The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

115 Chapter 115- Success

Shi Shan Shan: "This young miss, must be the big miss of the Huang family. Such a sharp mouth, no wonder you two are Huang family's children. They raised you up well."

Hui Yan tilted her eye brow up and glared at Shi Shan Shan, "This must be the second wife of Mr. Shi. No wonder Shi Qi Wing has such an unruly manner, she was brought up by you."

Shi Shan Shan clenched her dress even tighter than before. She hated the fact that her husband married her after his first marriage. This was something she never wished to admit or hear in public. Now, Hui Yan had publicly announced it!

Qi Wing was struggling on the floor, "Ugh!!! you sluts!!!! what are you saying about me huh??? If I am unruly then what are you guys?!!!"

Hui Yan smirked, "My parent's raised me up better. At least our status and appearance beats all of you since you and your family cares about these two factors the most anyways. Blind people."

Zhi Hei helped Shi Xue up after she sat in an uncomfortable position and on a nasty person. "Don't come in contact with stupid people anymore. You'll lower your IQ and EQ" he brushed her fringe gently before continuing, "How our parents taught us is our business. none of yours. Rather than focusing on us, how about disciplining your daughter? But like mother like daughter. She acts like a wild animal. "

After finishing his words, the four left for their car and drove away. The party was left speechless. From what they've seen today, the Shi's are officially done. They have provoked Huang family so many times today that many business partners decided to extract the resources for Shi Huang Jie's company's upcoming projects. Some even thought of selling the stocks and shares of Shi Corps out. Lately, shareholders from Shi Corps were unsatisfied with Shi Huang Jie's performance because he had lost several expensive contracts and created a huge loss. The shareholders were holding onto their shares and didn't know whether they should to sell or keep it. Now that Shi Huang Jie's daughter had offended the Huang Corps, many of them decided to sell their shares out.

Right after Shen Qi and Zhi Hei reached the car, they opened their laptops and began to work. Shi Xue knew that her rotten family members were going to pull some tricks or play games during this party so she was well prepared. She didn't speak this whole time because if she did, then her identity would have been given away on the spot. Before attending the party, she made a request to have Zhi Hei's special assistant keep track of Shi Corps' shareholder's actions. She knew that Shi Huang Jie failed to secure some important clients and renew contracts, so many shareholders would be losing their faith in him.

The results were evident on the laptop screen. The stocks were dropping and shareholders leaked information of selling their shares to the highest bidder.

Zhi Hei wrapped his arms around Shi Xue and laid a kiss on her forehead, "You're so smart. How did you set up such a great plan?"

She smiled and happily said, "Dug up some news. I remember my personal accounts that nobody knew of in the past and got my hands on insider information. Once I saw what was going on, I knew after some chaos today would push the shareholders to hand over their shares. I created this account to help that bastard in the past, but now it's a great use for me."

"Oh? Then what's your next step?"

"The shareholders that I am going to buy the shares from, will total up to 51% of Shi Corps. I'm taking back what belonged to me, all at once. Of course, I must present the couple their engagement gift. I'll make sure they end up in great debt and unable to step back into the game in this lifetime. What they owe me, will be cleared all at once."

Hui Yan: "Sister in law!!! Leave those bitches in my hands!! I've had my knuckles cracked countless times after seeing their ugly faces and stinky mouths.!"

"Sure, you can have them all you want. Remember, torture, but no death."

Hui Yan cheered in excitement, "Yess!!!! Hahaha I'm in a great mood, lets all celebrate at your favorite restaurant!!"

Zhi Hei: "Already booked, We'll be there soon."

Shi Xue smiled brightly and gave Zhi Hei a peck on his cheeks.

Zhi Hei whispered, "That's not enough, you know that right?"

She giggled, "When we get back home, I'll satisfy you however you wish."

Zhi Hei grinned, "Alright."

Soon, the four reached the restaurant and ordered a whole table of food. Hui Yan and Shi Xue ate almost every dish on the table. It was a harmonious day. Mother and father Huang were also there. It was a simple, but very delicious and joyful family dinner. After Shi Xue's plan went so well, the Huang couple happily congratulated her success for her first step of revenge. The three pairs of couple enjoyed their dinners together and drank quite a bit. Well, for the most part, it was only Shi Xue, Hui Yan, and Mother Huang who drank. The men at the table were quietly sipping their tea because if they got drunk as well, they won't be able to take care of their partners...

Of course, they also tried to prevent their lovers from drinking too much... but they ended up failing after some sweet words were whispered into their ears.

-Royal Bradsmere apartment-

Qi Wing had moved back to the apartment with Ze Yang after he asked her for a second chance. She was so pissed off from the party that she was stomping on her high heels on their way back. She clenched her teeth as she complained about her humiliation from tonight. Not only that, she was supposed to be the spotlight, but caught everyone's attention for the wrong reason. Then, she started blaming Ze Yang for proposing at the party and letting her suffer such humiliation. She was sat on and insulted by members of the Huang family. She was so angry that she started saying that the woman who resembled Shi Xue must've been the vengeful spirit of Shi Xue coming to ruin her life.

Ze Yang was rubbing his ears the whole time because she was being too loud. After they entered the apartment, Ze Yang silently went to the master room to change. Qi Wing wasn't used to his quietness and followed him. She hugged him from behind and tried to seduce him. "Ze Yang~ You see, since I've suffered today, shouldn't I receive any compensation? ~ You should pamper your fiance, don't you think? You didn't want to spoil me before proposing, but now that I'm your fiance. You can do me as rough as you want... I wouldn't mind."

Ze yang sighed, "I'm too tired today. Next time."

Qi Wing didn't believe that her trick didn't work on him so she continued her clinginess. "Ze Yang~~ Come on! Please~~ Don't you want me too?" she squished her breasts between his arms.

"Stop it! I said I'm tired. You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch tonight." he walked out of the room and entered the bathroom.

Qi Wing was shocked once again... she got rejected face to face....

"Ku Ze Yang, do you even love me anymore? If you don't , then why did you propose to me?"