The Beauty And The Wolf

Chapter 44 - Time To Play

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Evening comes.

After eating dinner, the couple was spending time at the entrance of the cave.

Smiling, Sabrina pointed at the stars shining brightly at the sky. "Look at the stars, so beautiful and bright!" she gushes.

Rhett smiled and planted a kiss on her cheeks. "You\'re a thousand times more beautiful than the stars, my love!" he stated.

Sabrina looked at him and giggled. "You\'re so good in flattery! And I like it!"

Rhett tickled her side. "I\'m just telling the truth nothing but the truth!" he said and tickled her side.

Sabrina erupted in peals of laughter and retaliated by tickling Rhett\'s side.

The couple enjoyed each other\'s presence witnessed by the sparkling stars above.

After the laughter died, Rhett hugged Sabrina lovingly. "What time we will sleep tonight?" he asked.

"After Amara had fallen sleep," Sabrina replied.

"Okay," Rhett said. He looked at the horizon. "The night still early, I think the time is now 8:00 in the evening..." he observed.

"I\'m not sleepy yet," Sabrina said.

"Okay. If Amara sleeps late and you\'re already yawning, you can lie in my lap and then I\'ll just carry you to the chamber later," Rhett offered.

"Alright," Sabrina replied. She fell silent for a moment then cleared her throat, "If Amara already relocated to her chamber... we can finally kiss..." she said, sporting a serious expression on her face.

Rhett\'s brows knitted together in bewilderment. "Um... why you suddenly want the kiss to happen between us? What\'s with the urgency?" he asked, confused.

Sabrina took a deep breath. "We\'re already a couple and we haven\'t kiss yet on the lips, it\'s about time we do it!" she said excitedly. The truth is, she\'s afraid that Amara will make a move on Rhett, so the only way to secure her position in her boyfriend\'s heart is to get intimate with him. That would seal their bond together and make them stronger as a couple.

Rhett groaned. "Are you sure about your decision?" he asked.

Sabrina nodded her head. "Yes, of course!" she replied in a determined voice.

Rhett fell silent for a moment. "I\'m not sure what\'s going to happen after the kiss. But there\'s a big possibility that you will be the next one to be cursed," he said.

"And what\'s going to happen to you?" she asked.

"I can leave freely. But since you can\'t leave the cave, I will stay here with you \'till the end of time," Rhett declared.

"So, what exactly is going to happen to me after kissing you?" Sabrina asked curiously. "I want to know in advance so that I can be mentally and emotionally prepared for it," she said.

Rhett took a deep breath. "The witch told me that if I kiss the woman whom I like on the lips, it will free me from the curse that binds me to this cave. I can finally walk out free and return to my family. But the woman will turn ugly after kissing me. I\'m not sure if that\'s gonna happen or the witch was just trying to play a prank on me. But the only way to find out is to make the kiss happen and wait what\'s gonna happen next," he explained.

Sabrina sighed deeply.

Rhett rubbed her back. "My love, you don\'t have to give me the kiss if you are not ready for the consequences. I won\'t force you to do it. We can stay in this cave forever until we die without kissing each other..." he said.

Sabrina raised a brow. "Without getting intimate? Can we live in this cave without doing what most couple do? You won\'t ask for it?" she asked him in disbelief.

Rhett nods his head and said, "Yeah. I have no problem when it comes to controlling my desire. I have done it before, I can do it over and over again..." he declared.

Sabrina\'s eyes welled. "I want you and me to leave this cave and live a normal life outside just like what most couple did in their lives. That\'s the life I want for us," she said, her heart was breaking inside.

"I know... unfortunately I\'m cursed. If only that witch will show mercy on us, she can undo the curse and set us free from this cursed cave. Only her compassion can free us..." Rhett said dejectedly.

"I want to see the witch! I want to appeal for both of us!" Sabrina said.

"Me too! I also want to beg her to allow us both to leave this cave safely. What is the use of my freedom if I can\'t bring you out with me? I would rather stay here and suffer with you forever than to enjoy my freedom without you by my side," Rhett declared.

Sabrina\'s eyes watered, he was deeply touched by his genuine affection for her. "Thank you for loving me..." she said.

"I should be the one who should thank you for not hating me anymore and for loving me regardless of what I have done to you. I don\'t deserve your love but you still chose to love me, and I\'m grateful for that. "I love you! I will cherish you forever," Rhett said in a voice soft with affection.

"I love you more!" Sabrina replied, her eyes shimmering with overflowing love for her boyfriend.

Rhett smiled brightly, he planted a kiss on her forehead and hugged her tightly. He looked deeply into her eyes. "Are you not sleepy yet?" he asked.

"Not yet," Sabrina replied.

Rhett looked heavenward. "Okay, let\'s continue enjoying the beautiful evening. Good thing it didn\'t rain tonight," he spoke.

The couple gazed into each other\'s eyes and whispered sweet nothings in their ears.

Hours went by.

The night was getting deeper.

Sabrina starts yawning and covered her mouth. "I\'m so sleepy..." she finally said.

"Alright, I\'ll go to the chamber and check if Amara is already sleep," Rhett said and rose to his feet. He proceeds to the chamber.

When he arrived there, Amara\'s eyes were still wide open.

Amara looked at him and smiled sweetly. "Are you checking me out if I\'m already sleep or not?" she grinned in amusement.

Rhett sighed and replied, "Go to sleep!" He returned to the entrance of the cave.

Sabrina looked at her boyfriend. "She\'s still awake, right?" she asked.

Rhett nods his head and lowered himself to the ground beside her. "Yeah... just sleep on my lap. If you fall asleep later, I\'ll just carry you to the chamber," he said.

Sabrina lie on her boyfriend\'s lap and shut her eyes to sleep.

One hour later.

Sabrina already drifted into a slumber, snoring softly.

Rhett lifted her body and carried her to the chamber.

When he arrived there... Amara was already sleeping soundly, covered by the thick coat made of sheepskin.

Gently, he lowered Sabrina\'s body into the bed and lie down beside her, covering their bodies with the blanket. He hugged Sabrina from behind, spooning her. "Good night my love," he whispered in her ear and shut his eyes to sleep.

One hour later.

The freezing temperature circulated in the cave.

Amara opened her eyes wide. She glanced at the couple sleeping beside her and smiled brightly.

She went to Rhett\'s side and waved her hand at the couple, freezing them in the process.

She removed the blanket covering the couple\'s bodies and set it aside.. A wicked smile curled on her lips, she placed her hand on Rhett\'s crotch, giggling.

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