The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

15 Chapter 15- Flashback

-Huang Mansion-

After Chen Mu gave the proper treatment to Shi Xue, Zhi Hei never left her side. All along from carrying her off the cruise all the way to the mansion, she never left his embrace. Even when maids offered to help, he refused and did everything with his own hands, other than changing her clothes. When Shi Xue's lips dry up, he would carefully wet a cloth and gently moisturized her lips. When she seemed to be having a nightmare or gave out sighs of pain, he would hold her hands a bit tighter and whisper to her that it's alright, he is here.

After dismissing everyone from their post, Zhi Hei remained seated by her bedside, observing this weak fragile looking figure. His eyes were filled with grief and warmth as he used his other hand gently caressing her face. He sighed in relief when her face recovered a bit of color, tinting her cheeks pink.

Leaning against the chair, he looked around the room that he ordered for people to clean everyday even though it's been emptied for so long. There were no signs of dust and had a pleasant scent ofSweet Alyssum flower. Ah, reminds him of the time when they first encountered....

* Flashback to 5 years ago at a certain party*

"It is so boring here. All the females have lust and greed in their eyes and dared to even approach me. So lucky they are at a party right now and not elsewhere.." Zhi Hei thought to himself as he held onto a glass of red wine.

At the corner of his eyes, he caught a slim figure standing at the corner of the room as if the whole world didn't matter to her. Her soft feminine features made her look extra alluring making her stand out. She had minimal makeup, yet her skin was smooth and glowed under the moonlight. Her eyes were light hazel and eyelashes fluttered gently as she blinked staring into space. Her hair was tied into a half messy bun with remains of her hair slightly curled presenting her elegance. Her red dress was simple with a few flower embroiders with a layered cutting contrasting her pale snowy skin. She was breathtaking .. he thought as he followed her sight... she seemed to be looking at somebody...

"Ah, isn't that Ke Ze Yang... from XYZ corporation... his proposal was recently rejected by us... could she be interested in that man who already had a partner next to him? She's Shi Qi Wing from Shi corp..saw her in multiple occasions in the past. Even though Shi Qi Wing's not shabby looking, compared to the beauty of this girl... such a huge difference" he thought to himself.

"Shi Xue! What are you still doing here? Here, Brother Ze Yang and me is enough! You don't know anything about business, being here is not helping!" Shi Qi Wing walked over as her arms hooked around Ke Ze Yang's arm.

"I... I'm here to represent Shi corporation since I own the company now.. and I thought.. Ze Yang would be my partner.. I didn't know you two were going to be together tonight..." Shi Xue blushed slightly as if she were a bit embarrassed being the center of attention.

"HAH? Shi Corp? You? which part of you is up to standards to present the company? Only because uncle left everything in your hands that you're lucky. If you know your place then LEAVE!"Qi Wing replied.

"Oh, she is President Shi's daughter, her father passed away and she inherited the whole company and fortune.. what luck! She's not bad looking either~ Seeing her in such miserable state, maybe I should go over and make her my partner for tonight maybe she would pay with her body HAHA" Lu Qiang Yu smirked as he put down his glass of wine and slipped one of his hands into his tuxedo pocket.

Before Zhi hei realized it, his body already made a move and walked over to Shi Xue inviting her for a dance. His eyes met Shi Xue's watery looking eyes and soft glossy lips as she parted her lips a little and smiled gently "Thank you" she said. Her voice was so gentle and the way she looked almost made him lose control. He turned to Qi Wing who seemed to be shocked and replied "She is my company for tonight. You had complaints?" He looked at Qi Wing with pierced eyes.

Suddenly, the entire grand ballroom went silent that even a pin drop could be heard.

Until Zhi Hei took Shi Xue into his embrace and did a slow dance with her, others finally cracked the silence and they became the topic of the party. It was too noisy and Zhi hei took this opportunity to pull Shi Xue to the balcony area. She had a sweet scent of Sweet Alyssum as she broke away from his touch.

"T..Thank you for before. I'm Shi Xue" as she smiled with ehr eyes showing her gratefulness.

Her eyes reflected the dazzling night sky and her smile was the most beautiful thing he's seen for the 25 years of his life. After a while of him spacing out, she waved her hands asking if he was alright while holding a sense of nervousness form being stared at. Her face became flushed as she made eye contacts with him.

*cough* "Uhm.. I'm sorry for staring at you for so long. I'm Huang Zhi Hei." he chuckled seeing her cute side. This girl is so innocent to show her expressions freely... ah.. why is my heart racing so fast..