The Cannon Fodder and Her Mr. Right

Chapter 305

Jiang Niancheng has known Xie Xize for seven years.

Six years ago, six years after he entered the Xie Xize laboratory, they extracted a kind of biological molecule from a tropical plant, which can effectively inhibit the regeneration of cancer cells.

If it can be used in medicine, it may bring a change to the world's medical circles.

It's just, to the surprise of all of them.

In the process of this research and development, there was an accident, the biological molecules changed, and the semi-finished product developed, although it can effectively relieve pain, but the addiction is also very huge, and it will cause huge damage to the brain, hallucination, and irreversible damage to the brain nerve.

This kind of thing, people generally referred to as - drugs!

What they have developed is only a semi-finished product, and the harm is already enormous. If they continue to study, the consequences will be very terrible.

They're not studying drugs, they're studying drugs.

After Xie Xize found out, he immediately ordered the destruction of all the experimental data, and even the files were destroyed.

What this may bring is not a revolution, but the key to the hell box.

In a flash, many years later, everyone forgot about it.

However, who ever thought that the things that should have been completely destroyed would appear in front of them in such a way of finished products.

If it wasn't for Jiang Niancheng's curiosity, they would not have found out where the new drug was, what the difference was, and why it was so harmful.

At that time, Jiang Niancheng also participated in the experiment. After the experiment ended, they put into another research project.

For these people, if they really want to do evil, any one of them can be a drug maker.

But they don't look up to those who go astray.

Jiang Niancheng gritted his teeth: "who in the end leaked it? If you let me know, I'll give him an injection of one - β directly. "

One - β is a truemetic developed by Jiang Niancheng for a foreign national security bureau.

The degree of pain, so that all the people who were injected, so far no one can survive 15 seconds.

Xie xiezer's expression was cold and he didn't say anything. He was just looking at the chemical equation of the new drug very carefully.

Jiang Niancheng gritted his teeth and said: "no matter who leaked it out, he specially released this drug at this time. Obviously, he is fighting against you. He is the same person who made the super virus last time, absolutely the same person..."

Xie xiezer nodded: "well, it's the same person."

"I said, why don't you worry! I'm dying of anxiety. At the beginning, all the people who participated in the research were suspected, so I have to check it quickly. "

Xie xieze said, "what's the use of urgency? Things have come out."

He asked Jiang Niancheng, "what kind of person do you think Jiang Niancheng would be if the other party dares to challenge him to perfect this thing and make it into a finished product?"

Jiang Niancheng said: "genius, conceit, arrogance Damn it

Xie xiezer: "you are wrong in two points."

"Those two points?"

Xie xiezer said: "he is not conceited, but inferior, so he strongly wants to beat me to prove himself..."

He threw the disgust of the chemical equation to the ground: "I don't think he's a genius. He's a self righteous fool. My semi-finished product is more perfect than his finished product!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!