The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1016

"No! Don't

Lin Zhengqing was scared and begged for mercy.

He didn't expect that Qilin would dare not listen to his master's words and start to fight him without authorization. Today, he confessed that he must find a chance to consult him in front of his master and let him drink from the West.

However, what Lin didn't know was that Qilin's practice was completely allowed by his master.

This move, however, deceived Lin Zhengqing, who was at a dead end.

"Take us to get the broken jade!" Qilin said.

"Well, follow me!" Lin Zhengqing finished and turned away with a face of chagrin.

Qilin and Taotie follow. Qilin's eyes wander around. Taotie stares at Lin Zhengqing for fear that Lin Zhengqing will play tricks.

Lin Zhengqing took them to the DIHE River, and then pulled out a narrow but slender boat behind the stone beside them. The three people sat down in turn, which was not too crowded.

"Sit down, we have to go down the river to get there! Along the way, I'll tell you what to do, and you'll do it! " Lin Zhengqing looks at Qilin and Taotie: "have you heard me clearly?"

"Lin Zhengqing, if you dare to play tricks, we will not let you go!" Taotie said.

"How dare I play tricks? If I play a trick on you, your master will not let me go! " Lin Zhengqing helplessly said: "what's more, I have to rely on you to help me to the top!"

"Just know it!" Taotie is cold.

Then, Lin Zhengqing rowed the boat and the boat went down with the water.

The river is narrower and narrower, but the river is more and more turbulent.

After passing through several caves, he suddenly entered a tunnel. Lin Zhengqing said, "everyone lies back on the boat. Don't look up, or you'll break your head!"

Seeing that the boat was about to enter the narrow and low tunnel, Qilin and Taotie took a look at each other, then nodded and did as they did.

All three lay in the boat and looked up at the top of the tunnel.

Looking at the sharp stones on his forehead, Qilin and Taotie felt a little frightened.

However, after kicking his foot for a period of time, he suddenly finds that Lin Zhengqing doesn't feel right when he kicks his foot.

"Lin Zhengqing has run away!" Kylin yelled angrily.

"It's hard to turn around. How did he get away?" Taotie asked rationally.

"I don't know!" Kirin Road.

They were like lying in a coffin, with stones on three sides and wooden boats underneath. Where did they escape?

At this time, Taotie said: "look at the left, there are caves here!"

Qilin turned his head to the left and found that there was a dark hole in the left stone wall every few tens of meters away. He didn't know where the hole led.

But they are basically sure that Lin Zhengqing must have run from these caves.

"We're going into the cave, too." Taotie said: "in the next cave, we must seize the opportunity!"

Because they don't know what will happen next, they should get out of this situation as soon as possible.

Sure enough, a few dozen meters later, another elliptical cave appeared, about half the size of a car.

Two people seize the opportunity to grasp the wall of the cave with both hands. As soon as the body is lifted, the boat will go down with the water. When they get out of the boat, they climb up the cave wall and enter the cave.

After entering the cave, looking forward, all the caves are dark, one by one, just like the nest of ants.

Qilin angrily said: "the dog day of Lin Zhengqing, he is to trap us here, this is like a maze, we can't go out!"

After a pause, Taotie suddenly turned on his mobile phone and said in surprise: "the mobile phone still has a signal! It's weak though! "

"What's the use of a signal?" Kirin asked.

"Very useful!" Taotie said: "you can use radar map to set the route. If you don't go back, you won't get lost."

"What a genius you are Kylin claps his thigh and praises him.


Lin Zhengqing came out of the labyrinth of the cave, but he had a box in his hand.

In that box, it was the broken jade!

He threw Qilin and Taotie into the maze, and at the same time took out the broken jade from the maze, killing two birds with one stone.

"Bah! It's not so easy to eat black for me Lin Zhengqing spat and opened the box. The broken jade lay quietly inside.

"As long as you are here, I have a chance to turn over!" Lin Zhengqing greedily looked at the broken jade, his eyes full of hope.

Yes, this broken jade is not only related to the whereabouts of the blood jade, but also can be used as a condition for someone to help him to the top.

Later, he described Qilin and Taotie as traitors, saying that they wanted to kill themselves and win the broken jade. As a result, they capsized in the DIHE River, and both of them drowned in the DIHE river.Although the reason is a little far fetched, but there is no evidence of death, there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhengqing could not help but feel relaxed, humming a little song and walking towards the open area before.

It was his base camp and he could stay there for a long time as long as there was enough food.

However, when he went back to his base camp, he found that there were two people sitting on the stone sofa with his back to himself.

"Damn it!"

Lin Zhengqing was frightened. Did Qilin and Taotie come out so soon? And, faster than yourself?

Are these two people people ghosts?

Lin Zhengqing did not dare to go any further and planned to turn back quietly.

However, listen to a banter voice came: "second uncle, I come to you this guest, do not entertain?"

Listen to the voice, it's Lin Feng.

"Boss, what do you call his second uncle? Are you relatives? " The other person next to him, of course, was a mouse. The mouse didn't know that Lin Feng and Lin Zhengqing had such a kinship.

"It's a relative, but my second uncle is too black hearted!" Lin Feng said, then stood up and looked at Lin Zhengqing.

Lin Zhengqing made it clear that Lin Feng and his younger brother came after him, and his heart was suddenly relieved.

In terms of the value of force, he is not afraid of a man who can transform the state of Qi. However, Lin Feng, the sharp mouthed young man, is not as powerful as Lin Feng.

So, you can easily one on two.

Lin Zhengqing immediately straightened his chest and said, "well, since my nephew has come to visit me, I will naturally treat him well, and I will certainly satisfy him."

"That's the best!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Just!" Lin Zhengqing was quite surprised: "how did you find it here?"

Lin Feng picks eyebrow to smile: "modern science and technology, don't talk about it!"

The mouse interposed: "boss, you are too polite, that is to say he does not understand!"

"Hum!" Lin Zheng snorted coldly. He didn't like the way mice talk.

In fact, it is when Lin Feng and he are driving hand in hand, Lin Feng throws a tracker on his car.

The tracker has a suction cup, which is firmly attached to Lin Zhengqing's car when it is thrown away. Then, Lin Feng turns on the mobile phone radar, and the whereabouts of Lin Zhengqing are clear at a glance.

So Lin Feng was relieved to slow down, slowly waiting for the people behind.

At this time, these are not important, Lin Feng was a little excited, he looked at the box Lin Zhengqing held in his hand, solemnly said: "come, give it to me, I can spare you from death!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!