The Best Matrilocal Son-in-law

Chapter 46

City hospital.

In the evening, the doctors were getting ready for work.

Long Yunhan, the most beautiful and kind-hearted nurse in the hospital, came to work on the night shift. Suddenly, he found Zhang Yaoqiang covered with blood at the door and called for emergency treatment.

Zhang Yaoqiang has a strange knife in his chest. The blood is still flowing. His consciousness is very clear, but his limbs have lost their initiative, his eyes can't be opened, and his brain is blank. He doesn't know who he is.

He felt his body carried to the bed in the emergency room, ready for emergency treatment.

At this time, the surgeon Chen Deming asked, "is the family of the injured here? Tell him to sign quickly and pay the hospitalization fee. "

Long Yunhan said: "I didn't see the family members of the injured. He fell at the door alone."

Chen Deming glared at her unfriendly and said, "what are you doing with long Yunhan? You really think you are a little dragon girl. There are no family members. You have to pay for the expenses in the hospital! Besides, he has a knife in his body! Maybe he's still wanted! Can we save people of unknown origin? Hurry to find out if he has a mobile phone and ID card or something. He didn't report to the police immediately. "

Looking at the dying Zhang Yaoqiang, long Yunhan said anxiously, "no matter what, you have to save people first! If he is a victim and we don't save him in time, he will die. "

Zhang Yaoqiang closed his eyes and listened to their conversation, but he couldn't move.

Zhang Yaoqiang didn't even find his ID card on the next two rounds.

"Call the police and deal with it quickly!" Chen Deming put down the tools to prepare for the operation and said that he was about to leave the emergency room.

Long Yunhan stopped him and said, "Doctor Chen, you can't go! Even if the police come, they have to save people first! I'm going to pay for his hospitalization expenses immediately. Please operate on him first

Chen Deming seems to despise long Yunhan. He hums coldly and says, "are you kidding? Can you afford your salary? This boy's virtue must require blood transfusion. "

Long Yunhan could no longer hold back his tears and cried: "I'll pay 20000 first, and I'll make up the debt tomorrow. Dr. Chen, please, help! It's too late. "

Chen Deming seemed to enjoy watching her tears. He laughed happily and said, "long Yunhan, I tell you how poor your family is. I know that it will cost at least 50000 or 60000 to save this boy. If you can't repay it, please don't pit me. I also have a wife and children to support." Then she pushed away and walked out of the emergency room.

Long Yunhan shouts out of the room and continues to beg him for help.

Two other nurses called the police in a hurry.

Long Yunhan has no way to stop Chen Deming from leaving from work. She runs back to the emergency room and sees the other two nurses leave indifferently.

She doesn't understand why people are so cold-blooded now. She tries her best to stop Zhang Yaoqiang's bleeding and tears, waiting for the arrival of the police.

Zhang Yaoqiang could clearly hear her cry and feel the shaking of her hands. He comforted her in his heart and said: "sister, don't be afraid, brother can't die..."

It's time for the doctor to be on duty.

A sound of police siren brings hope to long Yunhan, and he goes out to meet the police.

As soon as the police saw Zhang Yaoqiang's handsome face, they didn't know who he was, but they were sure that he was not a wanted criminal. They quickly called for the doctor to save people first.

But the doctor on duty came late. Despite his best efforts, he failed. Before blood transfusion, Zhang Yaoqiang stopped breathing.

Hearing the doctor's words, long Yunhan cried out on the spot.

Zhang Yaoqiang is still conscious, but he doesn't understand why he stopped breathing. In his heart, he yelled, "I'm still alive, I'm not dead..."

But no one can feel his vital signs.

By this time, it was dark.

Listening to long Yunhan's heartbroken cry, he was sent to the morgue and temporarily placed in the corner, waiting for the police to deal with it tomorrow.

He really wanted to open his eyes and see what the kind girl looked like, but he couldn't do it, so he could only listen to her sad sobs gradually go away.

The air conditioning in the mortuary was very cold. Zhang Yaoqiang felt that his body was being invaded by the air conditioning, and his mind was still blank. He didn't know who he was, where he came from, and who stabbed him.

Everything around him was as quiet as death. He suddenly thought that he might really be dead. The reason why he knows everything now is that his soul has not left his body.

He said in his heart: "you'll die if you die. You don't know who you are. What do you want to do with this leather bag? You'd better go out and see what that kind little sister looks like. I'll always remember her..."

He tossed about for a long time, but also failed to become a ghost floating out of his body like the legend.

At this moment, he clearly heard footsteps in the corridor, and then the door opened and two people came in together.Zhang Yaoqiang could hear that the light and heavy footsteps were a man and a woman. The woman kept making a hum, as if she had been covered.

Although she just made a few sounds, Zhang Yaoqiang's keen hearing still recognized that it was the voice of the little nurse long Yunhan. He could not help but get nervous and said in his heart, "what happened? What happened to long Yunhan? "

Bang bang! Two, long Yunhan has no sound.

Then, Zhang Yaoqiang felt a big powerful hand reaching out to him, grabbed his foot, tore him off the corpse bed and threw him on the cold floor.

Then he can hear that the man puts long Yunhan down on the corpse bed, gives out chilly laughter and tears her dress

"What are you doing..." Zhang Yaoqiang was lying on the cold floor, desperately trying to stand up and open his eyes, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only scold angrily in his heart, listening to the brutality of that bastard man, no one could understand his mood at the moment.

The beast was over soon, but he did something worse. He put the unconscious long Yunhan into the freezer where he put the corpse, and then left with a cold laugh.

Zhang Yaoqiang's heart is full of hate, because he thought long Yunhan had been killed, shed tears for her, quietly prayed for her, hoping to meet in heaven.

At this time, I suddenly heard someone calling for help, the voice was very weak, and there was a bang sound coming from the freezer.

"She's not dead, she's still alive, I'm going to let her out..." Zhang Yaoqiang cried in his heart, but he still couldn't move. His heart was as painful as a broken one. He couldn't bear that a kind girl was killed in this way. He yelled in his heart. He really hoped that he could stand up and save her, even if he would exchange his life for him.