The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 735

Yunqianyue's lips tightly pursed for a moment. She took back her sight and looked at Shengyang hall. The hall was quiet. She looked at Brunei. Brunei immediately walked in. Not long after, the old emperor's voice came out from the hall, "moon girl comes in!"

Cloud shallow month did not hear the name of the cloud from, she looked at the cloud from a low voice: "you wait here first!"

Cloud from nodding, cloud shallow moon raised step to go in. Shengyang hall is still like the birthday banquet day when she came to look for the nine turn mandarin duck pot. It's brilliant and bright. The only difference is that there is a strong smell of medicine in the hall, and a large pile of memorials are placed on the table in the room. There is a person sitting next to the table, reading the memorial, which is the night nature.

Yunqianyue looks at night Tianyi. Even in this magnificent Shengyang hall, he is not half rigid and nervous. His sitting posture is not very upright, his eyebrows are light, and his body is not wearing the Dragon Robe which symbolizes the emperor, but he has the majesty and breath of an emperor. She lowered her eyebrows and eyes, and always knew that ye Tianyi had a natural imperial momentum.

Ye Tianyi did not look at the cloud and the moon, and continued to review the memorial in front of him. He did not stop at the writing place, as if he did not know that a man had come into the room.

"Moon girl, come here!" The old emperor looked at the cloud and said again.

Yunqianyue looked up and saw the old emperor lying on his side on the bright yellow bed. His face was withered, and his face was sunken. If it was not for his old eyes, he would be a dying man. She walked forward according to her words and stood three steps in front of the bed. She was not polite, but as usual, she gave a faint cry, "emperor's uncle!"

"Come closer!" The old emperor waved to the moon.

The cloud moon has taken a step forward.

"Come closer!" The old emperor said again.

Cloud light moon is one step closer. It's a step away from bed.

"Moon girl, do you blame me?" The old emperor looked at the cloud and the moon was one step away from the bed. He didn't ask for any closer, but asked. I didn't use my name, but I did.

"What's strange?" Cloud shallow moon is motionless, make a voice to ask.

"Blame me for killing you. Blame me for tying your engagement with the seventh prince. Blame me for letting your aunt conceive of my offspring." The old emperor gazed into the eyes of yunqianyue.

"The emperor's uncle said this strangely. Strange or not, what do you mean? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

The old emperor suddenly laughed and said to himself, "your heart is not strange, but angry?"

The moon is not sure. A strange word is too light! People who are worthy of blame will be strange, and those who are disgusted with it will feel that they are flattered. All she wanted was that he was dead at once, and that his eyes were clear. In the past, whether you wanted to kill her, or tied her engagement to Ye Tianyi, they did not touch her bottom line, but her aunt's affair really touched her bottom line.

"Moon girl, don't forget that your aunt is my queen." The old emperor looked at the cloud and the moon. Even though she could not see any emotions, it seemed that he could see what she was thinking.

"I know!" Cloud shallow moon light way: "she is your queen, but she is also cloud Palace's daughter, my aunt!"

"Little girl, do you want me to die immediately The old emperor asked again.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, smile light and bewitching, in a moment, she shook her head to the sight of the old emperor, "emperor uncle how to say so? Naturally, I hope that you will live a long and lasting life like this holy land. "

"You are very much like your mother. Sometimes I feel I can't do it." The old Emperor didn't seem to hear Yun's irony. He sighed and said, "my only regret in this life is that I haven't killed Princess Yun."

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, she thought is his this life's regret is did not marry her mother!

"If I kill her, at least she won't be the devil in my heart." The old emperor also said: "once you have been in the magic barrier for 20 years, you can't extricate yourself."

Cloud shallow moon eye light micro motion, no words.

The old emperor no longer spoke, as if immersed in memories. After a moment, he called out to the outside, "Brunei, Xuanyun leaves!"

Brunei answered outside. Not long after, Yunli opened the bead curtain and entered. Naturally, he was not as bold as Yun Xiaoyue. He knelt down to the old emperor and did not look up all the time.

"Is this Yunli?" The old emperor inquired about the moon.

"Yes Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Look up!" The old emperor opened his mouth.

Cloud from slowly raised his head, although the first time to see the God's 95, but no fear, and the old emperor. There was no reverence, but no other emotion.

"Good! He is the son of the cloud palace! " The old emperor looked at Yunli for a moment, but his eyes could not see any emotion. He waved his hand to Yunli, and Yunli retreated. He said to Ye Tianyi, who was sitting at a table not far away, reading the memorial, he said, "Tianyi, you should draw up a decree. According to my holy will, Yunli will inherit the descendants of King Yun's family under the name of King Yun. After marriage, he will inherit the hereditary marquis."

"Yes, father!" Night Tianyi answers."You can draw up the edict now. After you have drawn up the will, you will go to the cloud palace to announce the edict in person." The old emperor said again.

"Yes Ye Tianyi nodded.

The old emperor took back his sight from night Tianyi and looked at the moon. "Moon girl, I want you to come today. In addition to the matter of cloud departure, there is one thing." Words fall, he saw cloud shallow moon pick eyebrow, continue to say: "you say my seven princesses give marriage to the prince of Wenbo mansion Rong Feng how?"

Cloud shallow month hears speech the mind to move, did not answer immediately.

"Well?" The old emperor looked at Yun Qianyue and raised her eyebrows. Seeing her speechless, the old emperor continued: "I remember that you asked for marriage at the martial arts champion conference two months ago, but it was just a joke at that time. My seven princesses were stimulated at the birthday party two days ago. They were blessed by misfortune and suddenly recovered. Now I like Rong Feng, the eldest son of marquis Wenbo's residence. My daughter has been suffering for so many years. I'm willing to do her good, Miss Yue. What do you say? "

"The emperor's uncle seems to have asked the wrong person about this kind of thing. He shouldn't have asked me." Cloud light moon road.

"Oh? Who should I ask? " The old emperor looked at the cloud light moon, saw her face calm, he picked eyebrows, deep eyes.

"Since he was referring to Rong Feng, I naturally asked him whether he would like to marry. There are so many infatuated men and women in the world. Does the emperor's uncle still want the seven princesses who have finally recovered from illness to repeat the mistakes of Princess Qingwan Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

The old emperor's face sank.

Yunqianyue didn't seem to see the old emperor's gloomy face, and continued: "maybe you have too many daughters. It doesn't matter if you die one or two. If so, you can refer to marriage at will. One edict can tie two people together. Where can you ask other people's opinions? You are the son of heaven! He is not only in charge of the great power of the heaven, but also of the marriage of the people. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!