The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 17 - Is That A Pu...!

"Miss Xiao you can move on to the second test."

The old man just wanted this girl to get away from him. He never had any patience to deal with idiots.

"Oh! Ok..."

Xiao Wu was a little confused. She broke the crystal but still passed the test? Su Yan saw how confused Xiao Wu was so she took her hand and led her to the next testing area. The first test was done in three parts. They tested your spiritual power, your spiritual roots, and your strength. As of now, Xiao Wu was on her way to test her spiritual roots. This test would tell her how good cultivation will progress from now on and into the future.

Once again Xiao Wu did not have to wait in line as Su Yan brought her straight to the front. This time was a middle-aged woman who was handling the test. She saw Su Yan and smiled before looking at Xiao Wu. Once she saw Xiao Wu her cheeks turned pink. The middle-aged woman did not know why but just looking at the girl in front of her made her want to return to her immortal cave and masturbate!

"Elder Bai this is my close sister Xiao Wu."

Su Yan took the initiative to introduce Xiao Wu her face smiled brightly as she did. It seemed that she was very proud to know Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu, on the other hand, looked at the middle-aged woman and felt nothing… Xiao Wu did not want used meat…

"It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you."

Elder Bai greeted Xiao Wu in a friendly manner while giving her a slight bow. Xiao Wu followed in kind as she said.

"Likewise, it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you as well Elder B-B-Ba Bra strap..."

No more than two minutes had passed and Xiao Wu had already forgotten Elder Bai's name. Elder Bai frowned and was about to say something when she heard voice transmission from Su Yan.

"Elder Bai, do not take offense to Xiao Wu. She is really bad with names."

Elder Bai was disgruntled but since Su Yan was a core disciple and had an even higher status than her within the sect she decided to let it go.

"Miss Xiao please step into the array here."

A bright light flashed as balls of light slowly started to come out of Xiao Wu's abdomen. An image started to form in front of Xiao Wu as the balls of light gathered together. When it finally completed every one who saw it was speechless…

"Is That A Pussy!?"

Someone from the crowd behind Xiao Wu yelled out.

It was, in fact, the image of a pussƴ. Xiao Wu's spiritual roots were intertwined in a way that they had formed a spitting image of a pussƴ. Elder Bai looked at Xiao Wu's spiritual roots and blushed from ear to ear.

She couldn't even look at the image in front of her! There was no doubt in her mind that this was one hundred percent the image of a pussƴ. Xiao Wu looked at the image in front of her and found it quite amusing. She had read in the Pink Lotus Cultivation Method that once you started cultivating it, your spiritual roots would take this form. In other words, they could not rank Xiao Wu's spiritual roots. Even Xiao Wu had no idea what her spiritual roots originally looked like.

All of a sudden something popped into Xiao Wu's head after looking at the pussƴ roots in front of her.

"Ah, This reminded me to ask! Sister Yan! Can I stay at your place tonight?"

"You can stay as long as you want!"

Xu Yan was now really excited! Her dear Xiao Wu would be staying with her tonight! Xiao Wu was very happy she remembered to ask or she would have no place to stay tonight. All she had were some rocks that the… Dick man gave her.

"Xiao Wu you can continue on to the third test."

Elder Bai waved her hand at Xiao Wu to shoo her away. Xiao Wu gave a slight bow before she was pulled along to the next and final test of the first part of the entrance tests for the sect. The second part was a trip within the Heavenly Sword Sect's mystic realm. It was a training ground to see how disciples fared in a life or death situation. For someone like Xiao Wu who had no combat experience, this test would truly a grueling test for her. But before that, she had to test her strength. The previous two tests turned out to not be able to give Xiao Wu any kind of rating. So right now she was being passed through as an unknown.