The Beauty: The Abolished Queen


"Last night?" "Your Highness?" Her eyes widened again.

"Miss, you can't be …." As if guessing something, Bell looked at her. "You won't forget who you are, will you?"

Just … just what was going on?

She only went to have a birthday party with her colleagues after work and then watched some inappropriate movies at their home. She didn't do anything that would harm anyone, she just had a romantic dream and gave a beautiful man to …

That's not right! It didn't seem to be Spring. Dream!

She suddenly lowered her head and looked at the green and purple patch on her body. Then, she turned around and looked at the pool of red blood on the bed.

"Miss …." Staring at her peculiar expression, Bell bent down worriedly.

"Who am I?" She tried her best to maintain her calm. Taking a few deep breaths, she suddenly turned around and looked at the bell.

A look of understanding flashed in Bell's eyes, as if she was not very curious or puzzled by her strange reaction. She only faintly smiled, and then revealed a silly sweet smile. "Miss, you are the first prince of our Eastseeker Country, the consort of the King of Jin's Xiao Yuehan!"

"Princess?" She was stunned. "Then, what's my name?" Although she knew her questions were stupid, she had to ask. She couldn't make herself be more stupid and ask someone else, especially since this little girl didn't seem to suspect her.

"Heh heh, miss, are you asleep or not?" "Miss, your name is Hua Xiangrong, you are the only daughter of our Eastseeker Country's Left Prime Minister. Half a year ago, and on the third day after the age of fifty, you married into our Jin Mansion and became the main wife of our King of Jin's King."

"Then why do you call me Miss?" Hua Xiangrong frowned, trying hard not to think too much.

"Did you forget that you rescued the bell by the roadside before you married into the palace?" "Later on, when Bell entered the palace with you, because you …" "The bell suddenly lowered her eyes, ignoring the words, and jumped to the back." "Miss, you didn't want me to call you 'consort', so …"

"Ah, I remember now." Hua Xiangrong awkwardly pouted and laughed, then turned her head to survey everything in the room. Seeing that Bell was still standing by her bedside, she suddenly looked at her and said, "Bell, don't tell anyone about what happened just now and what I asked you. I just fell asleep confused, so I might have a headache for a while... "So …"

"Don't worry, Miss. Bell won't tell anyone else. This is a little secret between us!" The bell seemed to know what Hua Xiangrong was thinking and winked at her playfully.

"Miss, please wait for a while. I'll go and see why Zhu Er still hasn't brought the hot water back in a while. Please wait for me, I'll take a look." Bell smiled sweetly at Hua Xiangrong, then turned and walked out.

Seeing that the bell had left, Hua Xiangrong immediately took off her blanket and got off the bed.