The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 885

"It's not that I don't help you, I really can't. Her condition is different from that of her aunt. Now that there is so much blood flowing, the fetus has been dispersed in her body by what she shouldn't eat. I can't save it even if I'm a big roxburgher. " Cloud shallow moon looks at night sky incline, serious way: "although I don't like Miss Qin, but not to see death do not save."

Ye Tianqing is awed by the serious look in yunqianyue's eyes, and she can't help but clasp her hands freely, praying, "really Can't help it? What did she eat? So powerful... "

"This needs to be checked, and I don't know at present!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "if you can't believe my diagnosis, let night light dye and Rong Feng have a look. Their medical skills are better than mine. Maybe you can see what Miss Qin ate. "

Night sky tilts open hand abruptly, look to night light dye, open mouth, did not make a sound.

"Let me see!" Night light dye originally is not to give Qin Yu Ning pulse, is because don't trust cloud shallow moon, for fear this kind of chaotic scene is unfavorable to her, so pull Rong Feng to follow. Now on the night sky tilt line of sight, he reaches out to Qin Yu Ning pulse.

Night light dye stays on Qin Yuning's pulse for a moment, withdraws his hand, turns back to Rong Feng behind him and says, "I can't find out what I've eaten. Come and have a look!"

Rong Feng nodded, according to the words to Qin Yuning pulse.

Night sky inclines to stare at Rong Feng tightly.

Rong Feng also stayed on Qin Yuning's pulse for a moment, put down his hand and said to the night sky, "it seems that two kinds of mutually exclusive food are in her body, leading to slippery fetus." Words down, he pursed his lips: "can keep Miss Qin, the fetus in the abdomen is not saved."

The night sky inclines to face a gray, the whole person seems to have no anger in an instant, to the Qin Yu Ning in the bosom anger way: "what did you eat in the end?"

Qin Yuning was so hurt that she couldn't speak. She seemed to faint at any time.

"This slowly check, quickly take her away to the nearest palace, although the children can not keep, but can keep one is one." The cloud light moon is calm to the night sky. At this time, she understood the mood of night sky tilt, even if she did not love Qin Yuning, but the child was his. Moreover, this child has a special significance for him. It is the bond of the prime minister's office to support him and the biggest weight to pull back a game. Now that it's gone, the chips are gone.

Ye Tian listens to such a calm voice and can't help but go to see the cloud and the moon. In a moment, he takes Qin Yuning and walks quickly to the gate of Baihua garden. Soon came out of the garden of flowers.

"Dye boy, you should follow quickly and give Miss Qin a prescription. Although the child can't be saved, she must be saved." The old emperor gave orders to night light dye.

Ye qingran nods and takes a look at yunqianyue. Yunqianyue nods to him. He quickly follows Qin Yuning, "Tianyu, you and yueshizi and fengshizi check the food of the banquet as soon as possible to see what Miss Qin has eaten! Does anyone intentionally harm my emperor and grandson! If it is found out that someone has framed me, I will certainly not forgive that person. " The old emperor treated the night sky Yu, the cloud shallow moon and the Rong Feng.

"Yes, father!"

"Yes, Emperor!"

Night day Yu and Rong Feng two people together answer, cloud shallow moon did not speak.

"The emperor, this still needs to check? The Queen's sister and Miss Qin are sitting together, and the Queen's sister is also pregnant. Why is it that only Miss Qin ate something bad that led to a slippery fetus, while the queen sister did not? " Ming Fei's voice was not low, and everyone in the garden could hear her.

"What do you mean, sister Ming? Do you want this palace to slide like Miss Qin? What is your peace of mind The queen looked at Princess Ming coldly. "Originally, the palace wanted yue'er to sit beside the palace. It was the emperor's intention that Miss Qin should sit beside this palace. Should you ask the emperor what's going on? "

"In a word, there is something wrong with this matter! Miss Qin and the queen sister use the same table of things. One is good, the other is slippery. It can't be said in any case. " Ming Fei looked at the old emperor and said to the queen.

"I want to know what's going on here! Then please check it carefully. " The queen said coldly.

"Say a few words less!" The old emperor waved to them, "maybe Miss Qin didn't eat the food, so the queen is OK! That's it. Maybe there are other situations. No one can make a conclusion without finding out

Princess Mingfei stopped talking. The queen sneered and stopped talking.

"You three, check it out!" The old emperor urged the night sky Yu, cloud shallow moon, Rong Feng.

Night day Yu looked at Rong Feng and cloud shallow moon one eye, can only go forward. He did not know medical skills, so he could only check whether there was any abnormality in the position where Qin Yuning was sitting. Rong Feng and Yun Qianyue two people to check the Queen's table of food.

Yunqianyue ordered people to take a pair of new chopsticks and raise their hands to pick vegetables.

"Moon, you can't eat it! In this way, if one of them is poisonous, isn't it harmful to yourself? " The queen immediately stopped.

"Nothing! Don't worry, aunt. I'm not pregnant again Cloud shallow moon smiles and shakes her head.

"Is that bad for your health? In case... " The queen stepped forward and held Yun Qianyue's hand and did not let her move.

"Sister queen, you really love miss moon. It seems that the position of niece and daughter-in-law in your heart is still quite different. Miss Qin didn't feel so nervous just now. " Mingfei's secluded tunnel."Sister Ming! You are not the same as before The queen looked at the princess coldly for a moment and spat out a word.

Princess Mingfei's body trembled slightly and said with a smile, "what's the saying of empress sister? I'm pregnant with my sister, but I feel the same as my sister

"Is it? I hope so! " The empress smile a little cool, look back firmly at cloud shallow moon, "moon son, forbid you to eat this! Miss Qin's child is gone. I don't want you to test drugs with your own body, and then you can find out the problem and take it in yourself. "

"Aunt..." Cloud shallow moon helpless.

With a smile, Rongfeng reached for yunqianyue's chopsticks and gently said, "I'll do it! I'm a man, and I'm fine. "

"Then you come!" Cloud light moon also does not compete.

The queen looked at Rong Feng gratefully and let go of the hand of cloud shallow moon.

The old Emperor didn't say anything, but looked at Rong Feng. His eyes were deep, some heavy, and some dignified.

Rong Feng tasted every dish in his mouth. After a cup of tea, he put down his chopsticks and shook his head to the old emperor, "back to the emperor, there is no abnormality in the food."

"Oh?" The old emperor raised his eyebrows. "What's the matter with that?"

"About to ask Miss Qin what she ate today!" "Rong Feng way," perhaps not necessarily in this banquet to eat

The old emperor nodded and looked at the night sky Yu, "Tian Yu, what can you find out?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!