The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

197 I Don'st Need To Fit In

When Nana and Wei Wei reached the last year of their Primary School, they decided that they did not want to go to another school filled with spoiled rich brats. The siblings hated the years that they've spent in the school because kids in that school had always failed to not brag about their statuses.

The school was chaotic in their eyes as students were separated into categories based on their wealth. Those who have lower wealth statuses would be bullied by wealthier kids. Nana and Wei Wei rolled their eyes every time seeing something similar repeats.

The richer kid would order those who are less wealthy around and annoyingly pretend to be superior. Although they were kids, it was unbelievable that they could be spoiled to such extent. The school would do nothing about the situation because they had huge sponsors and great reputation.

On the first day of school, the teachers would favor the richer kids over less wealthy ones. Also, the teachers would say that these were life lessons to motivate those who are poorer to work harder and achieve more, which didn't make sense at all. Children at that age should be playing together as a group and laughing over something silly. Instead, they were taught realistically how this world function in society.

There are many kids who wished to be dropped out or transferred, but their parents didn't allow them to because this school was well known to be the best Primary School. The top socialites are all admitted to this school. Blah Blah Blah

After graduating from that Primary School, Nana and Wei Wei convinced their parents to let them go to a regular Junior High School. They thought it would take a lot of effort to persuade their parents and even prepared a whole proposal to present to them with the unlimited possibilities of why going to a public school is better.

Surprisingly, Shi Xue and Zhi Hei automatically gave them a thumb up and respected their decisions. All they had to say was that they didn't want to attend school with spoiled brats and preferred regular human beings.

Shi Xue was in the middle of having afternoon tea with Zhi Hei when the kids walked over to ask them for permission to attend the school of their choice.

Shi Xue sipped her hot tea, " Sure. You two are old enough to make these decisions yourself. If that's what you really want, I have nothing against it. Give us the name of the school choice that you two have in mind, and we will do a thorough background check to make sure it is safe."

Zhi Hei noticed her slight frown and quickly added another teaspoon of sugar to her tea,"Told you that one teaspoon wouldn't be enough for your sweet tooth. Also, it's good that you two are thinking for yourselves at this age. If you don't want to be around those rich family heir and heiresses, then that is fine with me."

Nana raised her brows, "Really?"

Shi Xue watched him stir the sugar until it was totally dissolved and smiled, "Of course. Mommy isn't going to force the two of you to entertain others or the other way around if you don't want that. Plus, it's a good experience for you to meet different people."

Wei Wei scratched his head, "Ahh right, I totally forgot that mommy never goes to those socialite events unless Auntie Hui Yan or daddy attends it. I always thought that you were just bored, and that's why you didn't want to go."

Zhi Hei laughed, "Your mommy never liked those events, so I told her that she didn't need to force herself to go if she doesn't want to. Also, we already knew that the two of you would ask us about choosing your own Junior High Schools."

Shi Xue handed a cup of lukewarm temperature Passionfruit tea to Nana, "We've been listening to the two of you rant about the pointless bragging conversations and fake plastic doll smiles for the past years. As parents, it is obvious that we want the best for our children."

Nana licked her lips, "This is really good tea~ hehe, mommy and daddy are the best like always. We've heard so many stories of the rich kids not being able to quit this school because their parents wanted them to make connections at an early age."

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Wei Wei didn't like drinking tea, instead, he had a sweet tooth. Zhi Hei had prepared pastries for him before they got home from school. He also prepared the Passionfruit tea and timed their arrivals perfectly. "Our family is rich enough. Your happiness is our top priority, but this only refers to good choices, nothing bad. If it were bad choices, your mommy and I would discipline you two all over again."

A few months later:

Nana and Wei Wei started attending the public Junior High School that they chose for themselves. Coincidentally, they both ended up in the same homeroom and sat next to each other. Students surrounded them like a swarm of bees because of their great looks and friendly greetings.

"Wow! Wow!!! You two have such pretty faces! You two beat the most handsome guy in our school and beauty too!" One of the classmates pointed at the posters on the wall with a zoomed-in picture of the most handsome guy and beauty in the school.

After the classmate spurted that sentence, the handsome student in the poster walked into the class and took a seat next to Nana, ignoring the crowd. Everyone turned silent when he entered as if they were caught doing something illegal. The homeroom teacher soon entered and everyone went back to their seats.

During lunch, the beauty from the poster made a dramatic entrance, flipped her hair and sat on the handsome guy's desk, showing her legs in front of him, "Hello, Zhen Qi. Remember me?"

He looked up with a straight face, "You're the girl who is sitting on my notes right now." His cold response made some girls in the class squeal. "Oh my goodness, he is so cool! She is the number one beauty in the school! This was ranked by the students admission pictures!"

The girl gritted her teeth in anger and embarrassment, "You! I'm Xi Mei Mei! The only reason why I even greeted you is because of your pretty face. Did you really think you're all that cool?"

Nana turned her head towards Wei Wei. Both of them exchanged sighs and thought to themselves, 'And here I thought it'll be less drama at this school, but this is just a whole new level of drama.'

For the following minutes, Mei Mei said countless words trying to trigger any type of reaction from Zhen Qi, but failed miserably. Finally, she reached her maximum tolerance and slammed her palms on his desk where his writing utensils ended up flying across the room.

Since Nana was sitting next to him, one of the pens flew to her desk. Everyone in the class thought that she would raise her voice against Mei Mei, but surprisingly, she didn't. Instead, she calmly placed the pen back to its original position on Zhen Qi's desk with a smile, "You dropped this."

"What a slut." Mei Mei muttered and rolled her eyes. Before coming to this class, she thought that she was the most beautiful girl in school, but seeing Nana's face made her confidence fall hopelessly below negative.

Displeased hearing an insult randomly slandering her name, Nana leaned her chin on her palm, "Excuse me?"

Mei Mei smirked, "Don't think that because you are just slightly good looking that you could seduce guys. Sluts like you should be locked up."

Nana raised her brows in amusement, "And I thought that people at this age would be more mature than elementary students. I guess I'm wrong. Some people could have an education, yet remain uneducated."

"Bitch! What did you just say?" Mei Mei's chest heaved heavily as she raised her volume.

"This is a classroom, not a zoo. Please control your volume or consider our poor ears when we are the ones listening to your screechy voice. Unreasonable claims should be kept to oneself and not be said." Nana crossed her arms and stretched backwards.

Wei Wei was trying to control his laughter while looking after his sister's savage nature. He wouldn't interrupt unless things get totally out of hand. For now, he knew that his sister could handle it on her own. A tiny pea like her wouldn't be able to hurt Nana.

Mei Mei tapped her feet rapidly as blood rushed through her bloodstream. She felt her blood boil from frustration,"Who do you think you are to talk to me this way? I'm the number one beauty! If you were that great, then you would've been ranked first. You're just jealous that you don't fit in the same category as me!"

This was the only comeback she could think of on the top of her head in the few minutes intervals. Nana chuckled, "And what makes you think I would ever want to be put in the same category with someone like yourself? When have I said anything like that? Did anyone hear me say that I'm jealous of you or that I wanted to be part of the rank?"

Everyone in the classroom shook their heads and chattered, "That's right. She never mentioned anything about wanting to be the beauty in school and even looked uncomfortable as if she didn't want to be the center of our attention earlier. Honestly, she looks way prettier than Mei Mei."

Hearing everyone's comments made Mei Mei blush furiously, "You!!!" She raised her arm swinging towards Nana. Zhen Qi and Wei Wei grabbed her wrist at the same time, tightly, before it reached her.

"Seems like violence is the only way out for you after losing verbal arguments. How low." Zhen Qi's eyes narrowed and met hers for the first time after she had entered the classroom.

Wei Wei warned, "So, you think that violence would make your stand look prettier huh? Loser." The fury in her eyes was gone, but what's left was only fear. The words that both guys had said for some reason made her feel as if her blood flow had reversed and her limbs froze in place.

Nana crossed her legs and looked at the arrogant girl in the eye once again, "In response to your previous statement, I do not need to make myself fit in with anyone just to have their opinions change about me. I also do not need to force myself to be someone whom I am not just because of other people's perspectives. Therefore, when you said that I am jealous of not being put in the same category as you, it only exposed how much confidence you have in yourself, which by the way, is close to none."

Like mother, like daughter, her fierceness and confidence was what Shi Xue had taught her. Everyone in class smiled and applauded her little speech, "Woooooo!! Our class rules!!! Yea!! Mei Mei, just go back to your class where you want to fit in with everyone else just to hear nice stuff said about you. In this class, we are just ourselves!"

Zhen Qi and Wei Wei were standing on either side of Nana's desk, protecting her. After letting go of Mei Mei's wrist, her eyes quickly formed tears. Before she left, she had shouted with a rasped voice, "Just you wait!!! This is not over!!"

After she had left, Nana turned to Zhen Qi, "Thank you for earlier."

Zhen Qi smiled charmingly and extended his arm, "No biggie. You were dragged in for no reason. Nice to meet you, I'm Zhen Qi."

Nana shook his hand, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Nana. This is my brother, Jiang Wei."

Many years later, Nana and Zhen Qi became a couple and the trio were each other's best friends.