The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1542

"Since ancient times, beauty heroes, King Shizi can not see the shadow of the hero from where to see, how about parting love?" Gu Shaoqing is extremely arrogant.

"Is a hero a man who broke his sword in only one round?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

As he said, Gu Shaoqing's sword suddenly broke two sections. With a bang, half of the sword fell to the ground, and the handle and the other half of the sword were in his hands.

Gu Shaoqing was surprised. His handsome face finally changed. The soldiers around him were also shocked. They were very clear about general Gu's martial arts. In Nanliang, apart from the national master, he was almost invincible. Unexpectedly, Jing Shizi's arrow feather from afar made him break his sword. Qi Qi was shocked. However, he thought that the man who broke his sword was Rongjing. It's no surprise that the world is famous and respected by thousands of people. It's true that fame is true.

The soldiers from above and below the heavenly holy wall cheered.

Gu Shaoqing instantly regained his look, and suddenly threw the broken sword in his hand and laughed, "King Shizi really deserves his reputation."

"General Gu, you are welcome." It's not polite to let the scenery come.

"But I still want your woman. What shall I do?" Gu Shaoqing didn't seem to know how powerful he was. He didn't take the loss of face seriously.

"But I want to see general Gu's head. What should I do?" Rong Jing raised eyebrows, but the faint voice could be heard in a few miles.

Gu Shaoqing ha ha ha a smile, "this general's head this general is lovely cherish tight." After that, he said to himself, "my general's life was saved by a man. She is the only one in the world who can take my life. Other people, even your king Shizi, can't do it."

His voice means something, and all of us were numb by his words.

Cloud shallow month is scalp hemp hemp, ruthlessly dug Gu Shaoqing one eye.

Rongjing looked at him. His eyes were sharp. He reached out his hand and took an arrow feather from behind. He said faintly: "my son of a generation only gives one shot. But if you meet general Gu today, let's break an example." He threw the arrow feather at Gu Shaoqing.

This time, of course, is different from the previous one.

If he had only used his five success powers in that time, then this time, it would be ten percent of his skill.

Gu Shaoqing is surprised and flies up.

The arrow plume was like a meteor and lightning. People around Gu Shaoqing couldn't even shout out "protect general". Gu Shaoqing's body made a whirl, but he still couldn't avoid the arrow. The arrow pierced his ribs and fell to the ground.

"General!" The soldiers of Nanliang yelled in horror.

Several of the aides and relatives immediately turned over and dismounted to help Gu Shaoqing.

Wei Zhang saw the opportunity and thought it was a must. He immediately called out, "beat the drum! Go! Kill Gu Shaoqing

With a shout, he rushed to Gu Shaoqing. Tiansheng soldiers also saw the opportunity, shouting to kill, rushed to the Nanliang soldiers.

"Line up! Kill When Gu Shaoqing sees Wei zhangchong coming, his eyes flash away and he drinks.

The soldiers of Nanliang immediately swarmed forward to meet the Tiansheng soldiers.

Wei Zhang's horse quickly came to the Nanliang troops, waving a pair of scissors to chop, chop, cut, stab and smash. The Nanliang soldiers were beaten by him. He was very brave, and soon broke through the encirclement of Nanliang soldiers to protect Gu Shaoqing. Seeing Gu Shaoqing still fell on the ground, he cut it off.

When he was still in decline, Gu Shaoqing suddenly picked up two broken swords on the ground and threw them at him.

Although he was seriously injured, the two broken swords were swift and violent. Wei Zhang dodged one sword, but the other did not dodge again and stabbed him in the ribs. He "ah" to cry out, the moment fell off the horse.

An assistant general of Nanliang hated him very much. He took the opportunity to sneak into the army and cut him off with his sword. If he was cut by a sword, his body would be divided into two parts as Gu Shaoqing's earlier sword.

At this time, LAN Yi follows, waves to open the assistant general and saves Wei Zhang. Her martial arts are excellent, and her clothes are flying. In an instant, she opens the encircling people, saves Wei Zhang and returns to the heavenly Saint army.

Suddenly, the soldiers of Nanliang and Tiansheng fight each other.

"Stop!" At this time, the wall of the cloud shallow moon Qing drink.

The soldiers under Wei Zhang's command lost their opinions when they saw the general wounded. Although LAN Yi was there, she was not as trustworthy as the commander-in-chief who had been commanding them all the time. At this time, listening to Yun Qianyue's saying that he should withdraw his troops, he knew that even the commander-in-chief would obey the orders of the general. Naturally, he obeyed his orders and immediately withdrew.

The soldiers of Nanliang pursued forward.

At this time, Gu Shaoqing solemnly ordered, "withdraw!"

After receiving the military order, the soldiers of Nanliang immediately stopped their steps and withdrew together. The formation was in order.

A killing, but a cup of tea time, but the ground is dead and wounded. Both sides quickly dragged back the casualties.

"Back to the city!" LAN Yi orders a, with Wei Zhang back to the gate.

The gate was opened and 100000 soldiers were allowed into the city. After they entered, the gate was closed tightly.

Gu Shaoqing stood on the ground supported by a confidant. It seemed that he had been bitten by a mosquito. But now the mosquito still grows on his body. He didn't even frown. He watched the heavenly Saint soldiers withdraw to Fenghuang pass. A moment later, he looked at the wall. His eyes fell on Rongjing and raised his eyebrows. "King Shizi is good at archery."Rong Jing smiles, "general Gu is also good at swordsmanship. He hurt general Wei with his fingers."

"That's not as good as Jing Shizi." Gu Shaoqing suddenly hooked his lips and said something irrelevant, "does King Shizi think this arrow has been paid off? If you don't pay off, you might as well have another arrow. I can stand it. "

"As long as you don't commit any more, you'll pay off! If you do it again, you can't tell. "

Gu Shaoqing suddenly laughed and said, "it's really a vinegar jar." After that, he waved his hand and yelled in a deep voice, "withdraw 30 Li and set up camp! Take back the Phoenix pass another day

"Yes The soldiers of Nanliang all cried out.

Gu Shaoqing no longer looks at the wall of Fenghuang pass. He gets on the horse supported by a follower and retreats on the original road.

When he left, the star flag was still on display, and 300000 soldiers retreated like the tide.

The earth trembled, leaving a field of blood, bright red in the sun.

Yunqianyue looks at Gu Shaoqing's departure and thinks of Rongjing's arrow. He is expected to have a half month's injury. She takes back her sight and takes a look at Rongjing. She is only bitten by others, and he puts such a heavy hand on her.

Rongjing receives the anger of yunqianyue, picks her eyebrows and ignores her. She turns down the wall and throws her on the wall.

Cloud shallow moon stares at, come to take her hand to come, now leave her like this? What a bad temper! , the fastest update of the webnovel!