The CEO Is A Secret Wife Slave

Chapter 31

"You move out first, I promise you, after grandma leaves, we'll get engaged." Jin Zechen said.

"Really? Grandma's gone, and we're engaged. " Ye Wanqing looked at Jin Zechen and asked in surprise.

Jin Zechen nodded with a smile and said, "when else? There's always a future for you. "

Ye Wanqing hugged Jin Zechen tightly and said, "I knew you wouldn't hurt me. We are engaged."

All of a sudden, there was a noise in my ear. I turned my head and saw that Joan was standing there. The cup fell at her feet and spilled water all over the floor.

"Joanna." Cried Jin Zechen.

"I'll take care of it. I hope it won't disturb you," she said with a smile

Mijo didn't mean to disturb their conversation.

But when she passed by, her hands trembled when she heard the good news of their engagement, and the cup fell to the ground.

Qiao Mi AI, Jin Zechen will get married after all. Why are you so excited?

Jin Zechen took Ye Wanqing by the hand, walked up to her and said, "she and I are about to get engaged."

"The distance between us is very close. I heard all the words just now. Congratulations, Miss Ye." Said jomee with a smile.

"Thank you all the same." Ye Wanqing said with a smile.

"What belongs to you, why be modest?" Said mijo.

"Will you come?" Jin Zechen asked.

Jomi wiped the floor, picked up the cup, and said with a smile, "is it important that I take part?"

"It's very important, because in the late Qing Dynasty, I hope you can participate and witness our happiness." Jin Zechen said.

"Then I won't take part." Joanie refused.

"Miss Joe." Ye Wanqing did not speak, Qiao Mi AI said directly: "I said recently, I only attend funerals, blessing is enough, I go to rest first." When she finished, she turned and left.

After three months of divorce, he was finally engaged. He always wanted to come. No one could stop him.

Joan love big mouth breathing fresh air, but even so, there is a sense of suffocation.

Jomee quickly went back to the room, closed the door, and bit her hand, so that the cry would not come.

See Qiao Mi love left behind, ye Wanqing mouth up.

"Can you move out now?" Jin Zechen said.

"You gave me a promise and a guarantee. Naturally, I'm ok. For grandma's sake, I move out." Ye Wanqing said.

Jin Zechen nodded and was responsible for sending ye away from the late Qing Dynasty.

Jo Mi AI cried for a long time. She was really tired and her eyes were swollen.

"You can't do that?" she said, patting her cheek and washing her cold face

Jo Mi AI shakes her head and goes into the bathroom. She's ready to take a bath, but she doesn't listen to the rain?

It was good yesterday, but now it's broken?

Jo Mi AI wrapped up in a bath towel and began to work, but she didn't do it well.

Jomi love to the end, the whole person is angry, angry will pengtou fell to the ground, said: "bad thing."

All of a sudden, the fluffy water gushed out, and Joan screamed directly.

Jin Xuanshi walked by Qiao Mi AI's door and heard Qiao Mi AI's scream. He knocked on the door and cried, "Qiao Mi AI, what's the matter with you?"

"Ah." So called Joanna.

The more Jin Xuanshi listened, the more worried he was. He patted the door again and yelled, "are you OK, Qiao meiai? Why don't you answer me? "

The answer is still screaming. Jin Xuanshi can't manage so much.

Just as he was about to push the door and walk in, Jin Zechen came back.

"Brother, what are you doing at the door of Jamie's room?" Asked Jin Zechen, puzzled.

After settling down, ye came back in the late Qing Dynasty. He wanted to talk to Qiao Mi AI about something. Unexpectedly, big brother was at the door.

"Listen to me, jomee is screaming all the time." Jin Xuanshi said.

Jin Zechen calms down and hears Qiao Mi AI's voice. Without saying a word, he opens the door.

As soon as she opened the door, Joan ran to the door wet and dazzled. Her appearance wrapped in a bath towel was very tempting.

Jin Zechen and Jin Xuanshi looked at this moment.

Jin Zechen is better. How can Jin Xuanshi see her like this? So again came the scream of "ah!"

Wait, why is Jin Zechen better? They're divorced. It really doesn't matter?

When jomee screams, her hands unfold, and the towel feels like it's shaking.

How can Jin Zechen let Jin Xuanshi see all this?

Jin Xuanshi quickly turns around. Jin Zechen takes the opportunity to go to Qiao mi'ai. When her bathrobe is about to fall, he hugs Qiao mi'ai.So the bath towel fell down, and now, they are very close together.

"Jin Zechen." Cried Jo Mi AI.

"Big brother is over there." After Jin Zechen finished, he took Qiao meiai into the bathroom.

After Jin Zechen let go of Qiao Mi AI, Qiao Mi AI quickly hugged her body.

Anyway, if you can cover the top, the bottom will be exposed. If you can cover the bottom, the top will be exposed.

"You, you can go out?" Said Jo Mi AI quickly.

"Do you mean to seduce my elder brother?" Jin Zechen looks at Qiao Mi AI's body and asks directly.

The pleasure of last time is still in his mind? Now looking at her body, do you really want to continue to be hot?

Jomee quickly stepped back and said, "I'm not going to do that? Yes, is that dishevel broken? "

"So, are you wet?" Jin Zechen said.

"You go out first." Said mijo.

"Your body, where have I not seen it?" Jin Zechen said playfully.

"And you're still out there? He, he will misunderstand. " Said mijo.

"Do you mind what he thinks? Do you care if he does? " Jin Zechen asked, squinting.

"Yes, I care about it. After all, we shouldn't be in touch. Don't forget that you and ye Wanqing will be engaged soon." Said mijo.

Jin Zechen just wanted to speak, Jin Xuanshi's voice came: "honey, are you ok?"

"It's OK. I'm ok." Said Jo Mi AI quickly.

Jin Zechen laughs playfully. When Qiao Mi AI sees this smile, she is afraid.

Jin Zechen step by step, step by step close to Qiao Mi AI, Qiao Mi AI instinctively back, to the end, there is no way back, so the conflict in the wall, the cold tiles, cold enough.

"Jin Zechen." Joanne held out her finger and stopped.

"Joanna, if I don't go out here, will you misunderstand me?" Jin Zechen said with a smile.

"Jin Zechen." Cried jomee, displeased.