The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

63 Chapter 63- Mos's company's contrac

When Shen Qi got home, the first thing he did was text Hui Yan, letting her know that he got home safely so that she wouldn't have to worry about him. She responded with a blushing emoticon...

Hui Yan was restless that night as she rolled around in bed excitedly.

She took the stuffed toy that Shen Qi had gifted to her a while back and started talking to it.

"Mr.bunny, why did Shen Qi kiss me? Could it be that he likes me? but then he didn't mention anything afterwards.... or could he be fooling around with me? But he doesn't seem like the type to do that... ahhhh what should I do????? talk to him about it or no? What do you think? "

Soon... birds were chirping and sunlight shone into her bedroom...

She didn't sleep the whole night and had super dark circles under her eyes.

-Royal Bradsmere apartment-

Qi Wing opened her eyes and saw a familiar ceiling. She woke up with a massive headache and went for a shower. After she showered, she saw that Ze Yang was sleeping on the couch. He looked tired with eye bags on his face. She touched his face gently before tears formed in her eyes.

"Why are you crying again?" he yawned as he sat up to stretch. He placed his hand on the girl's face and wiped her tears away gently.

"I..I thought you don't love me anymore. Don't want me anymore"

"How could I not when you've done so much for me?"

She sniffled and hugged him "I knew you're the only one for me!!!"

He sighed and rubbed her head "Don't break so many things next time. We have to look for new replacements again."

She nodded happily.

"Oh right, I heard from your father that he successfully won the bidding for Mos company's contract. We should have a family meeting and congratulate him."

"Oh right!!! I totally forgot about that. He wanted that project so much that he almost had a heart attack when he received the notice of winning the contract! I also heard that Huang corps participated too, but their bidding was slightly lower than ours. Hah, who cares if those bitches from Huang family humiliated me last night? We won the bidding for the contract! They're the losers and I will wave the contract into their faces when we meet at the next business meeting!"

"Don't go too far. Making an extra friend is better than an enemy."

"Hmph! That bitch poured wine all over me and her brother's girlfriend made me banned from such an important business partner's events from now on! What friend can we even become? They were obviously looking for a fight!"

Ze Yang sighed as he got ready for work..


Ze Yang: CONGRATULATIONS UNCLE SHI! We knew you could win that contract!

Qi Wing: Congratulations Daddy!!!

Shi Huang Jie laughed heartily: "This feels so great!!! I even won Huang corps this time!! Hah!"

Qi Wing: YES DADDY!! Bring me along when you go to the contract signing! I want to smack the contract in front of Huang Zhi Hei's damn face to show him how karma comes around!

Shi Huang Jie: "You sound like you aren't on friendly terms with them. Did something happen?"

Ze Yang: "Qi Wing is now blacklisted from attending any of the future business events as guests under one of our largest business partners because of the Huang family!"

Shi Huang Jie: "WHAT?? SUCH NONSENSE!!"

Qi Wing: "Yes Yes daddy!! Not only that!! they were bullying and humiliating me at the party!!!" she sobbed.

Shi Huang Jie: "HMPH! Then we must show these arrogant bastards what power is! and how successful our contracts are!"

-Lunch in Huang Mansion-

Shi Xue was in a very good mood today as she recalled the incident at the party the previous night. She still couldn't figure out why she disliked the couple so much that she wanted to destroy their happy faces. Eh, who cares maybe they were born to be hated she thought to herself as she reached for another slice of bread. Before she got the bread, Zhi Hei was faster by one step.

"Condense milk and peanut butter on top? extra strawberries"

"MMMM" she smiled dazzlingly at the handsome man whose carefully applying the toppings on her bread.

AHHHHH I can't get enough of this scene. He looks more delicious than the bread... can I eat him instead? She chuckled as her dirty thoughts filled up her mind.

Hearing her chuckles, he smiled and informed her "Recently, I made a bid on a large project, but didn't win at the end. There is a signing contract ceremony that all participants must attend. I want to bring you with me."

She looked at him with an eccentric expression, "But I'm not your employee and I'm not related to it."

"You are."

"How so?"

"1. you're my girlfriend, the future mistress of the Huang household.

and 2. you can play more while you're there. The couple you dislike will be there."

This is also a chance for her to start remembering pieces of her past. Though it is painful and I wish for her to never recover those memories.. but I can't bring myself to do anything with her further without her knowing her past... It's unfair to her..

The moment she heard the two reasons, she nodded her head. She showed a sweet smile as she continued eating her lunch. "Okay~ Let's see what the two annoying love birds got this time."

"In the evening, I need to go out for a meeting. I need you to accompany me."

Shi Xue paused and gave a troubled expression.."Can I not go?"

He replied "No. We can go shopping afterwards though."

When she heard the word 'shopping' she thought of the mall and streets filled with people. She quickly agreed and hurriedly finished her lunch before running upstairs to get changed.

He laughed seeing her rush up like that... it's only shopping and she's already this excited...

He called Shen Qi and informed him to make sure security is extra tight since Shi Xue is coming along...