The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

22 Chapter 22- As long as she's happy

*Closes door*

Zhi Wei smiled happily as he put his right hand to his chest.. AHHH when was the last time I smiled this genuinely. Idiot.. What's there to be so happy for.. It was just body contact! How will I handle such intense happiness if I can't bear but keep smiling just from seeing her?When did I become such a school girl.. to squeal after spending time with my future wife.

-Back in the room-

Shi Xue covered her face with both palms and tried to calm down.

OMG OMG OMG OMG WHAT WAS I DOING? I ALMOST KISSED HIM AND THIS IS MY SECOND DAY KNOWING HIM. AHHH I WAS ON TOP OF HIM.. BUT... his chest felt so nice.. it'll be nice if I could sleep on it and listen to his heartbe...WHAT AM I THINKINGbut... he is... pretty handsom.. NO NO NO I NEED TO STOP THINKING FURTHER....

-2 hours later-

"Feeling better after being cleaned?" Zhi Hei smiled as he brought in two bowls of porridge. The porridge had a mixture of chicken, beef and vegetables.

"mmm" she nodded slightly as her stomach growled.

"Why are there two bowls of porridge?"

"I'm eating it with you." Zhi Hei smiled sweetly as he handed her the bowl and a spoon.

"Oh...but yours is also porridge. Isn't this the suggested meal that Dr. Chen Mu left for me? Are you sick too?" she asked in a worrying tone.

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine.. it's just that trying something else once in a while is nice too."

"Ohh... "

Zhi Hei smiled as he saw a few strands of her hair loosening from the back of her ears every time she took a spoonful of porridge. He took out a hair clip and gently brushed the strands of hair before clipping it in place.


Shi Xue nodded before continuing her meal.


Maid: Our master took two bowls of porridge and ate with the miss upstairs!!!

Chef: No matter how many times in the past I've changed the formulas for porridge, master never touched it!! Impossible! I even made his favorite Medium Rare Sirloin steak tonight and meat stew. He left it untouched and actually ate the porridge???

Shen Qi:.... Master never liked porridge...

After eating dinner, Zhi Hei went to his study room and looked at the list of recipes that Shi Xue had to eat during her recovery. He sighed as he went through each recipe... porridge....porridge... and more porridge...

He smiled helplessly as he thought of his meals with her. How can I bear to see her eat porridge alone as I taste the good food? What she eats will be what I eat until she recovers. After she recover, I willbring her everywhere and taste every good spot there is. I must give her the best. Though I never liked porridge, for her, I will eat it. Did this Chen Mu play a trick on me... why all these porridge. I must make him update these recipes. At least add a meat stew in...tch.

Well, My wife doesn't need to know what I do for her as long as she's happy. I'm the slave of my own wife after all.

After Zhi Hei showered he went to Shi Xue's room. His hair was still dripping wet and face a bit flushed from the hot shower. His pajamas were blue with stripes exposing a bit of his chest. The moment he stepped into the room, Shi Xue's eyes focused on this mesmerizing beauty walking to her.Seeing her face a bit pink, he leaned forward until their forehead touched and eyes met each others.

When he leaned closer and closer to her, Shi Xue unconsciously closed her eyes. After a few minutes of silence, she heard him say "Good" then separated from her forehead.

"I thought you had a fever so I double checked" he smiled in relief.

Her face blushed more intensely as she totally thought the wrong idea. When she noticed that his hair was still dripping wet, she took the towel around his neck and wiped his hair for him. She was focusing on his hair that she didn't catch his big smile as he covered his mouth.

"See! Your hair is all wet and you come here like this! You need to take good care of yourself!! What'll happen if you fall sick??" she frowned as she scolded him like a child.

Ahhh, this type of happiness even if I get sick 100 times I wouldn't mind. He nodded as he tried to hold back his smile from her cute nagging.

"Then you can take care of me." he chuckled and teased her.

"YOu! IF you get sick who is going to accompany me when I'm alone? eat with me? talk to me? take care of me?"

Damn, she got me back. Although I wanted her to reply that she would care for me... but this response sounds more like a confession.. hehe.. can I take it as her depending on me? Ahhhh I'll definitely die when you tell me you like me later if this is my reaction to your indirect confession...

"Alright, alright, I'm wrong... Don't get mad anymore~"

"Good. hmph!"

She moved closer to him as she reached for the other side of his hair. When she changed her position, her chest was very close to his face. He blushed as he tried to look the other way only to find his head being twisted back to the original position as she wiped the rest of the wet hair.

"Don't move" she whispered as she continued rubbing his wet hair.

...You don't know how much I wish to kiss you and push you down. I tried to look forward, but your chest and cleavage was right there showing off your fresh sweet scented skin. I looked downwards and I see your exposed legs with the ends of the silky nightgown that reached half of your thighs. My right leg was also caught in-between your legs in this position..... lord this is hell. I can't turn left or right since you'll twist my head back to your chest.

Alone in the room... sexy night gown.. enticing love....

Yet... I can't do anything to her... at least not now. Until she tells me she loves me. sigh....

Why can't one of the maids come in right now.... ah.. right.. I dismissed them.

So this is what they call stepping on your own foot

Wife...oh wife... please fall for me soon....

I can't stay as a monk for any longer if you torture me like this everyday and night....