The Black Fog that Devours

CH 44

“Is this the northern front line…?”

“Yes, it is.”

“It’s shockingly freezing here…”

“Why do I even have to be here…?”

At present, the four of us, consisting of myself, Aria, Houki, and Chirito have reached the frontline base to combat the demons generated by X-J4’s Demon King, “The Frozen Silver Snow King” situated in the north. After making use of the transportation line, it has been a week since we walked there. It was a long journey.

Incidentally, it is said that the northern land is under complete control of the Snow King, and the front line is the tunnel that connects the northern land and this site. This tunnel cannot be destroyed for both parties due to the loss of control of the sea.

But even on the way here, we encountered and engaged in battles with demons that were not from the “White Fog and Black Swamp Forest” from time to time, indicating that the defense is not completely established.

“So, first of all, we have to meet the commanding officer of this place, the one called Otachi, right?”

“Yes. That is what our master has informed us.”

Master… is that right? Aria is undoubtedly an outstanding force, but she is a pure demon after all, which means that she is not trustworthy in regards to defeating Kurokiri.

“Then let’s meet at the earliest opportunity. Chirito, Houki, if we’re lucky, we’ll get to sleep in a bed today!”

“That would sure be niceー”

“I wonder if there’s a warm bath in there?”

“There must be! Come on, let’s go!”

Thus we proceed to the base, which has been named the Northern Liberation Frontier Base.

“If you could, I would like you to leave now.”

“What! Why!”

When I have reached the base, what has been awaiting me is an acerbic response.

There is no one in my immediate vicinity currently. When we showed up at the base and tried to meet Otachi-san, the three of them have been told to wait outside the building that is supposed to be the command post.

“Isn’t that self-evident? The presence of untrained members of the general public would only serve to impede our coordination, and what do you expect us to do with food, heating, weapons, and other necessities of life to provide for you? On top of that, all of you are still children.”


T-that’s too righteous of an argument. However, I can’t pull out at this point!

“We are!” “Excuse me for interrupting.”

Hey, Aria!? When did you move next to me! And please don’t cover my mouth!

“It seems you’re not even a kin.”

“Yes. I am one of the demon Mystic created by the ‘King of the Devouring Black Fog’. My name is Aria Mystic.”

“What is your business?”

“Yes. We have come here with the message that cooperation with your forces is not required, and that simply providing us with a battleground will suffice.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means precisely what it sounds like. Our aim is to accumulate experience, and the permission to participate in the battle was granted to us by the Fog King and the Prime Minister.”


Hmm. Otachi-san has become deafeningly silent. He seems to be distressed over something.

“Ah. I understand. In that case, head for the tunnel that leads to the other side. I will assign a guide to show you the way, and please train him while you’re at it.”

“Thank you.”

“At the very least, I’ll arrange for your sleeping accommodations so you may return when you’re exhausted.”

“T-thank you very much.”

After thanking Otachi-san, Aria and I leave the building.

And just as we are going outside, Houki and Chirito approach us.

“Lady Ryo, how was the reception?”

“And, would we be able to sleep in a bed tonight!”

“Don’t worry. There is no problem either. We’ll have a guide… well, I suppose you could call him a guard, but he seems to be a soldier as well.”

At my words, Houki breaks into a smile and Chirito exchanges a look of delight.

“Then, we should get going once we meet up with the guide!”

“Understood, Miss.” “I understand.” “Eh.”

And with that, we join up with a soldier by the name of Tachikabe Tsuyoshi, and head for the tunnel.

“Are you serious…?”

“Do you expect me to joke about it?”

“No, I don’t think so. But why…?”

Right now, I have been summoned to Captain Otachi’s room. And the mission that has been allocated to me is…

“Why am I babysitting a group of Kirijin from the capital?”

It is a babysitting assignment that I never dreamed of. I mean, I’ve witnessed various disturbing incidents involving the Kirijin, such as that mad scientist and the “Purge of the Fog,” so I’d rather not have any further association with them.

“Of course, it’s because you’re the most appropriate person for the role, or rather, it’s impossible to find someone else to deal with the ‘Kirijin’. Everybody is terrified of the ‘Kirijin’ following the ‘Purge of the Fog’ incident.

“I am in the same boat with those people though…”

At the very least, let me try to refute this.

“However, you’re in a lot better position. You do realize that, with the Hisano Ichiko event, even Kirijin possesses the same mindset as humans, right?”

“Ah, I get it. Then I will accept this assignment.”

“Very well. While you’re at it, raise your level as high as you can.”


After that, I exit the facility and proceed to the Kirijin’s designated building.