The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

186 Chapter 185- Forgot something!

Zhi Hei, Shi Xue, Na Na, and Wei Wei were eating breakfast at the dining table. After eating, Na Na and Wei Wei prepared for school. Zhi Hei has a meeting in the afternoon, so he decided to take the kids to school and go out with Shi Xue before his meeting.

"Alright! We're here. Do you two have everything? Your schoolbag, homework, hmm?"

"Daddy! We forgot something!"

"What did you forget?"

"Come closer and I'll tell you" Na Na smiled and waved at him.

Zhi Hei stretched closer to his kids and was greeted by two pecks one on each side of his face. Wei Wei and Na Na both cheered and gave each other a high five, "Now we're ready! Have a nice day mommy and daddy!!"

"Pfft hahaha, you got startled by their sudden kisses huh?"

"Having children are so nice. They're so sweet. I don't need my morning coffee to stay awake for the meeting. Wait wait! They forgot to give you a kiss."

"Oh~ Don't worry~ They already did before we headed out~"

"Phew, and here I thought they forgot about giving their mother kisses."

"But darling, you forgot something."

"Huh? What did I forget now?"

She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "My kiss."

"Just one is not enough, you know that right?" He returned the kiss passionately before driving off to their next destination.

He brought her to a flower field that had a small path leading to a private house.

"Wow! So pretty~ There are so many flowers here."

"Follow the path and there'll be a gift waiting for you."

"Hmm?" she hummed as she walked with him down the path.

Her eyes widened after seeing the private house in front of her. "This.."

"This is for you."

"but why?"

"Did you forget? Today is our anniversary. I purposely built a house over here and had a flower field around the area to suit your preferences. This will be our private house when we grow old. We can take small walks whenever you wish and live here peacefully. My mom and dad did the same thing to me when I grew old enough to live by myself."

"Hehe.. so our current house is basically a house to pass on to our next generations hmm? It's nice and peaceful here."

"Of course. With our children at the house and maids walking around, we don't have much alone time anymore. So~ I decided to have our own place. Let's go in and explore shall we?"


Theinterior design is simple, yet elegant. Colors were soft and bright. There were fragrances of Sweet Alyssum in each room. Everything that their current house had, were also in this new place. When the couple reached the master bedroom, Zhi Hei hugged her from behind and whispered, "Finally, we're here."

She blushed from his sudden hug and whispers. He picked her up and walked into the room.

After placing her gently on the bed, he asked, "Do you like it?"

"Yep! Very much. It's like our current home, except the preferences are all to my taste."

"Glad you like it. Shall we try it out then?"

He leaned in for a kiss. "Try what out?"

"Our new mattress and how strong this bed is."

Catching the meaning behind his words, she smiled and pinched his cheeks. "You! Still so playful"

"How could I resist my wife and our private time?" he chuckled as he unbuttoned her shirt and teased her between her skirt.

"aaa..hh" she moaned. It's been a while since they've done intimate acts so her body reacted extra sensitive to his touch.

"Heh.. already wet hmm?" he unbuckled his pants and started undressing.

After stripping, he laid on top of her and kissed her affectionately. Their tongues explored each other's mouth until their saliva built up and she swallowed it. Her eyes were moist and lips bruised from the kisses they've shared. His heart raced as he traced from nibbling on her ear lobe and down her chest. He teased her hardened nips with pinches and sucks. Her body arched and her moans quickly filled the room. Her legs naturally spread for him to position himself near her entrance. As he played with her nips, his other hand rubbed her clit making her juices stain her laced panties. He licked his lips and smiled provocatively as he rubbed his cock against her wet panties near her entrance.

"aaa..h.. don't tease me.."

"Then.. tell me what you want.."

"I.. I want you.. put it in.."

He kissed her once again and slipped off her panties. The tip of his cock already leaked a bit of his pre-cum. She smiled as she stroked using one hand and rubbed the tip using her other fingers. He groaned into her ears and continued kissing her. She stopped him from kissing her and toppled over him. Slowly, she kissed his neck and reached his penis. She slipped it into her mouth and twirled her tongue skillfully around it. After making it wet and slippery, she positioned it at her entrance and teased the tip by slipping it in and out of her vagina.

Her teasing lasted for 2 minutes before he couldn't take it anymore and turned her over. He smiled and whispered, "Enough of your teasing~ I can't wait anymore.. I'm going to enter you and do you rough like how you like it."

"Aaaa...hh" she moaned as she felt the heat of his penis. He ruthlessly penetrated her vagina in one thrust and moved roughly slipping his cock in and out of her vagina. Even though she gave birth to two children, she is still tight down there. Every time his cock kissed her womb, her insides would tighten around it as if it wanted to suck out every bit of sperm from his cock. He groaned as he felt the tightness from her insides, "You're still so tight.. feels so great.."

"Mmm..a..h..a.....hhaaa...nn...more...." her legs crossed around his waist. His thrusts became more rapid and pleasurable screams became louder as they reached their climax.

"I'm going to come.."

"Cum.. inside of me.. aahh..."

"Ahh...haaa." with one last thrust, he ejaculated inside of her and she also reached her climax the same time. Both of them panted and breathed heavily for a bit before continuing three more rounds. They had to stop because he had a meeting to attend. Her face was flushed from their exercise and he was smiling satisfyingly.

"Jeez... you said one round and we did it like 4 rounds! It's still bright daylight! What if someone hears us?"

"They won't. I made all rooms soundproof."


"A maid will come every week to do the cleaning. If you want I can also have chefs here too. Whichever you prefer."

"Haha... seems like it'll be more convenient to do that for now.. by the way.. today's not a safe day"

"oh? Then do you want to give Wei Wei and Na Na a little brother or sister? hmm? wifey"

"hhe.. let's have fate decide.."

The couple walked back to the car hand in hand and drove back to the mansion. Shi Xue kissedand then waved at him as he drove off to the company for the meeting. When she got back home, Na Na was the first to run to her. "Mommy! Welcome home!"

Wei Wei followed and ran to her. She hugged the both of them in her arms before smiling, "I'm home!"

Na Na blinked a few times and pointed at her neck, "Mommy! Your neck is red over here! Is it painful?"

She quickly covered her neck and blushed, "Ahh it's a mosquito bite! Mommy is fine. it doesn't hurt"

"Ehhhhh, then Na Na help you blow it. It'll heal really soon~"

"Me too . Me too! i'll blow on it too mommy"

Seeing her daughter and son caring for her, she laughed and walked them to the living room.