The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 833

Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, "people depend on fate. Why it is not other people but him also depends on fate. He's really not ordinary. No matter how good he is, those are just his coat. When I knew him, he didn't have so many coats. He was just a black hearted child. If you like anything about him, it's that he has a lot of bad problems and has black heart and black lung! "

Youth rolled a white eye, "bad disease, black heart and black lung, do you still like it?"

"Why can't you like black heart and black lung?" Cloud shallow moon smiles at the youth.

"The boy snorted, but I didn't see where he was? It's much worse than Zishu Young flat mouth, "Zishu brother is the best man in the world."

"How good is it?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"As good as it is! It's beyond description The boy is proud of himself. Because of his complacency, his looks were flying and he said, "he is definitely the best person in the world, nobody can match him. It's not as stingy as Rongjing, and so on. There's nothing wrong with all of them. I can't find any of his bad problems in these years. "

"Isn't that a perfect person? Is there a perfect person? " Cloud shallow moon smile way.

"It's just perfect!" The tone of the boy was a little proud. He waved his hand and disdainfully said to Yun Qianyue, "I'm telling you that you don't know how good brother baizishu is. You'll know when we get to Valley County and see him. "

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, continue to live in the hands.

Half an hour later, a raft was ready. Fearing that it would not be firm, yunqianyue untied the reins of the three horses, tied the raft firmly for a circle, and then gently lifted his hand and threw the raft into the water. The four jumped on the raft.

"Cloud light moon, you are quite capable, this raft is very strong for the four of us." The boy hopped on the raft twice and praised the moon.

"You'd better be honest. If the rope breaks, the four of us will have to swim across." Cloud light moon glanced at the youth, remind way. The youth has the youth and vigor that most people in the world don't have. Even if they occasionally do some unpleasant behavior, it will not be too offensive. At least she won't.

"I can't swim!" Hearing this, the young man became honest immediately.

"You grew up in the East China Sea and can't swim?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Who said that people who grew up in the East China Sea could swim?" The youth white cloud shallow moon one eye, suddenly said: "how do you know I grew up in the East China Sea?"

Cloud light moon looked at the youth lightly, did not answer.

The young man seemed to know that he asked some nonsense. The man in front of him was Yun Qianyue. She was different from the rumor, and it was nothing strange to know that. In addition, he could not get out of the capital in a hurry. He could not come to the Valley County and promised to help her to break the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and the cloud palace. He raised his face and asked, "do you know who I am?"

"You can tell me!" Cloud light moon road.

"I won't tell you!" The young man snorted. Seeing that the moon was silent, he said again, "although I promised to help you to break the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and Prince Rong's house, I also said I would marry you. Remember, I'm not joking

Cloud shallow moon looks forward to the front, light way: "I also have engagement!"

The young man blinked his eyes, "you say that you are the only legitimate daughter of the cloud palace and the Tiansheng royal family's engagement? Will you be the queen of heaven

"No!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "it is the engagement with the seventh prince!"

"Isn't that the same? He will be the emperor of heaven. If you have an engagement with him, won't you be the queen? " Youth road.

Yunqianyue doesn't speak. I don't know whether it's because she is in the water, infected by the cool water, or because her breath is light and cool, so she is no longer warm, only cool.

"What are you afraid of when you have a engagement? You are not with Rongjing day and day together, as if no one else you Nong my Nong? I will marry you, and I am not afraid of your engagement. " Youth road.

"It's better not to say this in front of Rongjing. For the sake of your life. " The moon looks back at the boy.

"I'm not afraid of him!" Young people don't think so. Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, eyes continue to look forward.

The water in the valley is clear and sparkling. Since it is from upstream to downstream, the prepared wood pulp is hardly used. The raft goes down the river and is driven by the current. It only needs to control the balance.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue control the balance of the raft from left to right. Looking at the moon and the youth, they always feel that the boy is strange everywhere. Whether it's talking or not.

"Cloud light moon, can you whistle?" The young man stood for a moment, simply sat down and looked at the cloud. Even though there was no water mist in the valley, there was still a faint mist all over her. He frowned and broke the silence again.

"What kind of whistle?" Asked the moon.

"Any kind of whistle will do. If you want to, blow one! Otherwise, it would be boring to stay like this. " Youth road.

"No problem!" Yunqianyue takes back her sight, lowers her head to pick a leaf from the wood of the bamboo raft, wipes the water stains with Juan PA, and blows it on the lip. She is playing a landscape tune, crisp and graceful.The boy listened carefully and enjoyed it.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue looked at the young lady with admiration. They could play such a beautiful tune with a leaf. They had all heard the music played by the seven elders in the Red Pavilion with bamboo leaves, but felt that they were not as open-minded as Miss's.

"How long have you learned to play this?" the boy asked

"I learned it when I was a child, but I forgot how long." Cloud light moon road.

"Brother Zishu plays a good minor, almost as well as you." Young people say again.

"You open your mouth and shut your mouth to my brother. How are you feeling with him?" Cloud light moon fingers gently touch the leaves, the leaves are very green, her hands are white, white and green, leaves are very soft, she asked with a smile.

"Of course "My favorite person is Zishu brother!" he said

"How much do you like it?" Cloud shallow moon asked with a smile.

"Bi like, everyone likes it. Even if I marry you in the future, brother Zishu will be the first." Youth road.

Yun Xiaoyue looked at him funny, looked him up and down, turned back and said in a teasing way: "open your mouth and shut up to marry me, but you can't marry me. I'm afraid you can't. Some factors are irresistible. "

The youth hums a, did not seem to hear the cloud shallow moon's implication, "I said to marry, you wait."

The light cloud in my hand, and soon she threw the leaves into the water , the fastest update of the webnovel!