The Beauty And The Wolf

Chapter 39 - Are You Okay?

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The following day.

Rhett woke up first and his eyes widened in shock and confusion upon seeing the face of the woman he was hugging!

Oh, no!

It\'s not his girlfriend!

It\'s Amara!

What the hell is going on?

And the woman was currently watching the shock on his face, smirking.

"Good morning!" Amara whispered and pressed her body next to him.

Stunned... Rhett slowly got up from the bed to avoid waking up Sabrina.

He stood on the ground and looked at the two women in the bed, one is still sleeping soundly while the other was looking at him with a smile of amusement plastered on her face.

Rhett released a deep sigh, wondering what the hell happened last night?

He recalled that it\'s Sabrina that he was hugging! Not Amara!

But how come when he woke up in the morning... It\'s Amara that he was hugging tightly? How did it happen!? He looked at the woman, his eyes darkened in anger.

"Lover boy, please, carry me to the toilet. I need to relive my bladder. I can\'t walk on my own yet. My feet is still numb," Amara said in a sugary voice.

Rhett ignored her.

Amara sighed and tried to get up and ended up falling into the bed. She looked at Rhett. "See? I can\'t walk yet..." she said sadly.

Rhett looked at Sabrina, his girlfriend hasn\'t awakened yet. He went to Amara\'s side and lifted her in his arms and carried her to the toilet.

Amara smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck. She stared intensely at his face. "You\'re so handsome..." she commented, her voice full of admiration.

Rhett avoided her gaze. "Behave yourself! And don\'t ever do it again!" he scolded her.

Amara\'s brows knitted together. "What do you mean-?"

"Why are you the one that I was hugging with in the morning? What I remembered clearly, it\'s Sabrina that I was hugging with!" he stated.

Amara laughed. "Oh, you didn\'t remember? You woke up and picked me up, then you put me beside you because I\'m shivering in cold. You did it! How could you forget such thing?" she said.

Rhett sighed. "You\'re lying! I want you to know this... don\'t try repeating the same trick again! I won\'t fall for it!" he said indignantly.

Amara breathed deeply and shut her mouth.

They arrived at the toilet and Rhett lowered Amara to the ground. "Call me when you\'re done," he said and walked away.

Amara followed him with her gaze, smirking, she lowered her underwear and take care of the call of nature.

Rhett was annoyed. Amara was either playing a prank on him or just playful. This woman\'s brazen attitude won\'t sit well with Sabrina. If Amara keeps playing a prank on him, Sabrina would go crazy due to jealousy.

He will never be able to enjoy peace for a long time. He wished Amara can leave the cave now!

For him, Amara spells trouble!

The way she accused him without batting an eyelash that he was the one relocating her beside him on the bed last night was a blatant lie!

He would never do such a thing!

He would never cheat and betray his girlfriend\'s trust!

He would never hurt Sabrina and make her cry!

He was enraged, but he can\'t hurt the woman physically. All he can do for now is scold her and remind her that he doesn\'t like her stupid prank on him. He found it disgusting and annoying as hell!

Back in the chamber.

Sabrina finally awakened and opened her eyes wide. She was surprised to see that Rhett was no longer by her side and nor was Amara!

She sits upright rubbing her eyes.

Her brows knitted together.

W-where the hell are they!?

She quickly left the chamber and rushed to the entrance of the cave, no one\'s there!

Where are they?

She went back to the chamber and checked the other others... they\'re all empty!

Then she remembered the stream and the toilet.

She rushed to the stream and next, the toilet!

She found Rhett standing in the corner.

Rhett looked at her and smiled. He quickly hugged her and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Good morning!" he said.

She looked at him and asked, "Where is Amara?"

"She\'s there in the toilet," Rhett replied.

Sabrina pouted upon hearing his answer. "She still can\'t walk? You carry Amara from the chamber to here?" she asked in an irate voice.

Rhett nodded his head. "Yeah... she tried to stand up but fell back into the bed. She begged me to take her to the toilet and I did. I\'m sorry..." he said, he know that she doesn\'t like it.

Sabrina bit her lip in annoyance. "Whatever..." she said and walked away, she found a spot and relieved her bladder.

A few minutes later.

"Rhett, I\'m ready to go back to the chamber!" Amara called out.

Rhett went back to Amara\'s side and picked her up and carried her in his arms.

Sabrina was already waiting for them in the corner.

Amara wrapped her hands around Rhett\'s neck and glanced at Sabrina wearing a bright smile on her face. "Good morning, Sabrina!" she said cheerfully.

"Good morning," Sabrina replied in a somber mood.

They proceed back to the chamber.

Rhett lowered Amara\'s body into the bed.

"Thank you, Rhett, you\'re so kind to me!" Amara said in a grateful voice.

Rhett didn\'t reply, he went to Sabrina\'s side and planted a kiss on her cheeks. "I\'m going to the entrance of the cave," he said and walked away.

The women\'s eyes followed Rhett\'s fading form.

Sabrina shifted her attention to Amara. "Your feet aren\'t healing yet?" she asked, looking at the woman\'s feet.

"It\'s still numb. I tried getting up from the bed earlier but I still can\'t do it... I can still feel the pain and numbness in my feet. It hurst so bad," Amara replied sadly.

Sabrina released a deep sigh and picked up the balm from the table and handed it to Amara. "Apply the medicine again..." she said.

"Thanks!" Amara accepted the balm and applied a generous portion on the bitten area of her feet.

"Do you need anything else?" Sabrina asked.

Amara shook her head. "You may leave now. I\'ll be alright here," she said.

"Okay..." Sabrina left the chamber, going after her boyfriend.

When she arrived at the entrance of the cave, she lowered herself beside her boyfriend and looked at him. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Rhett draped his arms around her. "Yes, I\'m perfectly alright. As long you\'re beside me, and we\'re together, nothing else matters," he said and planted a kiss on her temple. He pressed her body closer to him, enjoying her womanly warmth.

Sabrina smiled brightly, satisfied with his answer. "I love you!"

"I love you more!" Rhett replied and kissed her temple.

The loved-up couple watched the beautiful sunrise bathing the whole forest with a golden shine.

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