The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

34 Chapter 34- Who Wins

Seeing Zhi Hei distancing himself from her, she heard the sounds of her pride shattering.She couldn't believe this. She only left for a year and a half without contacting him and he already got himself a girlfriend!

Ever since the first time I've met him, I had my eyes on him. I was his childhood sweetheart who grew up together with him. He never looked at other woman and always saw them as germs. He could care less about their existence and would only smile at me. I always thought I was special to him and he would eventually propose to me. I thought he wasn't ready to settle down yet, and would miss me after this whole year and a half that I was gone. I never thought... the position I've been expecting to take over... is now with this bitch. No matter how spoiled I act around him, he always tolerated and never rejected me. HOW DARE SHE SEDUCE MY MAN... HE CAN ONLY LOVE ME. HMPH. Looks like I underestimated her...

Zhi Hei:"If our families made the engagement then it will be cancelled as I won't marry you. I will also explain it to the elders."

Yu Rou: " can you say this? "

Zhi Hei looked at Yu Rou coldly as she tried to put on an innocent act of being hurt.

"You can stop your act. I know you well enough to see through your acting. Shi Xue is not only my girlfriend, she's my future wife, the owner of this mansion."

Shi Xue looked at this scene with a satisfied smile after hearing him drawing a clear line between their relationship. She pulled his sleeve and said "Zhi Hei~ my hair's still wet, blow dry my hair for me~~" Her gorgeous smile was as warm as the sun and her voice could melt one's heart. The coldness in his eyes melted as his attention focused on the girl in the wheelchair. Just like this, the winner was clear in view without having to say it out loud. Shi Xue didn't even have to do anything and she already won. The jackpot was already in her hands.

After the couple left the room, Yu Rou stomped endlessly on the carpet in the study room. She cursed so much inside herself at Shi Xue for seducing her man. She swore no matter what methods she used, she must get rid of her existence. Only she can be the future owner of this household! Nobody else can! She continued stomping until her heels broke resulting in her fall. She started hitting the carpet with all her strength as her eyes turned red from anger. It wasn't until her phone vibrated that she calmed down to answer:

"Hi daddy..."

"hoho, my daughter just came back yesterday, and today she's already out. I didn't even get to see you properly! Do you know how much daddy misses you?"

"daddy..." she sobbed

"what's wrong? did someone bully you?"

"I went to look for Zhi Hei just now..."

"Did that squirt dare to bully my precious daughter?"

" not him.. it was a slut!"

"Oh.. which disgusting woman could match our daughter's beauty. and Zhi Hei never allowed woman near him even his family questioned his sexuality! Why are you worrying? you're engaged to him already!"

"Daddy.. he was blinded by the woman's tricks! He said he won't marry me... and only she could be the household's owner" she sniffled a few times.


"Thank you daddy... but it isn't Zhi Hei's fault.. that woman just had too many tricks in her hands."

"THEN WE WILL SEE HOW MUCH HE REGRETS LATER ON! HMPH! Come home tonight for dinner, daddy already told the chef to make your favorite dishes to celebrate you coming back!"

"Alright.. I'll see you later" she evilly grinned before ending the call.

Heh... Shi Xue ... Shi Xue.. even if you have a pretty face and great skills to tempt my man.. you don't have a strong backup. Let's see how well you fight two families. Heh... Mother Huang always doted on me and treated me as if I was her child.. I'll make sure you know your place after this!


Shi Xue was enjoying the moment as her man is blow drying her hair. She closed her eyes as she felt his gentle hands separating her hair into layers.

"You seem very skilled in blow drying a girl's hair. How many girls have you done this for?"

"None. You're the first."


He stopped his hand movements and turned off the blowdryer before leaning to the side of her ears and said "I've watched you blow dry your damp hair countless times.. so I learned. "

She tilted her eyebrows as she turned to him "How did you know you'll be doing this for me?"

"Let's see, because I am the only one man who can do this for you. "

"Such confidence... why are you so thick skinned?"

"Because I love you" he laid a kiss on her cheeks before continuing the blow dry session.

After helping her dry her hair, they hugged each other in bed. They were both smiling sweetly and whispering words to each others ears. Happiness and laughter filled the air. Both of them were busy kissing and enjoying each others embrace, until a knock sound interrupted their couples time.


Zhi Hei:"Who is it?"

Yu Rou: "It's me. Yu Rou."

Zhi Hei took a peek at Shi Xue asking her for permission to let Yu Rou enter her room. Shi Xue is interested in what this woman is up to this time so she nodded and continued embracing Zhi Hei.

Zhi Hei: "You can come in"

When she entered the room, she held a sense of hopefulness since Zhi Hei allowed to enter the room so she must have had a place in his heart somewhere. She didn't expect that she would see the couple cuddling in bed being all comfortable with each other. That is because no matter how close Yu Rou got with Zhi Hei, he never hugged her or laughed the way he did right now. Her heart felt like someone hit her heart using a huge hammer. She maintained her fake smile as she walked closer to the couple.

Zhi Hei:" You can take a seat on the other side instead of coming to us."

Yu Rou bit her lips as she turned towards the couch.

Yu Rou:"I came here to apologize for my behavior from earlier" she said with reddened eyes.

"I...It's just that I was shocked that you got a girlfriend..."

This woman knows how to act way too well! What fiance? she should go straight to Hollywood and perform her acting! She would be an A level actress straight on point. Shi Xue remained expressionless as she observed her rival whose using the 'Innocent I didn't know' act that would work on most men.

Zhi Hei looked at his childhood friend and sighed, "Yu Rou, it's fine as long as you understand now, that Shi Xue is my girlfriend. "

Yu Rou: "Allright.. There's nothing else that I have to say so... I wish you two happiness. Bye." she wiped the tears on her face.

Shi Xue tilted her eyebrows as she witnessed this top class A level actress leaving.

Where did all her tears come from? tear drops? or is she a river that could flow out as many tear drops as long as she wished for it to come out? hah.. woman...