The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 43 - Who is Teng Yu?

Xiao Wu stared at the little rabbit baby girl in Fluffy's arms. She was stupefied as to how this happened.  As far as she could remember, there was no way two females could produce a baby together and even if they could when the hell did it turn into a less than twenty four hour term! Xiao Wu shook her head as she asked.

"Are you sure it's mine?"

Of course, this was the dumbest question in the world when the baby's face was the spitting image of her own. But she still had to ask right!? Fluffy blushed and did not take offense to the question as she replied.

"Un! Only Master is able to get me pregnant."

Xiao Wu turned to stone. She was at a loss now she had never expected that she could ɨmprėġnȧtė someone! But when she gazed at the little rabbit baby girl in fluffy's arms her eyes softened. The little thing was quite cute…

"Can… Can I hold her?"

"Un… Master is her mommy to after all."

Fluffy gently handed the little rabbit baby girl over to Xiao Wu who held her gently in her arms. She couldn't help but think that her own genes had created such this little child in her arms. Su Yan looked at the child in Xiao Wu's arms and a sense of longing filled her up. She then remembered what Teng Yu said, that Xiao Wu's cultivation method had a way to ɨmprėġnȧtė her!


Su Yan's sudden shout made Xiao Wu jump.

"Yes, Yan'er!?"

"I want to have your baby too!"

Now Xiao Wu was really in a daze of confusion. How the hell was she supposed to ɨmprėġnȧtė Su Yan if she had no idea how she even ɨmprėġnȧtėd Fluffy!

"Um… Yan'er I have no idea how..."

"There is a way in your cultivation method Senior Teng Yu told his."

Hearing the name "Teng Yu", Xiao Wu could have sworn she had heard this name someplace but she was having a hard time remembering who's name it was. All she knew was some bitch was lying to her Yan'er!

"Yan'er I do not know who this Teng Yu bitch is but she is a sŀut who is lying to you. I have no idea what she is talking about."

At this time a thunderous voice filled the room.

"Who are you calling a bitch and a sŀut you damn nympho!"

Teng Yu came flying out of  Xiao Wu's ring with her cheeks all puffed out. Xiao Wu stared blankly at the floating figure in front of her. Tilting her head to the side Xiao Wu's mind was turning trying to remember who this floating person was.

"Ten… Ten... Floaty Lady?"

"Floaty Lady your sister! Your whole family is a floaty Lady! You called me a bitch and a sŀut just now!"

"Huh? ...… I called Teng Yu a bitch and a sŀut for lying to my Yan'er what does this have to do with you, Floaty Lady?"

' How did calling someone else a bitch and sŀut have anything to do with the Floaty Lady? '

"I am Teng Yu you dumb ȧss! I have known you longer than all of these girls and yet you still can't remember my damn name!?"


"Oh, my ȧss! Forget it… Dealing with you is worse than dealing with a million enemies. Look at your cultivation methods information in your mind, you will see how to get these girls pregnant. I'm going back to sleep don't disturb me again."

After finishing her words Tengu Yu disappeared back into the ring on Xiao Wu's finger. Xiao Wu did as she was told and scanned her mind for the information that Teng Yu was talking about. Sure enough, there was a way to do it. The process was quite simple. It was just like the contract between a demonic beast and a human. The only difference was that a portion of the other party's strength was granted to Xiao Wu as well. This did not affect her cultivation base but it did grant her extra physical strength. The more contracts she formed the stronger she would be. After the contract was formed Xiao Wu could use a simple technique to wrap her pussƴ juice in her spiritual power and inject it into her partner. Which then, in turn, ɨmprėġnȧtės her partner. After reading through it all Xiao Wu realized this was indeed quite easy.

"Un! Okay, Yan'er are you sure you want to have my baby?"

"Un! More than anything!"

Handing the baby in her arms back to Fluffy, Xiao Wu got back onto the bed and motioned her hand for Yan'er to come over.

"Okay according to what I just read we need to push out pussies up against each other and mix our pussƴ juices together then I will say the incantation and all you have to do is reply yes or no."

"Okay here it goes..."

Clearing her throat Xiao Wu parted her mouth as she said.

"Magical Miracle!  Pussyrific! Combine our sweet love with a rapa dapa dooooo!"


Xiao Wu's face instantly went red from saying such embarrassing words. But after Su Yan's reply was said a glowing rune formed under them as a light could be seen emerging out from their bodies. The light from Su Yan's body merged with Xiao Wu's body while Xiao Wu's light merged with Su Yan's body. With this, the contract was formed.

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