The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 871

"Little girl! It's just a broken bird raised by a weak beauty, and it's worth protecting it like this? " Night light dye stares at the cloud and the moon, glances at the letter paper bound on the bird's leg and hums.

Yunqianyue picked her eyebrows and did not speak. She could not wait to reach out and tear down the letter paper and open it. It was written in Chinese Pinyin: "write me a letter of ten pieces of paper a day. Give it to Rongfeng and pass it to me."

in this sentence, Yun shallow moon mouth corner sucked, Rong Jing knows she is too idle?

"Little girl, what kind of ghost character is this writing?" Night light dye put together the head, how to see also can't understand, don't understand to ask.

"It's not a ghost character, but you don't have to understand it." Yunqianyue took out a note and a quill pen from her arms, and quickly wrote a word "good", tied it to qingti's legs and patted it. Qingti seemed to take a warning look at the night and fly out of the window with her wings.

"Sure enough, who keeps what?" Night light dye hums, head a slant, want to lie down again.

Cloud shallow month this time very nimbly dodged him, reached out to take a pillow to plug under his head, night light dye although dissatisfied, but did not say anything, continued to close his eyes.

Yunqianyue stood up, went to the table and sat down. He polished his ink and began to write to Rongjing.

Ye qingran opens her eyes and looks at Yun Qianyue. With his wisdom, she naturally knows that Yun Qianyue is writing a letter to Rongjing, thinking about how he de, a weak beauty, can do? How could I have been Two more grunts.

"Night light dye, your tooth root ache?" Cloud light moon looked up at the night light dye one eye.

"No!" Night light dye does not have good breath tunnel.

Yunqianyue no longer pays attention to him and continues to write.

The room quieted down, Leng Shao Zhuo lay on the bed looking at the cloud shallow moon, although she did not smile, but it seems that her eyebrows and eyes are warm and gentle, the corners of her mouth slightly hook, do not smile and smile, such cloud shallow moon is he has never seen. Even these two days to Rong Feng, to night light dye, she also did not have this look. He was more afraid than respectful to Rongjing before, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that this could be made public, arrogant, domineering, light, cold hearted, lazy, simple, and more complex. He was more respectful than all the others. Over the years, the more he fought and killed Yun Qianyue, the more he knew, and the more he knew how difficult it was to have this look on her face.

Only one person can make her look like this, and that is Rongjing. This thought, his heart is not cold, but spacious. In the morning, I was tired of telling so many stories to Yun Qianyue, so I closed my eyes and soon went to sleep.

Yunqianyue had been writing for an hour before she finished writing ten pieces of paper. After looking at it from the beginning, she found that eight pages of paper were all yellow jokes told by Leng Shao Zhuo. She shook her head in a funny way.

At this time, Rong Feng came in from the outside, and was not surprised to see the night light dye. He went straight to the table and looked at the stack of paper full of handwriting in front of Yun Qianyue and picked his eyebrows.

"Daily tasks! You pass it on to him. " Cloud light moon road.

Rong Feng was clear and reached out to pick up the handwriting, which was supposed to be folded up. When he saw the contents of the handwriting, he stopped suddenly. His face was strange and asked, "would you write this for him?"

"What are you afraid of? These are all the jokes that have been cut off. Only Leng Shao Zhuo, who once invaded this kind of fun, can say it. Now, the storyteller outside probably won't say it. I'll write it to him and make him happy. In case he is too tired to control the water every day. " There are good reasons for that.

"That's what it says, but you don't think it's wrong?" Rong Feng asked.

"No! I think it's appropriate. " The moon waved her hand.

"Well All right Rong Feng looked at the letter again and again, and then folded it helplessly.

Yunqianyue looks back and sees Leng Shao Zhuo and ye qingran sleeping soundly. She stands up, stretches, and walks to the door. Rong Feng also looked at two people, followed out of the door.

Out of the courtyard, Rong Feng said in a low voice: "a maid died in the palace yesterday."

"When will there be no death in the palace? It's not normal to die! " Cloud light moon road.

"It's a maid in the palace of Princess Ming. A maid who is close to her Rong Feng said again.

Cloud shallow moon footstep a meal, suddenly smile, "really can't sink gas! I thought she had so much power

Rong Feng refused to comment.

"Have you found out the life experience of Princess Ming?" Cloud shallow moon partial head asks again. She knew that Rong Feng had been secretly investigating the destruction of the house of marquis Wenbo. So the first thing he wants to do is to find out.

"No!" Rong Feng shook his head, looked at the cloud shallow moon and said: "she is the same as the cloud princess in those years, her origin is mysterious. It's not a poor woman at all. I'm afraid she's more than one, there's someone behind her. "

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, nodded, "no hurry! Now that she has lost her breath, she is about to show her tail

Rong Feng nodded and stopped talking.

When they returned to the pavilion, Ling Lian and Yi Xue came out and whispered to Yun Qianyue: "Miss, sister Huasheng, they have escorted Prince Rui back from Nanliang!"Cloud shallow moon one Xi, "come back! That's just right! Where are they now? "

"In the willow tower! There are too many eyeliner in the cloud palace. They dare not come to the girl's side, for fear of exposing their identity. Linglian words down, see cloud shallow moon nodded, she hesitated for a moment: "but bring back a bad news."

"What's the news?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Ling Lian said in a low voice: "the blue family, the top ten aristocratic families, joined the WTO together. The purpose is to denounce Nanliang. The reason is that Lan Yi, the leader of the blue family, was impolited by Prince Rui and became pregnant Pregnant. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!