The Cannon Fodder and Her Mr. Right

Chapter 303

The voice of spicy bar is gentle, as if with a kind of enchantment.

All the words in front of him are foreshadowing, all of which are to make women distracted, irritable and angry, so It's easy to control!

With his voice, the woman's eyes slowly become a little dull, expression becomes dull, she is a little dull, said: "OK!"

Spicy bar looked at the woman, some slow turn, leave the bathroom!

Spicy face showed an innocent smile, he looked at the woman's back, light way: "dying people, of course, poor!"

Spicy out, waving called a bodyguard: "uncle, you go to keep up with that woman, don't be found!"

The bodyguard nodded: "OK!"

Spicy bar into the dean's office, open the computer, first take a look at their stock earnings some time ago.

It's not the best time to sell, but he needs money now.

Spicy bar will be around the stock, all sold.

He then opened the penguin, opened a point for a long time did not contact the head!

Spicy bar: Uncle Chen, how are you?

Chen Da: good, good, little ancestor, you are finally looking for us. What can I do for you?

Spicy bar: it's a little bit trivial. If you want Uncle Chen's help, only uncle you can do it. No one else can do it!

Chen Da: no problem, no problem. I can do anything if you want to talk to me

Spicy bar: it may be a little dangerous, but I can make you rich overnight and rich all your life!

Chen Da: Thank you for thinking about us. You can say anything dangerous or not!

Spicy bar: you and Uncle Chen Er just do it according to what I said. What should we do? I will inform you then!

Chen Da: OK, I'll follow your call at any time!

Spicy bar: security level SSS +

Chen Da: understand!


after talking to Chen Da, she calls Xie Xize again.

"Hello, Lao Xie. Just now, a woman with a changed face wanted to take me away. I sent her away and let Uncle Wang follow me."

Spicy bar is very easy to say, as if it is a very ordinary thing.

But Xie xieze heard it, but he was really frightened. He immediately asked, "how are you? Are you hurt?"

Hot bar rolled his eyes: "you are not recently infected by my mother's silly, I sent people away, what else do I get hurt?"

Xie xiezer asked: "how did you send it? Are you... "

The spicy bar interrupted Xie xieze: "that's how I sent him. What else can I do? I'm afraid Uncle Wang will be in danger. You can find a way to send someone to meet him yourself."

Xie xieze gritted his teeth: "I'll find you later. You wait for me, and I'll let someone take you home."

Spicy bar snorted, jumped down from the chair and said to himself: "cut, I will be more, what is this..."


on the other side, it took a woman a long time to get to her destination.

She pushed the door open and went in. The man sitting in front of the computer didn't look up: "where are the people? Did the boy bring him?"

The woman said, "come and give you a present!"

The man raised his head: "what gift!"

The woman came up to him and suddenly pulled out her knife and stabbed him.

The man almost dodged at the same time, but his arm was still cut. He quickly took out a gun and fired at the woman's forehead.

With the gun, the woman fell.

Men pick eyebrows: "hypnotized!"

"That boy really gave me another surprise!"

There's a note in a woman's pocket!

You've given me so many surprises, I'll give you one today!


at 4 o'clock sharp, I went to bed. I must finish writing early tomorrow. I must

Today, for my great spicy God, send your monthly ticket on November 1st, OK?

Raise your feet, OK! , the fastest update of the webnovel!