The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

41 Chapter 41- Torture you to death

The man was scared whits at the moment and in intensive pain as his chest had an enormous pressure pressing onto itmaking it hard to breathe. When he didn't respond, Zhi Hei stomped again. He squealed in pain as he splatted out few mouthfuls of blood.

Zhi Hei's extreme pressuring aura and merciless blood thirsting glare made the man on the floor lose all colors on his face. "If you don't want to talk, I have no problem torturing you in countless ways. I can first use tooth pinks to slowly carve your eyeballs out, but before carving it out, I'll make sure you watch your own eyes getting picked by the tooth picks. Until your eyeball is dyed red and you are rolling in extreme pain that is when I carve your eyeball out. Next I will be nice and allow you to keep your other eyeball as I help you restructure your nose. What should I use? trimming scissors? Or a small knife.. oh wait no... I should experiment a bit and cover your nose with a layer of honey and stuff your nose into a bees nest."

The man trembled and tried to avoid his eye contact. Zhi Hei grabbed the man's hair and continued while staring straight into his guilty eyes..

"As for your mouth, it seems you don't like to speak. Let me help you pluck all your teeth out one by one with no pain killers. I'll ensure you that you wont die from bleeding. I'll make sure doctors are there to stop your bleeding as well. Then your tongue... Hmm.. you don't want to speak.. then your tongue is useless, I'll have someone forcefully pull it out from your mouth and then string it as a necklace for you. "

"didn't you love touching my woman..? Did you know that she is my wife? Even I don't dare to raise my voice at her or have nails long enough to cut her. When she coughed a little, my heart would shatter just from that. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO LAY YOUR DIRTY HANDS ON HER AND DARED TO ABUSE HER. YOU MUST NOT WANT TO LIVE LONG. BUT DONT WORRY, I'LL MAKE YOUR DAYS AHEAD WISHING DEATH, BUT CANT. NOW, talk or not.. your choice. you have one chance. Don't think I only have you as evidence. You should know with my status how easy it is for me to retrieve phone recordings. Don't test my patience"

After hearing Zhi Hei's threats in torturing him alive, he felt a wet sticky sensation from his lower half of the body. The room was immediately filled with a very smell of urine.

Zhi Hei stomped again, this time on the man's fingers. Each crush made bone cracking sounds. Zhi Hei continued, "It seems like you wish to test my patience. I have all the time in the world to play with you. It doesn't seem like you listen to others words. You know how disrespectful that is? Your ears are useless to you too it seems. I'll help you fill it up with different flesh eating insects and have it all slowly crawl into your ears and eat its way into your brain. Your nerves will slowly die and you will feel it. As you scream in agony, my handy mans will skillfully dissect your body alive. First, they will use a dissecting knife and cut open a layer of your skin. Then they will forefully rip your skin off and skin you alive. If you are losing too much blood? Ah, salt water is GREAT for wounds.."

The man did not want to listen anymore as he already felt extreme pain from being stepped on. He quickly gathered his breath and said "i...I'll tell you... but you.. you must let me leave afterwards!"

Zhi Hei stared at the bastard who should be sliced into a million pieces... "okay."

The man's heart cursed Xia Yu Rou an infinite amount of times for getting him into this mess! X...Xia.. Yu.. R..rou" he said with great difficulty.

"You will be the witness for this and point out that bitch, you hear me?"

"y...yes.." having no choice left, the man could only agree.

"Shen Qi, bring that disgraceful bitch and her father here. Since they love recordings so much, screen what will happen in the room and expose it to the guests downstairs"

Shen Qi didn't dare delay his task as it involved the future mistress whom this devil loved dearly. Normally, even a man's sight laying on his lover would make him give a cursing glance. Now... this man... sigh....

"Talk. Which hands touched my wife?"


"Where." his eyes became extremely cold as he sanitized his own hands before reaching for his wife whose pale and unconscious on the bed. He heart achingly held her in his arms as he felt her trembles and shivers. "She must've been so scared" he thought as he hugged her tightly. Feeling a familiar embrace made her relax a little, but the pain did not decrease as she clenched her teeth and sweat formed on her body.

"...I just s..started when c..came in. I... r..ripped her dress and slapped her a few times... then touched her lips..."

"Where did the bruises and cuts from her arms come from then?"

"W..when I carried her up, s..she struggled... and hit a few corners...."

Shen Qi entered the room and informed that the doctors have arrived and the screens downstairs were installed. Zhi Hei brought Shi Xue to the next room and gently placed her in bed.

"Shen Qi, stay here and inform me if anything happens. The doctors can give her a checkup"

"Yes." as Shen Qi let the doctors in for examination.

Back in the room, three bodyguards was present and the other few were outside the room keeping others out. Xia Jing Lin was hugging his daughter as she trembled vigorously. She was shivering in fear as she bit on her pale lips. She felt tensed the moment she saw the bodyguards charging upstairs and the entrances being blocked. The pink lipstick she had on had been long gone from her intensive lip biting motion. She sneaked a glance at the demon king whose sitting with a straight faced expression.

Not only after, the silence broke.