The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

17 Chapter 17- Flashback 3 Importance

There was a thunderstorm and the meeting lasted for 5 hours resulting in no solution...

*Zhi Hei's flashback POV*

Sigh, such disgusting and icky weather, the company is also facing such problem. The driver can't get to me for another half an hour, I might as well go grab my car. It's only rain anyways, I'll have ginger tea ready when I get home. A man looks sexiest when they're wet anyways however that saying goes, not like I care about how other people look at me. I wish I can see her.. Shi Xue, I wonder what you're doing right now... after that party, we met by coincidence for a few times. Even though it were dinner celebrations with others present, those carrots and potatoes could be ignored.. you always took my attention wherever we are anyways..

How great would it be if you suddenly appear in front of me...

"Zhi hei!!" "Zhi Hei!!" yes... it is her voice... maybe I'm missing her too much that I even hear her calling out my name... but what are the chances of her being here..

"HUANG ZHI HEI!" huh?.... I looked towards the opposite side of the street.. a girl with a wine red top and black skirt was waving at me with the warmest smile and voice. It was Shi Xue.....

The clumsy girl almost tripped into a puddle as she hopped towards me. Like all the other times, her black flowy hair was still smooth and slightly curled, eyes smiled when she smiled at me, and skin as snow like. Her slightly blushing face is so adorable as she panted from hopping across the street.Ahh she never fails to catch my attention.

"Where's your umbrella??" She asked in a caring yet strict tone.

"Don't have one."

..."It's raining to heavily! You'll get sick!!! Quickly!! Get under my umbrella!! I'll walk you to your car" she tiptoed trying to cover me with her umbrella. My day isn't as bad as I thought it would be... heh..

I took the umbrella out of her hands and used my other hand to hold onto her shoulders so rain wouldn't get to her. She reacted with a blush as she hurriedly walked me to my car worrying about my health. Just as we turned the corner of the block, an assassin started to aim towards our direction. My first instinct is to wrap my arms around this petite body and protect her with my body. Surprisingly, she learned fast and held onto me as I dodged and managed to take down the assassin. After observing the area and seeing that it is safe, I loosened my grip around her waist and made sure that she was alright.

As my attention focused on her, I let my guard down.. the assassin was faking his unconsciousness. He attacked me from behind using a knife. Luckily, I moved away and only my arm was cut.

As I fought with the assassin, Shi Xue was scared and I could see her trembling where I left her. I tried to end things earlier and comfort her and ensure her safety. Just when I was about to end the assassin one last time in this fight.. I heard her shout "NOO!! ZHI HEI!!!"

*BANG* (Gunshot)

The next second, i was on the ground recalling what just happened. I only heard her scream to be careful... and a ... GUN SHOT...

Odd.. i don't feel any pain anywhere...

"A...are you okay.. zhi Hei?" I heard Shi Xue and replied "Ye....."

My eyes widened and breathing became irregular. I saw a large amount of blood slowly flowing out on the floor mixing with the rain on the ground.The ground dyed red. The assassin was long gone probably thought they shot me. I held onto her body examining her, where she got shot. "That's great" She gently smiled as she slowly lost consciousness.

First time in my life I regretted jinxing anything happening. I wished I never saw her and never accompanied me to the car. I wished I had went back to grab an umbrella or waited patiently for my driver or brought bodyguards...

I quickly dialed for the hospital and Chen mu to be ready to take in a patient. I carried her into my car and pressed onto her bleeding wound hoping to stop her bleeding. I tried to keep calm and contacted Shen Qi to get here within the next minutes.

My legs were losing strength and I dont know how much time past from here, to the hospital till her surgery was done.... I just knew the moment she came out and I was told that her surgery was a success... I was so relieved. It was as if someone had picked up my shattered heart and fixed it.

That's when I found out how important this girl was to me.. my heart felt like it would die if anything happened to her and the thought of her being gone made me feel agonizing pain.

I sat by her side for a while, before bringing her back to my mansion to take care of her myself...