The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

1 Chapter 1- Murder Plan


"Ahhh Ahhh~~ mmmm Harder!!! Yesss, Baby right theree~~"

"Oh yea baby,you like it here huh? Well hows this?" *multiple thrust sounds*

A man and woman's pants and moans were clearly heard from the outside of the luxurious bedroom in the Royal Bradsmere apartment. There stands…. Shi Xue outside the bedroom door listening to her loving boyfriend of 3 years Ku Ze Yang and her dear cousin Shi Qi Wing having rough enjoyment in her bed. She saw from the crack of the door how her boyfriend fastens his way shoving his hot stick rod into her cousin's vaginal area. As their ecstasy came close and climax is reaching its peak, her cousin Qi Wing's toes curled causing wrinkles to form on the lavender colored silky bedsheets. Ze Yang pants heavily as his thrusts became quicker and quicker making squishy sounds come from their lower parts. As pounding sounds could be heard from two bodies colliding with one another....

"AHHHHHHHHH MMMMMMM" both male and female voices could matched paces as they've done their deed. Ze Yang's manhood shook as he unloaded his sperm into Qi Wing making white chunks of discharge flow out of her hole.

Just when Shi Xue wanted to rush in to slap and curse out all her fury and rage, she hears their their darkest plan making her shiver sending chills to her spine.

Qi Wing: "Mmmm Darling, I can't believe Shi Xue is THAT lucky to avoid the poison we set up in the party…. Hmph that bitch should die faster and leave all the inheritance already! I can't stand it seeing you having to even be by her for an extra second!" as she makes circling finger movements on Ku Ze Yang's bare chest.

He chuckled as he pinched Qi Wing's chin before leaning in to kiss her luscious lips "Her death is coming. That bitch won't survive past tonight. Your mother and I already hired an assassin who would tear her into pieces ruthlessly and chop her into pork piece bites then feed it to the wild animals! Don't worry! After that we can gain all her money and I can be with you every night putting my little babies inside you"

As their kisses get more heated and intensified, their tongues explored each other's mouth playful letting out sounds of pleasure. Qi Wing whispered "YES That BITCH will finally Die HAHAHAHA.... to celebrate let's do several rounds until sunrise to make her die with her eyes opened. Such pity! She died without knowing why and how her boyfriend would scheme against her"

Shi Xue covered her ghastly paled face. Her light hazel eyes were watery and slightly pink as she covered her rosy glossy lips to avoid making a sound. Her perfectly curved nose looked as if someone carved her from an art sculpture. Her jade like skin glowed from the light shone from the moon. Her tears dripping down her face made her already peachy blush more mesmerizing.As she used one hand to cover her mouth, she tried to remain her balance using the other. As she waved her hands a few times to try to bring herself together so she could get out of this place, she knocks over a flow vase causing a huge *CRASH* .....