The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

176 Chapter 175- Long time no see

It's been a month since Shi Xue and Zhi Hei's wedding. They've been planning for their honeymoon ever since the wedding ended. After settling for several destinations, Zhi Hei rushed his upcoming half a year of work into the upcoming three months so that he could spend all his honeymoon time in peace with Shi Xue. Due to this reason, he wakes up at 5 in the morning everyday to go to work.. Before he leaves, he makes sure to give Shi Xue a peck on the forehead or lips and whisper into her ears, "Sweet dreams." Due to his workload, he didn't go home for dinner for the past two weeks. By the time he got home, Shi Xue would be in deep slumber. He didn't have the heart to wake her up especially after seeing the sweet smile on her face. Even though work is busy, he would never forget to text her during different times of the day.

Every morning, Shi Xue would fight her sleepiness so that she could spend a bit of time with him before he leaves for work. Recently, her body seemed to be fighting with her willpower since it wouldn't listen to her. She wanted to stay awake to wait for Zhi Hei at night, but her body felt worn out and she ended up falling asleep. In the mornings, she felt Zhi Hei's presence and wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids felt so heavy that it took her great difficulty to lift it slightly to see his leaving figure. After hearing the closed door, she would fall back to deep slumber until the late afternoons.

When Shi Xue woke up, it was already 3pm. She yawned and went to get washed up before having lunch. She greeted every maid and butler with a warm smile. After settling down at the diner table, the maids started serving her lunch. The chef made sure to make her favorite dishes lighter than usual because she didn't have much appetite lately. The fragrance of her lunch made her stomach feel queasy. She didn't want to be impolite so she quickly took a bite of her favorite chicken dish. After one bite, she put down her utensils and rubbed her stomach.

One of the maids noticed something was wrong and quickly brought her a cup of warm water. "Ma'am, is something wrong?"

"No.. I just don't feel too well recently. This dish.. I don't think I can eat it. I'm sorry, can you have the chef make a light vegetable soup for me?"

"Alright. Should we inform master or have Doctor Chen Mu come to give you a check up?"

"No, it's fine. I'm sure it is just an upset stomach. I'm going to go back to my room. Let me know when the soup is done."

The mad nodded and quickly told the chef to make the soup for her. The chef asked with concern, "Is there something wrong with my dishes? She used to ask for seconds, but recently her preferences changed."

"Maybe because master isn't home lately to eat with her so her appetite isn't as good. Anyways, hurry and make the soup."


Shi Xue felt nauseous after having a bite of the chicken and went straight to the bathroom. Unfortunately, she wanted to puke, but couldn't. She sighed and flushed the toilet. After washing her hands, she received a phone call from Hui Yan.

"Hello? Hui Yan?"

"Sis in law! are you doing anything today?"

"mm.. nope. I'm at home."

"Let's go out shopping then! Wei Na is growing out of her clothes and she's currently at mom and dad's home so I'm free. It's been so long since we've gone out together."

"mm.. okay. Give me half an hour."

"Alright! I'll be there in a bit then!"

Shi Xue smiled and picked out her outfit for the day. She wore a rust rose colored baggy sweater and leggings paired with a cross body purse. She brought a few sanitary pads in case her period comes. She's been feeling some cramps around her lower abdomen area so her period should be around the corner.

On their way to the mall, Hui Yan noticed Shi Xue rubbing her lower abdomen a few times.

"Sis in law, does your stomach hurt?"

"It feels slightly uncomfortable, but I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I'll have the driver go slower."

Shi Xue smiled slightly and slouched a bit from her seat.

"Do you want to go see Chen Mu? You don't look too well."

"I'm really fine. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten yet."

"You haven't eaten?? It's already 5! No wonder you have no energy. Girl, you can't slack off meals when my bro is working. He has his eyes off of you for a few days and you're already being unhealthy!"

"I don't have much appetite these days. I don't want to eat anything."

"Ahhhh, it's one of those days right? Near your period?"

Shi Xue nodded.

"Do you need any pain killers then?"

Shi Xue shook her head slightly, "I don't like taking medicine."

"Alright, let me know when you want to rest or want to eat."


After walking around for an hour, Hui Yan had handfuls of shopping bags on both sides of her arms. She didn't want to continue walking around with the dozens of bags so she suggested to leave the bags in the car with the driver. Since Shi Xue wasn't feeling well, she insisted on going alone to the parking lot. Shi Xue agreed and sat on a bench while Hui Yan hurried her way to the car.

Shi Xue massaged her tired legs. 'Why does my body feel so worn out recently? I used to walk for hours nonstop without feeling tired. It's barely an hour...and my leg is feeling cramps."

As she massaged her legs, the shadow of a man approaching made her instantly alerted. She looked up and saw Ku Ze Yang.

"Long time no see, Shi Xue.. no Mrs.Huang." a bitter smile appeared on his face.