The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 899

It's been a long time since I saw Ye Tianyi!

Cloud shallow moon feels as if for a long time, it seems that from when will not think of him again. Now, seeing this face again, I suddenly feel a little strange. Even once thought and small seven have some similar eyebrows and eyes also no longer exist, from inside and outside, are strange.

Night Tianyi floats and falls, and is stunned to see the red and swollen eyes and the traces of tears on her face.

Yunqianyue's mind was shaking. It seemed that she wanted to search for the memory fragments about this man and her entanglement for so many years. Unfortunately, after a while, she couldn't remember anything. So she gave up her mind and said to Ye Tianyi, who looked at her stupidly, "is the seventh Prince back for the Mid Autumn Festival?"

Night Tianyi wakes up, now the cold words and cold sight make his heart suddenly hurt, he step forward, low voice, "moon!"

"The seventh prince had better stop! This is the shallow moon Pavilion, not the seventh Prince's mansion. " Cloud light moon tone is cold.

Night Tianyi steps a meal, seems to be cloud shallow moon cold expression and tone stabbed, "moon, when did you so cold heart to me? I'm a stranger to you now? Or even strangers? "

"Different ways do not conspire with each other. Seven Prince leave! Don't come back again Cloud shallow moon ignores night natural Yi's injury, reaches out to the west a finger, cold voice way: "or say you are to go wrong mansion, seven Prince Mansion is over there."

"It's a different way, not a conspirator. Moon, whose way do you share? Jingshizi? " The injury in the eye of night nature Yi suddenly turns into condensation, "you and I have known each other for ten years, so you say, abandon me or abandon me? Just because I want to love you, love but can't, you abandon me so? And even give me a good look? "

"Ye Tianyi, for so many years, the veil of entanglement has been uncovered, but it is just mutual concealment. You and I never talk to each other. What you want to do, what I want to do, we all know each other. Why do you come to me? We are different from each other. I'm not wrong. " Cloud light moon cold tunnel.

"Oh, all these years, hiding from each other? It's very light of you. In fact, I'm the fool. You play around and cheat me. Now you have found me to replace the person in your heart, so you can cut off the mess quickly, treat me as a mess, and cut off the mess of trouble for you, right? " The night sky inclines suddenly bleak and cold smile.

The cloud is light and the moon's face changes slightly.

"The prince yuzishu of Donghai kingdom? Is it someone you've been thinking about for years? Who can recite the Communist Manifesto? The one you've been looking for since you were a kid? " Night Tianyi is approaching the cloud and moon step by step.

Yunqianyue's eyelids move, thinking that night qingran can know about his work in Valley County and yuzishu, ye Tianyi knows nothing strange. What's more, he's smart and sharp. She looked at the approaching body of Ye Tianyi and said coldly, "what is it? Ye Tianyi, I used to take you as him when I was very young, but it was only a very small time. Later, I made it clear that you were not him. After all these years, I think I've done my best to you and me. I'm not sorry. You don't have to blame me for that

"Is it? You've done me the best you can. But why do you do all you can to me? " Night Tianyi approached step by step, and the dusty breath came with him as he approached the cloud, and the moon also rushed to the face of the moon, "now how? Do you want to abandon me when you have enough benevolence and righteousness? If you feel bored, or find someone who can do it perfectly, you will abandon me, throw me away, and wish I would never appear in front of you? "

Cloud shallow moon frown, cold voice way: "seven Prince please stop! This is the shallow moon Pavilion. "

"Stop?" Ye Tianyi suddenly smiles. Her eyes are full of various emotions, such as bleakness, injury, pain, cruelty, hatred, etc. she not only keeps walking, but also walks towards the cloud and shallow moon. The look in her eyes stares at her closely, "what if I don't? How are you staying? "

"Ling Lian, Yi Xue, Mo Li! See you off for me Cloud shallow moon stand still, the voice is cold.

Her voice just fell, long standing on one side, the progress of Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi rushed forward, blocking in front of the cloud shallow moon. At the same time, a shadow floating and falling, a black suit, is Mo Li.

Ye Tianyi looks at the three people in front of the cloud and the moon, and suddenly laughs. Shallow moon Pavilion floating his laughter, desolate also with a trace of something broken.

"Seven Prince please!" Ling Lian looks at Ye Tianyi with vigilance and makes a sound to see off the guests.

Yunqianyue looks at Ye Tianyi faintly. He is still in a blue robe with a beautiful appearance. However, he may be working hard to control the water day and night, and he is much thinner. She suddenly remembered that he had returned to Beijing from northern Xinjiang a few months ago. The team stopped at Yunwu Mountain, and Rongjing went to meet him. She heard the sound of snow rustling in the car and felt very beautiful. Compared with the bleak and laughing voice now, she seemed not alone. She suddenly glanced away from her face.

"I used to give you the same gift every year on the Mid Autumn Festival, and this year is no exception. Thousands of miles back, I want to hand you the gift, shake hands and But you don't even give me this chance. You are mean to your good face Ye Tianyi stopped laughing, and his voice was suddenly cold, "from now on, I am in your heart, is it really a stranger? You tell me! "Cloud shallow month pursed pursed lip, turn head, look directly at his eye, "yes!"

Ye Tianyi's body shakes, and his forehead seems to have a faint cyan flash. He looks at the face of Yun Qianyue and looks straight at it. Yunqianyue doesn't avoid his eyes. After a moment, he suddenly smiles coldly, "OK! It's your decision, and I'll tell you about it. "

Cloud light moon clearly saw all the mood in night Tianyi's eyes fade away and become resolute. Her heart was cool.

"Cloud shallow moon, from now on, I decided, will marry you! Even if it's robbery, life and death, you should belong to me. " Night Tianyi threw down a word, his sleeve swung, a light flashed in his hand, straight to the cloud and the moon, and his people no longer lingered, and immediately floated out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

Ling Lian, Yi Xue and Mo Li are all surprised. One after another to block the cloud light in front of the moon. However, the speed of the cold light was too fast, and the momentum was great. Several people joined hands, but they were shocked by the force, and then tried to stop it. The cold light had already flown to the top of the cloud and the moon.

Even if it's not in front of her, there's not much lethality, but the green silk on her head is afraid that it will lose half of its value. Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi exclaimed, "miss!"

The moon and the moon are too quick to avoid.

At the critical moment, an arm reached out in front of the cloud and the moon, rolled up a thick fog color, and then saw the sound of "hissing", which seemed to cut through the material, accompanied by a dull hum, and then it was the light sound of Jingling several bells rolling down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!