete with him, but he doesn't want the boy in front of him to dare to say such words.

Taotie took a look at Qilin and said, "kill him!"

Kirin nodded: "I'll kill him. Go get the box!"

"Good!" Taotie said.

After the division of labor, Qilin takes the lead and attacks Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!