The blood king

Chapter 96 Pay What You Owe

"..." Levi's gaze shited.

' Looking around frantically would be suspicious, so I have to do it calmly.'

'....Demon saint, are all of your puppets in the crowd?' Levi asked after some thought.

' Yes. Having them out in the open would not be good. Although they aren't rotting yet, their lifeless eyes and pale skin would still draw attention.' The demon saint explained.

' Hehehe, I'm surprised he talked to me since he should still be wary of me.'

' i should screw with him a bit while he doesn't know that using mental energy is all I can do, hehehe.' The demon saint thought silently.

' still, though, this little bit of mental energy isn't even a quarter of my original amount....' The demon saint thought.


' Hmm...I can't use mental energy either since he would sense it.'

' The demon saint's mental energy is thin, so the chances of him noticing it are not high.'

' I could try to do that, but another problem is the mental energy flame, it's too eye-catching.' Levi thought.

' Can I only wait? But for how long?' Levi thought.

He had waited for over half a day silently, without breaking a sweat.

But when it came to waiting now, he was impatient.

"...Hmm?" Levi suddenly had an idea.

' Maybe that might work.'

His vision blurred, before only a few simple colors existed in the world he could see.


At the front of the crowd.

" Too ugly. Even if you're a virgin, I would take a sheep over you! Get lost!" Elder rock shouted with annoyance.

" Hehe, poor girl." The girl clinging to elder rock laughed lightly, with a few hidden meanings.

A girl with short, rusty black hair failed to hold back her tears, as they rolled down her freckled face.

" I didn't even want to become your wife! If it wasn't because of you, do you think I would even be here?!" The girl shouted while sobbing.

she was humiliated and angry, causing her to forget her position.

" You horny old man, why don't you just leave us alone?! The previous sect master was-"


" Aghhhhh!"

A crushing pressure enveloped the girl, causing her to drop to her knees.

When she felt her legs break on impact, it brought her back to reality.

" help!...." She said weakly, as she turned her head to look at the people behind her.

Without her noticing, the people surrounding her had long distanced themselves from her.

"..." She looked around with tears in her eyes, tears filled with regret.

Her eyes pleaded with the people around her for help.

she looked around for someone who would defend her, but everyone avoided her gaze.

"..." Even her old parents did this, causing her heart to sink.

Only then did she realize that she was alone in the world.

That she would die for saying things in a fit of rage, and that not even her parents would come to her defense.

"...Haha.." Her eyes became crescents, as tears still squeezed from between them.

A laugh filled with sadness echoed out lightly, as she resigned herself.

" Hehe, how pitiful, she was abandoned by everyone." The girl holding elder rock laughed, but there was only pity in her eyes.

" Aww, too bad."


" Why don't you take her in out of pity~? C'mon, it was only a suggestion, no need to kill me with your glares~"

Three of the four girls surrounding elder rock spoke, while clinging to him one after the other.

" Hehe, don't you think that you are touching the sect master a bit much?" The girl said, as her grip on elder rocks chest and back tightened.

" Not as much as you~" The other girl replied, as she lightly rested her head on elder rock's lap.

" Aww, come on guys, don't fight! sharing is better, isn't it?" The last of the three girls said as she clutched elder rock's arm, a light smile on her face.

" No!" They both shouted at the same time.

"..." The 4th girl sat silently, her hands resting neatly on her knees.

From the time she arrived, she just gazed straight ahead without any expression.


" Sect master?" The girls, realizing that elder rock was silent, looked up, only to see his eyes slightly widened and his jaw slack.

"...Beautiful...." He mumbled.

In his eyes, the helpless smile of an abandoned girl was simply beautiful.

Since this was the case, he would definitely have her.

In his opinion, all beautiful women should belong to him, and him alone.

" You, on second thought, from today onward, you will belong to me, as one of my wives!" Elder rock suddenly shouted.

" Wha-"

" Huh?!"

The crowd shouted out in confusion.

The pressure disappeared, but the girl's expression didn't change.

She continued to smile silently.

"....What are you all standing around for?! Don't you see my wife in pain?!" Elder rock shouted, shocking the crowd of people.

' Aren't you the one who said you would rather have a sheep for a wife?!'

' And you are the one who did this to her, so why don't YOU get up and help her?!'

' Tsk, I shouldn't have been so quick to distance myself!"

" Daughter, are you ok?!" The girl's parents suddenly shouted.

" W-We will treat her right away!" The people hurriedly said as they began walking towards the girl.

Their faces carried flattering smiles, as they shamelessly pretended as if nothing happened before.

" What are you guys doing?!....Take her back to the sect and treat her!" Elder rock shouted.

This confused the people of demonic city.

In this time, the parents of the girl ran up to her, showing their concern, but she just kept smiling silently.

"...As you wish." Two men walked out from somewhere and said.

One of them lifted the girl easily, disregarding the frantic parents.

They then turned around and began walking.

" You guys....were you ignoring me just then?" Elder rock asked coldly in a hushed voice.

"...No, sir." The two men said simply before continuing on their way.

"...Humph! Continue!" Elder rock snorted.


" Those men..." Levi mumbled to himself.

' I can't really be sure because they weren't wearing armor, but..." He paused.

' Even though they wore the demonic god sect's robe, with that level of qi they should be soldiers....'

' It looked like they came from between those two buildings...'

' I looked at the buildings on both sides of this main street with my infrared vision, but they all appeared as an orangish-yellow color....'

' ....I assume that was because of trapped hot air....there were also a lot of tiny red blotches, but those were too small to be people...' Levi thought silently.

'...But it wouldn't hurt to make sure..' Levi thought silently, as his hands became black and doubled in length.

He channeled blood energy through his hands, causing red lines to appear on them.

The tips of his fingers grew out into small threads.

These threads snapped off as if they were cut, before burrowing into the ground, rotating as they easily dug through the dirt.

Levi continued to do this until there were about 30 pieces of his silk digging towards the buildings on both sides of the street.

'....I feel light..' He thought silently.

He also stored a certain amount of venom in the strands of silk, just to be safe.

' If those tiny blotches are really soldiers, then I should be able to estimate where they are...'

' And even if I don't stab them in any vital spots, with the venom in the silk, they will still die.' He thought as a thick smoke escaped his body.

He controlled it carefully, so as to not draw attention.

The smoke gathered around his hands, before changing their appearance back to normal.

" You....Who-What are you?" A voice caused Levi's head to snap to the side.

The youth who stood beside him looked down at him with his gloomy gaze.

"..." A single thread of black silk began growing from Levi's finger silently, cloaked by the smoke.

He carefully hid his killing intent, as the thread, leaking a purple venom, grew closer to the youth's neck.

" Are you trying to do something to that sect master bastard?" The youth asked in a hushed voice, oblivious to the shadow of death looming over him.

"....If I am?" Levi asked coldly, as he continued to direct the silk.

" Then you should stop.....Although I would like nothing more than to see him dead in a ditch, reality is harsh." The youth said.

" You will only be throwing your life away for nothing." The youth finished.

"..." Levi's eyes widened as silently looked at the youth.

' Is this person actually....concerned about my well-being?....No, that can't be it. Even if that were the case, he still has to die.' Levi thought coldly.


Just as he was about to stab the thread through the youth's neck, the front of the building on the left side of the street exploded, as debris flew.

" Tch!" Levi clicked his tongue.

' I was so startled by this person that I momentarily forgot my real goal!' Levi's brows furrowed, as he peered through the dust cloud.

' I didn't think that there were actually soldiers in these buildings, but that few second slip up alerted them!' Levi thought, as his expression darkened.

'....No, this might be a good thing...' After taking deep breaths to calm himself, Levi's thoughts began churning once again.

' He's adapting quickly, hehehe...' The demon saint laughed curiously.

The people of demonic city fearfully looked to the side.

"....What are you doing? Why did you come out?" Elder rock's cold gaze locked onto the building.

"....We believe that we are being attacked." The muscular soldier who broke down the wall said.

" Attacked? Who is it?" Elder rock asked coldly.

" I don't know, but these...things..came up through the for what they are, I don't know." The soldier's green armor reflected sunlight, as he held between his fingers a thread of Levi's black silk.

"..." Elder rock looked at the soldier silently.


Without warning, he shot up from the cushion, as an eerie black qi poured from his body.

An anchor-like hook made of this black qi shot out, stabbing through the soldier's neck, pinning him to the wall of the wooden building.

"...Do you people think I am a joke?"

" I told you to discretely surround this place, but you instead burst through a building for all to see?" Elder rock asked coldly, as his now red eyes scanned the soldiers.

".....We weren't supposed to come out, but you still called us out to take care of your new vagina..." A soldier mumbled.

The soldier who was pinned to the wall by the hook grabbed at it while gargling blood, but it was pointless.

" You! Who are you to kill one of us?!" One of the braver soldiers shouted.

" You people are nothing more than ants that I decided to give shelter to, but you can't even follow orders correctly." Elder rock said, as his gaze shifted.

" The armies of the cloud continent are sweeping the countries as we speak, eliminating any remnants of you people from the Divine Dragon Continent!"

" If I did not allow you to stay in the demonic god sect, all of you would be dead, and you ask me who am I to kill you?" Elder rock grabbed out towards the soldier.

" ugh!"

The black qi spiraled around the soldier's neck, as it gradually grew tighter, choking him.

"...We..gave you comp...ensa..tion..." The soldier said as the qi continued to tighten.

"" He managed to squeeze out after seeing that elder rock did not plan to stop.

" I apologize for my subordinate's rudeness, sect master, but could you let him go just this once?" A slim man walked from between two buildings on the opposite side of the street.

He wore a simple gray and white robe.

"..." Elder rock looked at the man silently, as a cracking sound rang out.

" You..." Seeing that his words were disregarded, the smile vanished from the man's face.

The soldiers on both sides of the street came out onto it.

" I am very grateful that you helped us in our time of need, but what do you think you are doing?" The slim man asked, as his pitch-black pupils locked on to elder rock's face.

" Do you think that you can kill anyone without consequence because you are in the heaven and earth stages?"

" Do you think that you can win any fight just because your cultivation level is high?!" The man asked, as a strong, dark killing intent leaked from his body.

" Anyone who is weaker than me has no right to complain about being killed by me." Elder rock said coldly, his words laced with arrogance.

" Do I think that I can win any fight because of my high cultivation level?"

" Are you trying to say that you, with your measly 5th level mind opening realm cultivation, can compete with my 4th level heaven and earth stage cultivation?" Elder rock looked down at the man coldly.

" Commander, you should just kill this guy!"

" Even without him and his tiny sect, we can survive in this cloud continent!"

" The cloud continent soldiers are nothing to us!"

" You can't allow him to insult the great Divine Dragon Continent like this!"

The man listened to his soldiers silently, as his gaze became cold.


Deng! Puchi!

Crack! Puchi!


" Aghh!"

" what?! these- ugh!"

" Those things! We forgot about them!"

" Were they playing dead?!"

" What are they!?"

The sound of things slamming into metal rang out, as Levi's silk easily pierced the green armor.

Those who were lucky enough to notice the silk activated their defensive qi, but unluckily, it was shattered and pierced through easily.

" Ahhhh!"

" Kyaaa!"

" Run! We will die if we stay!"

" We'll die if we get in between a fight with martial artists!"

The people of demonic city could no longer take it, as they scattered, intent on getting away from the main street.

"..." Levi skilfully controlled the threads.

Every time he stabbed a soldier, he would release some venom into their bodies.

" Hmm?" A slim man wearing only a white and gray robe caught his attention, as he shot one of the threads toward him.

" Who or what is it?! Come out!" The slim man shouted with bloodshot eyes.

' What? I am sure I just stabbed through his head...' Levi thought silently.

As the people were still running around, neither the man nor elder rock found Levi.

' Demon saint!' Levi called out.

' Hehehe, gotcha!' The demon saint laughed.

The 30 or so corpses of the soldiers that the demon saint controlled began running towards the platform where elder rock and the rest of the soldiers stood.

" Huh?"

" Hey! Those guys are!"


Boulder sized explosions rippled out from the bodies of the puppets, as the ground trembled.

Elder rock shielded himself and the four girls on the platform with qi, while the slim man retreated, leaving after images with every step.

He could only drag the soldier that was right next to him by his hand while shielding himself with qi.

Multiple smells permeated the air.

The iron-like, raw smell of blood.

The earthy scent of dirt.

After the dust settled, both the slim man and elder rock looked in the same direction.

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While all of the people from demonic city ran, one person stood in place and observed them silently.

" Who are you?" The slim man asked coldly.

Looking at the destruction caused by the explosions, and the number of broken body parts that littered the ground, the man suppressed his rage and asked.

"..." Elder rock watched silently, as he stood protectively in front of the four girls.

"..." The blood that was splattered on the ground by the explosions floated into the air, before flying towards Levi.

Any broken body parts shriveled, as the blood floated towards Levi.


" All of that and it only raised my blood energy level by one...." Levi mumbled.

" You..." Elder rock squinted his eyes, as he scanned Levi's face and body.

" Humph! I was wondering which master attacked, but in the end, it was just a cockroach with the 9 lives of a cat!" Elder rock snorted, as his posture loosened.

" Who is he?" The slim man cast a sidelong glance at elder rock.

" Humph!" Elder rock simply snorted, ignoring the question.

" A nice sunset...." Levi said as he looked at the reddish sunset.

" A beautiful eveningfor you to die, don't you think?" Levi asked as a smile crept onto his face.

He touched his face, causing the smoke to dissipate, removing the hump from his nose, along with his enlarged cheekbones and reverting his eyes to their normal size.

" Hehehe..." He laughed coldly, as the red returned to his hair, from the roots to the ends.

While the color returned, the knot became undone, causing his hair to fall loosely.

" You owe me a life, and I've come to collect!" As Levi said this, his eyes slowly regained their glowing golden color, as a powerful killing intent erupted from his body.