The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1739

For thousands of years, she thought, no one had been lying on it like her.

Everyone dedicated their spiritual power to protect the golden elephant, the ancestor of the cloud clan. Only she came here to absorb these spiritual powers for her own personal gain.

As time went by, the spiritual power of her body was also absorbed by the spiritual power above, and she could feel that the spiritual power flowing out of her body was so weak that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Her body was extremely tired and empty, but she did not dare to close her eyes and try to keep a trace of soberness. Her hands were always on her abdomen and she did not dare to leave. Fortunately, she did not feel any discomfort in her lower abdomen.

Just like this has been lying, I do not know how long, she finally can not support, in front of a dark, closed her eyes.

Ten thousand years of cold pool is quiet, like an empty world, and there is no abnormal sound.

The Yunshan mountain above the ten thousand year old cold pool has many buildings.

The ice river is long and still, like the river of ice.

Ten days in the cold pool and ten days in the cloud mountain.

Finally, on the tenth day of the cold pool under the cloud shallow moon, the special envoy of Yunshan temple could not help but go to find Shangguan Mingyue who had been closed for ten days. Lanling and Ziqi guard at the gate of the cloud palace. When they see the emissary coming, they all salute.

"I want to see the little Lord!" The envoy is a woman. If there is a goddess in Yunshan, she is the first Dharma protector for the goddess to sit down. This is the only place in Yunshan with the three elders of Zhangxing hall. Blue Ling low voice way: "little Lord before the closure of the command, within a month no one will see."

God made his face look ugly, "the goddess jumped down the cold pool, yesterday I can still feel her breath, but today half silk of her breath also can't feel, what does this mean, you won't know."

Lan Ling's face changed and hesitated to say, "but the little Lord has orders. If anyone interferes with him for less than a month, he will take charge of the death penalty."

God made a face cold, "little Lord will goddess back to cloud mountain, so let people die under the cold pool? She was already pregnant, and how could she hold on to the cold poison of ten thousand years? Don't say to absorb the spirit inside, it's hard to save your life. The little Lord didn't care about it. He even sent someone to guard the cold pool for ten thousand years. Without his command, no one was allowed to go down. What the hell is this doing? Do you want to let the goddess that Yunshan won back so hard to lose again? "

Lan Ling doesn't know what to say, and has nothing to say.

Ziqi said in a low voice: "the little Lord is a nervous goddess. It's impossible to really ignore it. God will make you calm down. The little Lord will do something for you. "

"What is his purpose? I am a god emissary, closely related to the fate of the goddess. In this cloud mountain, or in this world, only I can feel the breath of the goddess. Now even I can't feel it. Can the goddess still be alive? It's in danger. " The God's envoy said angrily.

Ziqi's heart trembled and looked back. The cloud palace was silent. She said in a low voice: "the goddess is different from ordinary people by nature, but also different from the Goddess All the time. Since she was born into Tiansheng for more than ten years, have you not felt her breath? Think the goddess of this generation has not yet been born? So, maybe it's because of the relationship between life and death that her pulse is temporarily blocked. You can't feel her. It's not necessarily that something happened... "

The God emissary said angrily: "the heaven saint and the cloud mountain are thousands of miles away, I can't find out at that time is too far away. The Castle Peak barrier itself blocks the leakage of the cloud family's spiritual skills. Therefore, it is normal not to detect it. But now she is in the Yunshan mountain, under the Wannian cold pool. It's only a short distance from me. As long as there is a trace of pulse, I can't miss it. If you can't find it, it just means that... "

"God emissary, do you want to go to charge the punishment hall to receive punishment?" The cloud palace suddenly spreads out Shangguan Mingyue's low and cold voice, interrupts the divine envoy's words.

Seeing the Shangguan Mingyue talking, the envoy immediately said, "little Lord, I'll ask you to save the goddess from the cold pool of ten thousand years!"

"Are you sure you can save her?" Shangguan Mingyue's voice rose.

God made his lips close, "there is always some help!"

"What's the use of some help?" Shangguan Mingyue said in a cold voice, "what she wants is to store all the spiritual power inside, activate the soul lock technique, and relieve the lock of life and death. You can't help her with that! No one can help her! Now she's either dead or alive. "

The God's face turned white and his voice was faint and fierce. "Has the little Lord ever thought that if the goddess dies out in this generation, then there will be no inheritance of the goddess in Yunshan."

"No inheritance, no inheritance! Don't mention the death of a goddess, just want to die out the whole cloud clan, there is no way. What's more, the cloud people have been living for the longest time in the world for thousands of years, which is enough for them. " Shangguan Mingyue is cold-blooded and merciless.

God took a step back, "how can I do that..."

Shangguan Mingyue seems to have been impatient, a wave of hand, a strong force from the cloud palace, will not be prepared to play the God of several Zhang far away. He said angrily, "go back to your temple! If she really died, she would bury her bones in the cold pool of ten thousand years. Let alone let people save her, even if she collected the bones, no one was allowed to collect them for her! "

The emissary was hit by Shangguan Mingyue. He staggered for several steps and barely stood still. He vomited a mouthful of blood."I think you are the first one to disturb me. This slap is a small punishment and a severe punishment to you." Shangguan Mingyue said coldly, "Lanling, Ziqi, you two will send him back to the temple of God! The whole mountain is ordered. If someone comes to disturb me like an envoy of God, I will be killed. "

"Yes! Little Lord Lanling and Ziqi are all excited.

The news that the God emissary was wounded by the little Lord's small punishment and great commandment spread all over the cloud mountain in an instant.

The three Hall elders and some nervous goddess people had already been unable to bear to ask the Shangguan Mingyue to help Yun Qianyue in the cold pool. However, seeing that the God envoy was punished, they all gave up the idea.

No one knows what Shangguan Mingyue thought. He took the goddess back to Yunshan, but let her live and die under the cold pool.

But the little Lord is the master of the whole Yunshan mountain. He has orders. No one is allowed to resist.

All the people in Yunshan can only watch the change.

Lanling and Ziqi are the servants of Shangguan Mingyue. After sending the envoy back to the temple, they return to the cloud palace and watch each other at the gate of the palace. Their faces are as worried as all the people in Yunshan.

For thousands of years, each generation of young masters and Goddess has experienced a lot of ups and downs in succession. However, only the generation 2000 years ago and this generation have had the greatest differences and twists and turns. Two thousand years ago, the generation survived, and the goddess continued to pass on for two thousand years. I hope this generation of goddess can survive the disaster.

As the envoy said, if the goddess can't survive the disaster and die in the Wannian cold pool, her spiritual skills will be sealed in the cold pool forever, and this vein will disappear. If the goddess vein dies, it will weaken the main one. There is no powerful spirit skill of combining two veins in Yunshan mountain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!