The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

20 Chapter 20- You have me

After calming hisemotions, Zhi Hei saw the maid coming up with a warm glass of milk. He took the glass of milk and dismissed all maids so that Shi Xue would be more comfortable without strangers around.


"Shi Xue, I brought you a warm glass of milk" he smiled as he approached the girl whose leaning against the bed.

"Thank you... Zhi Hei.." she said with gratitude..

"Here, be careful it's a bit hot"

As Shi Xue held the glass of milk in her hands, she glanced at Zhi Hei. When she first woke up, the one who looked the most worried and anxious was him.. he even asked about her conditions more specific than the doctor himself.

"What are you thinking about? Zhi Hei remained his gentle smile as he took a seat on the chair next to her.

"What relationship do we have? How come I don't remember anything including myself?" She questioned with seriousness. Although she woke up, her face still lacked a bit of color making her look pale. She blinked a few times before waving for a response from Zhi Hei who was spacing outlooking at her.

*cough cough* "Sorry sorry, I was thinking of how to reply to you... you and I aren't related, but I am courting had an accident and due to head injury, you forgot your past. You'll recover eventually."

"Oh.... I see. Then.. my family...? They might be worried sick."

"...No... Your father passed away years ago..." I can't let her know about her having dog shit members , she just woke up and can't stand this, Zhi Hei thought to himself.

As soon as she heard that she had no family, her eyes became pink. She looked away from Zhi Hei and tried to control her tears as she thought of herself being alone and having no home to return to. Sensing something was off and seeing her trembling slightly, Zhi Hei quickly got up and asked her if she was feeling unwell. When he saw that she was sobbing like a child, her cheeks flushed as warm tears that flowed out of her eyes, his heart softened. He gently rubbed her back and held her into his embrace. He whispered to her with a heart-aching voice "It's alright.. everything will be okay.. if you want a family, I can be your family. Even if you don't want me and reject me I'm fine with that. I'll still be here for you..."

After comforting her and watched her obediently drink the warm milk, he tucked her in for bed. She had more questions, but she yawned and he persuaded her to go to bed early. He gave her a peck on her forehead before reaching for the lamp. Right when he turned to leave, he felt something warm holding his hands.

"What's wrong?" he said gently and knelt down.

"Can you.. stay with me until.. I fall asleep? like this...?" Her eyes still red and a bit swollen from crying earlier with a tired voice.

Who can I ever deny you...? Of course I wouldn't mind, I would even hug you to sleep if you'd let me.. he thought to himself.

"Sure" he smiled and continued holding her hands as she closed her eyes slowly.. and drift into dreamland...

No matter what request right or wrong from now on, I'll try my best to compromise and give you whatever you want... Zhi Hei told himself as he watched her sleep soundly. It wasn't until the birds started to chirp that he realized, he forgot to leave the room after seeing her sleep so peacefully. He had been staring at her sleep for the past hours..

*closes door*

*Dials phone*

Shen Qi: "Good Morning, master!"

Zhi Hei:"From today onwards, unless it's necessary for me to attend meetings physically, I will be working at home. Any questions, video chat call, email, fax.. or whatever other methods is fine. "

Shen Qi: "...uh boss... when will you come back to the office..?"

Zhi Hei: "Until I can leave her alone"

-phone ends-
