The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

46 Chapter 46- Protection

After returning to the previous room, the tension in the room rose. Zhi Hei went back to his seat and crossed his legs with the aura of a mighty king. Xia Jing Lin and Yu rou were kneeling for a while in silence. After a while, Yu Rou lost her balance and sat on the floor looking at Zhi Hei with sadness in her eyes.

Just hours ago, I was the princess of the party. Everyone was jealous of my beauty and I was winning Zhi Hei's heart. How can the difference between hours ago and now be so distant? But... Zhi Hei is currently quiet.... so... could it be that in front of his parents and guests, he must act strict? Maybe after seeing the scene of Shi Xue being touched by that man, his heart broke so he just wanted to release his anger? So the previous acts within these hours could be him protecting me? Just now didn't father Huang pat his shoulder and he replied that 'he is a real man'? So.. this is how it is.. and here I'm all silly playing it the wrong way. He was just doing this to keep his reputation! So he does love me! Or else he wouldn't do all this and now quiet down! Hehe.. so it's like this. I knew there is no way Zhi Hei wouldn't be moved by me! He's probably upset because I almost exposed him just now.. hehe he might be waiting for me to go comfort him and he will immediately let me and father go! Yes, that must be it!

"Ahh... my ankle hurts. It must have been sprained from my fall just now! Zhi Hei~~ come over and help me up~ " she held her arms up in the air as she looked at him with a grin.

Zhi Hei tilted his eyebrow up and stared at her with disinterest.

Seeing that he didn't say anything and move, she got up herself and walked up to him leaving a few steps distance between them. His hand was used to support his head on the chair. He didn't know what she was going to do next, but definitely not something smart.

She took a deep breathe and said: "Zhi Hei... I was wrong.. I shouldn't have acted reckless in front of your parents just now. I should've remained quiet and let you handle the situation. But but you can't blame me for this! That bitch, slut Shi Xue was pretending to be hurt and acting innocent! she even got mother Huang's sympathy and resulted in me getting two slaps from mother Huang! She always looked after me like a daughter, how can I suffer such a blow! You should've hinted me too so you're also at fault! " she pouted.


Zhi Hei was so confused in which part of his rejection did Yu Rou not understand. He clearly stated his feelings... but she still didn't seem to understand it?

"Was.. I not clear enough? But how much more simpler could I make the words 'I never loved you' it was the most direct and simple way for even pigs to understand... Damn, her low EQ and IQ makes my head hurt. Whatever, not like it matters, she can express her own self loving act for the next minutes before she sees it for herself." Zhi Hei thought to himself as he remained the same straight face.

Xia Jing Lin didn't understand what his daughter was blabbering about. He went to his daughter and whispered "Daughter, what are you talking about? Why are you pouting in front of the man who just rejected you?"

Yu Rou observed around the room and saw that there were still bodyguards in the range so she lowered her voice that only her and her father could hear.

"Daddy, Zhi Hei did all the acts earlier to remain his reputation. Just now even father Huang said that he had never been this serious and Zhi Hei said that he is a real man. All along, he had been putting on a show to protect me. He can't let me go easily like that because the event caused a ruckus already. He can only treat me wrongly and then come back to me afterwards. He's probably acting like this right now to have others think we are being punished. So he's waiting for me to comfort him right now! This man's heart had been mine!"

Hearing her explanation and feeling that it all adds up together he revealed a small grin. "So this youngster actually does like you. Hah, good plan good plan. He isn't that bad after all using this method to protect his reputation and you. Good. Very good!"

Seeing that the father and daughter duo is now grinning instead of feeling guilt or disgrace, Zhi Hei's headache worsened.

"Shen Qi, you better be quick or else your vacation time request will be rejected by me. Sigh. Closing my eyes is better than seeing these two pigs." Zhi Hei thought in his mind as he frowned slightly. He closed his eyes the next second to avoid seeing the stupid pigs in front of him.

Xia Jing Ling saw that Zhi Hei closed his eyes and quickly spoke in a low voice to his daughter "Go! Go! he closed his eyes. He must be getting impatient from wanting you by his side!"

"Okay, father. Don't worry! I got it all under control!"