The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1326

"But you say that Night light dye hums, looks to the Rong Jing, the eye light is sharp, "the weak beauty, I have always been curious, what method do you use to make her die hard to you? Do you dare to say that you didn't provoke her because she was the daughter of the cloud palace? "

"Who can remember what happened and why? I don't remember any more. " Rong Jing said with a faint smile, "you should be the most clear about our affairs, but maybe you are right, but how about that? I have never concealed her thoughts, good or bad, have I? "

Night light dye a choke, cold voice warning way, "you don't have to be too proud, the emperor will be raised in the minister's house, if there is a half silk slip, Rong Wang's house will not live."

All the people in Rong Wang's mansion all softened.

With a faint smile, he did not answer.

Ye Tianyi has got out of the car at this time, holding the child to yunqianyue, staring at her for a moment and handing the child to her.

Cloud shallow moon held the child, the child immediately did not cry.

"Little girl, did you do something about this child?" Night light dye stares at cloud shallow moon, "why does he just arrive in your bosom not cry, cannot see you cry?"

Yunqianyue looked at the child for two days and nights. Her face was wrinkled and full of tears. Her eyes were red and swollen. She could not open her eyes. She only showed a crack. She looked at her wrongly. She was really tired. Her head was crooked. She didn't even yawn. She went to sleep. She raised her head and looked at night light dye. Her eyes were calm and she pretended to be relaxed and said, "yes, I did something to him. Otherwise, he would not recognize anyone and only know me

Night light dye frown, "that day in the Council hall, you are the first time to see this child, how did you move hands and feet to him?"

"How can I tell you what happened?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Night light dye hums a, "the day after the Empress Dowager's funeral, you hold the emperor's funeral."

Cloud shallow moon does not answer, is regarded as default. When her aunt was buried in a big way, she naturally asked to see her off. The child in her arms was born by her aunt through all kinds of hardships. The kindness of birth and maintenance was greater than heaven. Naturally, he would go to see him off.

Night light dye turned to get on the carriage, yawned and said, "I finally let go of this little thing, little girl. You should take good care of him. If something goes wrong, just ask. "

The moon does not answer.

"I also want to know what you did to him. It's impossible for anyone else. If something happens to you, I won't be surprised. " Night Tianyi spit out a word, waiting for the cloud shallow moon to reply, turned also on the carriage.

With a whip, Brunei left the gate of cloud palace with Ye Tianyi and yeqingran.

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight, looks to Rong Jing, Rong Jing Wen Sheng laughs: "go back!"

Cloud shallow moon nods, two people walk toward the mansion. Behind them, those people in the Rong palace immediately got up from the ground and walked shivering to each yard.

Back at the purple bamboo yard, Rongjing gave the bamboo tube to the green dress that was welcomed out, and told her, "from today on, you can look at this child."

Blue clothes bitter face, low voice way: "son of a lifetime, maidservant has not seen the child."

"No, you can learn slowly. There will be a lot of opportunities for you to look after children in the future. " There is a point in the meaning of the scene.

Qingshang helpless, reached out to pick up the child in the arms of cloud shallow moon, "Miss shallow moon, you give the child to the maid!"

Cloud shallow moon smiles to see green dress one eye, and stare at Rong Jing one eye, say to him: "I look at these two days! Qingchang can't see it yet. Let her see it in a few days. "

"No way!" Rong Jing spits out two words without discussion.

Cloud shallow moon can only pass the child to Qingchang.

Qingchang carefully carried the child to her room.

Yi Ling and snow from today to see you in the light of snow

Ling Lian and Yi Xue smile on the face Qi a stiff, for a moment, bitter under the face, "yes, miss!"

Yunqianyue waved her hand, and they went to Qingchang with bitter faces. She was a little funny. She looked at Rongjing, and Rongjing's mouth was slightly hooked. She took her hand and went to the house.

At night, there was no sound of weeping from the purple bamboo yard. The child was sleeping soundly.

Qingchang, Linglian and Yixue, who were still holding their hearts, gazed at the child for two hours. Seeing that he was asleep, there was no sign of waking up and crying, so they put down their hearts. The three men arranged a time of taking turns to take care of them, so they left one to watch and the other two went to rest.

Yunqianyue also had a good night's sleep. When she woke up the next day, it was already noon. Rongjing had already gone to the palace. She looked out of the window and heard the silver bell like laughter coming from the courtyard of the west chamber. Thinking of the child, she sat up, got out of bed, went out of the door and went to the west chamber.

In Qingchang's room, there were three girls talking about laughter. She thought they were just about her age. Having lived in this era for a long time, she almost forgot that she was only a child at that age. With youth and publicity and reckless laughter. But such laughter, she in this world, has not heard for a long time.The three were talking and laughing around the child. Hearing the sound of footsteps, they all looked up to the door. All three faces were full of smile. They saluted the cloud and the moon, "Miss, are you awake?"

Cloud shallow moon "Er" a, come over, smile to ask, "say what? So happy? "

"This little guy is so funny." Qingshang quickly said with a smile: "he even sucked his little finger and let it go straight. He would whistle so small. He was as smart as the son of the earth said."

"That's it! Look at her, miss. She's still sucking. " Ling Lian also immediately said.

Yunqianyue saw that the child was placed in a special cradle. The cradle was very delicate. He was wrapped in bright yellow brocade quilt, and had been washed white. Yesterday, his wrinkled appearance had disappeared. His eyes were red and swollen. His little fingers had been sucked by him and turned white. When he saw her coming, he would cry when he pulled his mouth. He looked very aggrieved.

Cloud shallow month looks to smile to bloom of 3 people, remind a way: "he is hungry, from yesterday till now, you did not feed him food to eat?"

Three people a Leng, shake their heads together.

"You don't think he can live without milk, do you? It doesn't matter if you're hungry. "

Qingchang "ah" a, even busy way: "I am going to find him a wet nurse."

Cloud shallow moon nods, green dress hurriedly ran out.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue looked back at the moon and sighed, "we only watch him play. Yes, he wants to eat milk." , the fastest update of the webnovel!