The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 951

Hide left, the fog chasing him left, hiding right, the fog chasing him right. Back away, the fog is still chasing. Urge the internal force, but as if vigorously hit on the cotton, the fog still does not disperse. Cang pavilion has never been so embarrassed and powerless. No matter what he did, he couldn't find a way to resist the fog.

"Brother Cang!" The two little girls seemed to be frightened and Qiqi exclaimed.

It is necessary to give Cang ting a lesson today. She didn't learn spirituality before, but Cang Ting could not help learning martial arts. But he learned this kind of spirit skill with his father three days ago. Although his father only taught her how to change face, she was extremely intelligent and could master it well. I think it's important to attack people. Today, I practiced with cangting Pavilion, and I really gained a lot.

The gate of this courtyard is very lively.

Rongjing stood idly by for a long time, until cangting's hairpin fell off and his clothes were in disorder. He waved to stop the cloud and the moon. It was not hard to hear a trace of tenderness in his low and cold voice, "OK, don't play! It's time for my grandfather to wait. Let's go in! "

Yunqianyue knew that Rongjing had a taboo against spiritualism, so she gave up as soon as she could. Besides, she could only persist for so long, so she withdrew her spiritual power into her body. She did not see cangting's embarrassed appearance. She took a look at Rongjing and said with a smile, "I'm teaching the disciple. If you don't help, you can't say I'm playing?"

"It looks like fun." Rong Jing's eyes were bathed with a smile.

"Don't disgrace my mother?" Cloud shallow moon shakes the veil in hand, smile to ask.

"No! Lord Cang Shao is the leader of the top ten families. " Rong Jing took a deep look at the face of Yun Qianyue.

Cloud shallow moon this just remembers that she changed into Li Yun's face in her previous life. Although Li Yun's appearance is not as beautiful as that of yunqianyue, it is also of superior appearance. When she entered the National Security Bureau with such a face, she was questioned by countless people, but she still had a firm foothold with her excellent skills. Later, no one said a word of gossip. How long memory and face, she suddenly some melancholy, even now is Li Yun's appearance, also changed, she is not her.

It seems to feel the cloud light moon's bleakness, Rongjing holds her hand tightly, "let's go!"

"Well!" Cloud light moon should a, will be back to the face of the veil, follow the Rong Jing lift step, do not look at anyone.

Cang Pavilion did not stop this time. Standing not far away, his face turned blue and white, and he watched the moon and Rongjing leave. However, a pair of Phoenix's eyes and his face were quite different, some of them were puzzled and puzzled.

The two girls saw the face of Yun Qianyue as they wished, but found that they were not only beautiful, but also extremely beautiful. In particular, she is cold and quiet, and her temperament is more obvious than her appearance. Even if they don't want to admit it, they still think that the two people standing together are the best match.

It was not until the two men entered the inner courtyard and could not see their figures. The two girls looked back at each other. Their eyes were red, but they tried not to shed tears.

"What's good about Chu Rong? What are you crying for At this time, Cang Ting also took back his sight, arranged the scattered green silk and Huashang, looked at them, and frowned lazily.

"Brother Cang!" The two little girls seemed to be afraid of cangting, and their tears whirled around their eyes.

"All right, all right! There are many good men in the top ten families Cang Ting coaxes a sentence.

Obviously, the two girls were still in a bad mood, but they didn't want to cry and just nodded. In my mind, although there are many good men in the top ten families, there is only one master of Chu family!

After a while, the young lady of the blue family looked at the cangting Pavilion and asked, "brother Cang, have you never seen this little master of the Red Pavilion before?"

"No!" Cang Ting shakes his head, arranges his clothes, and looks down to play with the twelve bone jade fan in his hand. He has no intention of leaving.

"She is so powerful. What kind of martial arts is that?" The blue lady asked again.

Cang Ting shakes his head, still way: "have not seen!"

"Brother Cang, can't you see what kind of martial arts she uses? It's amazing. It's like a cloud. It can break through your internal power and penetrate your fan. " Hua family miss murmured.

"The world is full of wonder. There are people outside, there are days outside. I don't know what's strange about it? " Cang Ting seems to smile, tone inexplicable, "thought it was an old friend, the original is not."

"Brother Cang, who is your old friend?" Asked Miss Hua curiously.

Cang Ting put away the emotion on his face and laughed, "the little master of Red Pavilion is also a very interesting one! Chu Rong didn't know when he married her. It's amazing. "

"Elder brother Chu's appearance is ethereal, and he has always seen the head and not the end. The Red Pavilion hasn't done anything in recent years. It's very secretive. In this way, brother Chu has a long history with the Red Pavilion! It can't be said that the aunt of the Chu family married a person from the Red Pavilion! Now it's OK for brother Chu to marry the little master of the Red Pavilion. " Miss Lan said.

"Oh, the little girl can guess. But I can't tell! " Cang Ting laughs, leisurely tunnel.

Listening to Cang Ting, the two girls felt better. If the Chu family leader and the Red Pavilion master have known each other for a long time, they have no chance and don't blame them. But still some not reconciled.They did not speak any more, but they did not leave.

While they were talking, Rongjing and yunqianyue had already entered the inner courtyard and came to a main courtyard.

"Master of the house!" The gatekeeper of the main court saluted respectfully.

Rong Jing should a, pull cloud shallow moon into.

Cloud shallow moon looks at this courtyard solemn atmosphere, and she settled in that courtyard elegant different. In front of the main room in the courtyard stood several old people. Among them, he went to meet the seven brothers of Rongjing outside the peach blossom forest ten miles away. She guessed that the elders were about the elders of the Chu family.

"Master of the house!" Several people see Rong Jing to come, hurriedly should come over.

Because the top ten families are well-known families hundreds of years ago, the distinction between superiority and inferiority is more rigorous. Therefore, even if these elders can be called Rongjing, they still have to give Rongjing a gift according to their respect. They are very respectful.

"Well! Is grandfather there? " Rongjing cherishes words like gold.

"The old master is here! Know that the owner of the house has Bring the little master of the Red Pavilion to me... " It seems that an old man does not know how to call yunqianyue. After a pause, he still follows the name of the little Lord of the Red Pavilion.

Yunqianyue recognized that his voice was the old man who opened his mouth when he met Rongjing at the gate of Chu's house, and took a look at him. Although he is a little older, he has a bright and reserved eye. He is also very spiritual and does not show his old state. Obviously, he has a strong internal strength.

"Madame Scene correction.

The old man quickly hung his head, "it's Madame Hello, madam

"Good morning, madam." The rest of them were all present.

Cloud shallow moon mouth slightly hook, think of Rong Jing will her wife this move really scared people! Her voice was cold and calm. She nodded with a smile, "a few old people are nice. There's no need to be polite!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!