The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 887

A man was sitting on his back at the table by the window in the room. Looking at his back, the man was very young. He had a light blue brocade robe. His green silk was as black as ink. A jade hairpin was dyed with a light blue color. He casually put one hand on the table top and held a cup of tea in his hand. He was slowly tasting it. A figure of his back was elegant, which made people feel that what he was looking for was not tea, but jade.

"Oh, so a distinguished guest has come to my shallow moon Pavilion!" Yunqianyue leaned lazily against the doorframe, looking at the leisure and sitting in the room, as if in his own home, a casual and leisurely man gave a slight smile.

The man didn't look back in a hurry. Obviously, he knew Yun Qianyue had come back. He slowly put down his tea cup and turned back slowly. His sitting body didn't stand up. Looking at Yun Qianyue, he didn't feel abrupt and embarrassed when he broke into other people's room. He had a shallow smile, "in the cangting Pavilion of xiacang family!"

"Young master of Cang family! We've met. " Cloud shallow moon smiles to nod, to the man's leisure does not have the slightest surprise. There is a kind of people born with calm and elegant posture, such as Rongjing. However, in addition to the scenery, cangting is the first person she has ever seen to interpret the calm and elegant style so well. It's hard to imagine how elegant it would be if he held a sword instead of a cup of tea?

"You are talking about Qicheng! And the first time I saw you was ten years ago Cang Ting's fingers on the table seemed to be inadvertently buttoned twice, with no ups and downs in tone.

"Ten years ago? Tianxue mountain? "

"Yes, ten years ago, Tianxue mountain." Cang Ting nodded affirmatively.

"I did go to Tianxue mountain ten years ago." Cloud shallow moon smile, at that time Wenbo Hou house was destroyed overnight, she rescued Rong Feng and sent him to the Tianxue mountain. She eyebrow tip tiny pick, looking at Cang Pavilion, "but I don't remember I met Cang Shao Lord."

Cang Ting slightly lowered his head and did not speak.

"I boast a good memory!" Cloud shallow moon search memory, there is no such a man, no, ten years ago this man was just a little boy. She's sure she's never seen a kid like this.

Cang Pavilion slightly low head raised, looking at the cloud shallow moon, looks as if thinking.

Yun Qianyue was looked at by him, some inexplicable, this inexplicably broke into her room, and inexplicably said that the people they had met ten years ago, and LAN Yi, who should have helped him have a good relationship with him, catered to the four aristocratic families, including the Chu family, who withdrew from the attack on Nanliang on behalf of the Cang family. He only knew his appearance in canglan Pavilion for the first time. The noble man in the mechanism mirror of room one in the sky.

Silence for a moment, Cang Pavilion suddenly burst into a smile, "at that time I was in the snow mountain and snow mountain old man to ask for advice on chess skills!"

Yun Qianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead. Suddenly, she said, "I remember. At that time, the old man of Xueshan said that an enemy had come to the door to discuss life and death with a game of chess. You are the one who talks about chess with him

"Not bad!" Cang Ting said, "it was a game to win chess, but I lost because of you."

Cloud shallow month is silent for a moment, "I can't let snow mountain old man die, if he died, there will be a person without master! Then I have gone all the way to send him to Tianxue mountain in vain. Therefore, the old man of Xueshan can't lose, let alone die. "

"So you played that game instead of the old man." Cangting tone can not hear what mood.

"Well, if you replace your grandfather, I can take the place of old man Xueshan." Cloud light moon road.

"Yes Cang Ting suddenly sighed, "then I lost to you, and my grandfather committed suicide at that time."

Cloud light moon suddenly silent down, although she did not see the people behind the heavy curtain, but left her a very deep memory. Especially after she won the chess game, there was a burst of laughter behind the curtain. After laughing, a very young voice called out "grandfather" tragically. She smelled the strong smell of blood. Later, she was pushed out of the door by the old man of snow mountain. When she went in again, the man had already left.

Later, the old man of Xueshan accepted Rongfeng. She said goodbye to tianxueshan. After ten years, there were too many things around her, which she gradually forgot into the dust. Ten years later, she met the real master who played chess with her. No wonder it was so secret at that time. It turned out that they were members of the top ten hermit families. She light smile, pick willow eyebrows, "you are to find me revenge? After all, your grandfather died because of me

Cang Ting shakes his head, "that game is the challenge of life and death, willing to gamble and admit defeat, and the old hatred turns into cloud smoke."

"Today?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

The beautiful lip line of cangting Pavilion is delicately drawn up, and the light of her eyes is shining brightly. "Although the old feud between my grandfather and the old man of snow mountain has been resolved, it has disappeared since then. But there is still a game of chess between you and me. "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly realized, pick eyebrow, "that year lost, now not reconciled?"


"Today is the next game of life and death for me? You're killing me? Or risk my life to you? " Cloud light moon slender fingers gently knock on the door frame, issued Ding Ding sound, she asked with a smile.

The tone of Cang pavilion was silent for a moment, "what if I said yes?""Excuse me for not accompanying you!" Cloud shallow moon shakes her head, very simply.

"Why?" Cang Ting asked.

"I don't do things that don't do good." Cloud light moon road.

"Ah..." Cang Ting suddenly laughed. His face was cool and precious, but the smile scattered all the coolness. He looks at the cloud shallow moon, the eye light is extremely attentive earnest.

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, remind a way: "Cang Shao Lord, such a look at a woman who has a heart is wrong!"

"You're so devoted to jingshizi." Cang Ting's eyes are still focused.

Yunqianyue avoided his sight, looked up and saw a swallow's nest at the eaves of the house. She looked at it interestingly and thought of those two poems, and unconsciously read them out, "in the old days, the swallows in front of Wang Xie hall flew into ordinary people's homes." "Today, the swallow lives under my roof. I don't know when it will fly away! The cloud palace and the moon Pavilion will become someone else one day. No more cloud. "

Cang Ting followed the vision of the cloud and the moon. Because of the angle, and because of the door edge, he didn't see anything. A faint smile, "it seems that you are not sure about the future."

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight from eaves, looks at Cang Pavilion, "what kind of ability calls to be sure?"

"You are not sure about jingshizi and your future." Cangting road.

"Who said that? I just saw the bird's nest, a feeling? Do you think I'm not sure? " Cloud shallow moon laughs.

"If you are sure, why don't you play a game of chess with me? How do you know you're not sure about a game of chess with me? " Cang Ting asked with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!