The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

88 Chapter 88- wager is high

Zhi Hei: "mmm, you say you're a student? Then, learn from your teacher, me" he leaned in to kiss her.

Shi Xue: "!!!nnnn!!! I I meant patient!! I mistakenly said it just now since I just woke up!"

Zhi Hei: "Oh? Or you just wanted to provoke me and try out an indecent teacher-student relationship? Hmmm? what's your next role? Patient and doctor?" he grinned teasingly.

Shi Xue blushed as she pulled the blanket over her head and hid underneath it.

Zhi Hei chuckled from her reaction and crawled under the blankets with her. "So what's next, my wife?" he lifted her chin with an amused expression.

Shi Xue thought to herself as she bit her lips roughly, "I can't stand this torture anymore!!! This delicious beauty is in front of me obviously trying to win my favor!! I want to xx this and that to him!!!! But but... this isn't home..... mm maybe just.. a little.... bit?" She totally forgot about her 'patient' status just a minute ago..

"Hehe" she giggled.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Just that..." she rolled on top of him and pressed her lips roughly onto his soft lips. She had longed for his touch since she woke up earlier, but was feeling discomfort so she held herself back. Since she just recovered her memories, she wanted to play her games slowly.. who knew this naughty husband of hers would be such a beauty!

The couple kissed each other passionately over and over again. At first, they gave each other small pecks. Then, their hot tongues were cuddling with one another in Zhi Hei's mouth. When Zhi Hei tried to move his hands onto her body, she stopped him by pinning him down. She sat up on his body and licked her bruised lips. "You're not allowed to touch me this time~ against the rules, teacher" she winked at him.


"Okay" he obediently nodded. Seeing Zhi Hei cooperate with her this easily, she revealed an entrancing smile. She started rubbing her private areas onto his. She rocked onto him gently and she moaned into his ears, "mmmm ... Zhi Heii.. Ahhh.. you're getting hard.." She bit his earlobe and licked the back of her ears. She knew all of his sensitive spots and one by one tested his tolerance. While she sucked onto his left nipple, one of her hands had already found its way to his hardened buddy sticking out of his boxers. She started teasing it from its tip. Feeling her finger's tease, Zhi Hei trembled slightly and moaned, she smirked. "Do you want it~"

He moaned softly, "Only if it's you."

"Such a sweet mouth, then I shall reward you..." She positioned her body so that her vagina was faced towards Zhi Hei and his little buddy was faced towards her face. She leaked some saliva onto his hot erected rod first, before rubbing it again. This time, she started licking his rod with passion and pleasure. As she sucked his rod, she started to finger herself in front of his face. Her moans got louder and louder. Her tongue and sucking movements became faster and faster. When he almost reached his climax, he couldn't help it and toppled over her. He covered her mouth with his because another moan from her would make him lose all control. She just woke up a while ago, so such intense exercises aren't too suited for her body and health. Though it is heathy for him... the show she gave him was more than enough.

"Be good." he whispered, sending down shivers to her spine.


Hearing her sneeze, he quickly dressed her up and wrapped her up into a big bun in bed.

"Too many layers!!" she pouted.

"Better be warm than cold." he felt her forehead to feel her temperature.

"It was getting to the good part!" she complained

"Your body won't handle it."

"Tch.. who was it that started seducing me first? huuuh? now, you talk about self control after recking mine?"

He was slightly guilty for that.....hah....


Queen... uh Mother Huang was enjoying her sips of tea as her gorgeous sharp killer eyes glared at the three frightened maggots on the floor. They were no longer daring to struggle or wiggle on the floor. The room was dead silent after Mother Huang threw out the challenge to Yu Rou.

Mother Huang: "Your last chance, you sure you're wanting to take on my challenge? The wager is quite high."

Yu Rou held a confident face, "I'm sure."

Mother Huang: "Oh? I guess I'm wrong once again in my judgements."

Yu Rou: "What do you mean?"

Mother Huang: "I thought you would have at least an Iq of 0 to use your brain and reconsider this challenge, then quit. But, you disappoint me, your IQ is actually negative. Let me make this clear, weeping acts are bullshit in my eyes."

Yu Rou: "Don't worry, mother Huang. I'll make sure you accept me as your daughter in law sooner or later with your grandchild in my tummy."

Mother Huang: "You think it's easy to become a Huang? We don't look or have any standards, but you, definitely won't be one in any lifetimes."

Yu Rou clenched her teeth as she swore on the child in her stomach that she will make sure the Huangs regret their decision today and beg her to be their daughter in law!