The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

39 Chapter 39- Announcemen

Mrs.Huang: "Oh right, have you spoken to Xia Jing in yet? about annuling the engagement between our son and Yu Rou?"

Mr.Huang:"Yes.. but this old geezer dotes too much on his daughter, he refused to let go with the engagement. Apologizing doesn't work either. He pampers his daughter the most so how can he accept the fact that his daughter whose perfect in all ways in his eyes be less than the girl that our son fell for? He even claimed that our son is temporary blinded and would thank him a lot later on for setting them up.. sigh.."

Mrs.Huang sensed a headache coming as she shook her head in disbelief: "He needs to learn how to raise his daughter well. Though we've watched them grow up together and Yu Rou, isn't a bad girl, she's too spoiled for her age. She can't always get what she wants especially when love can't be forced. The way she threw her frustration over the phone and cried about Zhi Hei's change of words.. this.. it's just unacceptable."

Mr.Huang: "We all know our son is easy going when it comes to family matters, but when it came to his private life, he hates people who tried to interfere. Let him deal with it."


*taps on shoulder*

"Ahem, Mr. Huang Zhi Hei, looking somebody?"

he chuckled and pulled her to his embrace. "Yes, you"

"hehe, I saw you from far away, but you walked the opposite direction! What would you do if you lost me huuuh?" she said teasingly

"mmm, mmm you're right. Then to make sure I won't lose you again. Let's do this" he held her hands with their fingers intertwined.

"This way we won't lose each other again" he said dotingly.

She smiled sweetly as she complained that the party is boring. He brushed her hair gently and said "If you don't like it here, we will leave after the host speaks"

"Mmm!" she replied with satisfaction.

Yu Rou made her way to the sweet couple again to start a conversation. She was so annoyed as she walked through the crowds and heard comments on how beautiful Shi Xue was and how perfect she and Zhi Hei looked. All these words were knives stabbing her heart endlessly. When Yu Rou saw the couple in their own world standing at a corner, she decided to make Shi Xue feel like an outcast. She casted a wicked smile as she approached the couple.

Yu Rou: Zhi Hei! I heard you recently bid for an upcoming machinery contract.

Zhi Hei's eyes flashed in suspicion, but it quickly went back to normal so nobody saw it.

"Yes. And?"

Yu Rou was taken back by his cold response as he would always talk about business terms with her EVen though she didn't understand much about business, she tried to pretend that she understood to make others envious. "Uh... no I was just asking.."

Zhi Hei: "If I remember correctly, I never disclosed this information. So how did you find out?"

Yu Rou: "Oh.. I heard from my daddy.."


Zhi Hei grew more suspicious as he knew clearly who were competing over the contract.

Shi Xue remained silent by Zhi Hei's side as she reached out for a glass of red wine.

Zhi Hei caught her at the corner of his eyes and took the glass of wine from her hands "You're not allowed to drink"

She pouted and hugged his arms.."Not even a little bit~?"

"No. I'll order orange juice for you."

"Tch... everyone is having wine and only I have orange juice..." she whined.

He rubbed her head lovingly and smiled "We can drink when we are alone"

She blushed and tried to walk away. Her foot felt a sharp pain and her expression showed pain. Zhi Hei quickly held onto her and touched her legs to see what was wrong. Since she wasn't used to walking in heels, the heels scraped the back of her feet leaving painful blisters. He looked at her sore area and felt his heart ache. He picked her up and walked away forgetting about Yu Rou's existence. After placing her down on a nearby seat, he knelt down and sanitized the wound for her. She smiled sweetly seeing his anxious expression. Catching the glimpse of her smile, he looked up with confusion "Why are you still smiling when your feet is in pain?"

She happily replied "Because somebody is doting on me so much that the sweetness overrode the pain. hehehe."

Yu Rou looked at the couple's sweet act feeding her a pile of dog food at her own welcome back party. Her nails dug into her palms as she swore she won't let Shi Xue get out unharmed tonight!

She dialed another call "Get ready to take action."

A little while after, the host of the party, Xia Jing Lin walked up to the stage to give his speech.

"Thank you for all the guests who spent their precious time to this welcome back party for my precious daughter Yu Rou. The welcome back party is not a surprise since everyone had been invited here tonight for it. I am pleased to announce that my Xia family's Yu Rou will be engaged with Huang family's Huand Zhi Hei!" Please give them a round of applause as blessings for their next journey in life! Wishing them happiness!" The crowd murmured to themselves giving strange glances towards the stage and the sweet couple off stage. Seeing such silence, he clenched his teeth and made a toast to the guests.

Xia Yu Rou glanced at Shi Xue as she snickered and grinned from ear to ear. SHI XUE! DID YOU SEE THAT? MY FATHER DECLARED HIM AS MY FIANCE ALREADY. HE CAN ONLY BE MINE.

She made her way to the stage and changed into an innocent expression.

"Zhi Hei and I had been childhood friends. From when we met till now, we've been in love with each other. He always smiled at me and treated me extremely well. He tolerated my reckless requests and countless demands. I, Xia Yu Rou, will only love you Huang Zhi Hei until we grow old and die together."

After giving her speech, the roars of the crowd came back alive. Shi Xue tilted one side of her eyebrows up and looked at Zhi Hei's disappointed expression. He furrowed his brows and pinched the area between his eyebrows with frustration all over his face. He rubbed Shi Xue's arms and told her to wait for him as he dealt with the business on stage.

After Zhi Hei left, she patiently waited for the good show. Suddenly, a waiter approached her and handed her the orange juice Zhi Hei had said he would order for her earlier.

"Thank you" she replied, as she chugged down the juice to quench the thirst she had been holding in the whole night.