The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 776

Nanlingrui doesn't seem tired, sleepy or hungry. After catching up with Rongjing, he is willing to walk slowly behind his carriage, with his hands around Lanyi's slender waist, and his whole body nestles in Lanyi's body. He encircles her in her arms, pillows her head on Lanyi's shoulder, and sprays her breath on her snow-white neck. Her mouth is as bright as a lotus flower, and nongnongnong's soft language keeps on saying.

Blue Yi's face has been burned red, white neck also dyed pink, but a pair of eyes is accumulation of shame and anger. She has never seen such a man since she was little. The men of the top ten families are polite. She didn't understand how there was such a man in the world. A moment of humiliation, but helpless. But fortunately, Nanling Rui in addition to holding her head on her shoulder no action, or she may be burned to death.

I don't know how long after that, Nan Lingrui's voice dropped. After a while, he finally couldn't bear the tiredness and sleepiness. He felt soft and fell asleep with Lanyi in his arms.

LAN Yi is relieved to hear that he doesn't speak any more. However, she felt his even breath on her neck, and she felt so uncomfortable that she could not help pushing her head away from her shoulder.

The road finally calmed down.

Flower is also tired, but still sitting upright on the horse. Xiange looks back at the flowers and thinks that she is worthy of being born in the top ten families. She is so tired, but she is still so upright. Her muscles and bones are admirable. He looked away from his eyes and looked at Nanling Rui, which was funny and admired. He felt that he really admired the prince Rui. He was definitely a treasure.

The carriage didn't go very fast. It took three hours to walk fifty miles. At the third watch hour, it came to Cloud City.

At this time, the gate of Cloud City was closed, but the soldiers who guarded the city knew the carriage of Rongjing and opened the gate immediately. The carriage entered the city smoothly. Hualuo and nanlingrui's Mount followed closely.

An ordinary carriage stopped in the gate of the city. At this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted up, and half of the people in the carriage showed their bodies. A handsome face looked at the black carriage that was driving in. His eyes glanced over Lanyi, nanlingrui and Hualuo, who shared the same ride, without any expression. It's night nature.

Blue Yi see night Tianyi a joy, opened his mouth, did not make a sound, and some annoyed.

Night Tianyi's eyes are fixed on nanlingrui's waist with Lanyi in his arms. He glances at Lanyi's rigid body, moves away from his eyes and looks at Rongjing's carriage. He says in a clear voice, "what's the purpose of jingshizi's return home at night?"

"Why did the seventh Prince wait here at night Rong Jing is holding the cloud and the moon is lying in the car, his voice is rising slightly.

"Can King's son receive the princess of Donghai state these days?" Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

"The seventh Prince is more concerned about Jing than Jing." Rong Jing light way.

"Although the princess of Donghai kingdom came for the engagement of King Shizi, she is also a distinguished guest of the country. Now that my father and Emperor supervise the country, I naturally want to care about this matter." Ye Tianyi looks at the carriage that comes near, and feels the familiar breath and even breath coming from the car. It seems that through the curtain, he sees the woman's sleeping face.

"The princess of Donghai will surely appear, sooner or later. Since this is Jing's reception, Jing has its own discretion. The seventh Prince doesn't need to be too concerned. " Rongjing feels that ye Tianyi is staring at the sight of the carriage, reaches out to pick up a wisp of green silk of yunqianyue, and twists around his fingertips, looking at her sleeping face. It seems that he can't see enough.

"King Shizi had better be prudent. If he can't get the princess of Donghai Kingdom and cause any trouble to the princess, it's him who is to blame." South Ling Rui voice suddenly cold a minute.

Scene does not answer, as if to listen to non listen, the carriage's face smile light.

Ye Tianyi moved the carriage and looked at Ling Rui's horses. Feng Mou narrowed, "where did Rui Prince go?"

Nanling Rui still holds LAN Yi's waist and lies on LAN Yi's body. She sleeps with her head on her shoulder.

Night Tianyi suddenly to south Ling Rui hand, a strong air flow to South Lingrui flow. LAN Yi is happy, no matter why night Tianyi appears here, whether it is for the sake of cloud and moon or other, as long as it can save her from the magic barrier.

Nanlingrui had fallen asleep and suddenly woke up. Holding Lanyi in his arms, he immediately left the horse and rolled into the carriage of Rongjing. The lazy voice came out, "seventh prince, what are you doing? Do you want to kill the prince? Don't forget how night Tianqing hurt the little prince of Xiaoqin's mansion. Do you want the crown prince to write a memorial to the sick emperor Tiansheng, saying that his son is going to kill Prince Nanliang

"Prince Rui, if Tianyi remembers correctly, you should be in the post station of Nanliang messenger. How can the dust come? " Ye Tianyi's air current does not withdraw, and directly follows into the carriage of Rongjing.

Rong Jing doesn't look at nanlingrui and Lanyi who are rolling into the car. They wave their hands gently and stop nanlingrui's true spirit and sound a warning, "seventh prince, you can't destroy Jing's carriage. Last time a hundred secret guards assassinated me, one of the carriage made of agarwood has been destroyed. If I destroy this one, there will not be so many agarwood for me to cut. "

Ye Tianyi withdraws her true spirit and does not answer Rongjing's words. She raises eyebrows to Nanling Rui, "Prince Rui, do you know who the woman in your hand is? She's not the one you can touch! The prince advised Prince Rui to let her go. ""Oh?" South Ling Rui suddenly a smile, "that who can dye finger?"

"Prince Rui, there are 3000 women in Prince Nanliang's residence for you to play with, but the woman in your hand is not an ordinary woman." Ye Tianyi doesn't wait for nanlingrui to reply, and continues: "she wants to go to Beijing under orders! If Prince Rui robbed her midway, he would have robbed the imperial edict. If the father knew, he would be very angry. Is it hard for Prince Rui to explain? "

"Going to Beijing on orders?" South Ling Rui smiles to reach out to touch blue Yi's face, smile way: "be?"

"Prince Rui doesn't believe it? Do you want me to show Prince Rui the imperial edict? " Ye Tianyi raised her eyebrows.

"I want to know, she is a little girl, what is the emperor's edict?" Nanlingrui picks eyebrows. It seems that she is addicted to LAN Yi's face. She lingers back and forth on her smooth and tender face. She has a feeling of love.

LAN Yi's body is stiff. Even if Rongjing doesn't even glance at her eyes, she feels that this is a shame to be watched.

"Secret order!" Night Tianyi spits out two words, "Rui prince wants to inquire about the secret of his father?"

"Ha ha..." South Ling Rui suddenly laughed, "dare not! I dare not ask the emperor's secrets if I have ten courage. The seventh prince, stop laughing

"The prince didn't laugh with Prince Rui. Prince Rui had better hand over this woman." Ye Tianyi's tone is cold.

"Prince Ben didn't hold her, but he thought she was lovely. Please go to my post station and have a cup of tea. Although the seventh prince had the emperor's secret order, he did not say that he would go to Beijing immediately? She still has personal freedom. It's not too much to have a cup of tea with Prince Ben. " Nanlingrui looks down at Lanyi's face and sees that she is shy and angry. He feels interesting and appreciates her carefully. , the fastest update of the webnovel!