The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1323

Cloud light moon squints, "when did they disappear? How do you know? "

"I wanted to take my parents to Beijing to take care of them. But considering that the capital is not peaceful now and they are from rural areas, I'm afraid they can't adapt to the prosperity of the capital. They don't want to come, so I give up. Today, I just received a letter from Shanhua, saying that my parents have been missing for two days, and there is nothing unusual at home. She began to think that she had gone to collect firewood, but she did not see anyone for a day. So she took people to look all over the mountains and fields, but there was no one. Later, she also looked for the nearby county, and there was no one. She thought that something might happen, so she asked the escort agency to send the letter to me. ”Shen Zhao said in an urgent voice.

"The escort agency will come to Beijing in two days, so they have been missing for four days." Cloud light moon road.

Shen Zhao nodded, his face turned white, and he regretted: "at the beginning, King Shizi asked me about my opinion and asked if I would arrange my parents. I didn't want to trouble him, so he declined. Now..." He couldn't say any more. He obviously regretted it.

Cloud light moon looks to Rongjing.

Rong Jing said in a warm voice: "I had expected this. You killed Ye Xiao and became famous all over the world in the first World War. Ye Lingge was missing and her whereabouts are unknown. This account will be counted on you. Sooner or later it will be a disaster. What's more, you are now living in the court. I don't need to tell you about the affairs in the imperial court. You know that you are no longer the same as before when you are discussing affairs with the Regent. Even if your parents are in the mountains, they are no longer mountain people. "

Shen Zhao looked at Rongjing and said, "jingshizi, what should I do now? I'm asking for your parents? But the vast sea of people, I have no trace of foundation, where to find parents? Did ye Lingge take my parents? She is now in Nanliang. If I go to Nanliang, can I find her? "

"Since I had expected it, I had already ordered someone to look after your parents secretly. I haven't heard from them yet. You don't have to worry. Just a moment. I'll ask you! They should be fine. " Yung King Road.

As soon as Shen Zhao was pleased, he immediately nodded.

Rongjing spoke softly to the outside, "string song, send a message to Mo Ju, ask where Shen Zhao's parents are now?"

"Yes The string song answered immediately.

Seeing Shen Zhao looking out of the window expectantly, Yun Qianyue poured a cup of hot water and handed it to him, "you are so surprised. Since he sent someone to watch in secret and didn't receive a letter, your parents should have nothing to do. Even if it's something, it's a threat to you. If the people who arrested your parents let them have an accident, they will not threaten you. Therefore, no matter what, they are still safe for the time being. "

Shen Zhao nodded, took the water, and sincerely said, "thank you, Miss shallow moon."

Cloud shallow moon looks to Rong Jing and asks, "can you contact ink chrysanthemum as soon as possible?"

"Well, there is a martial arts skill in Mo Pavilion, which can communicate with each other for thousands of miles. It just takes some skill." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks.

Shen Zhao did not speak any more. Although he calmed down because of Rongjing's words, he still found it difficult to sit and stand.

About half an hour later, a weak voice came from Xiange, "son of the world, Shen Zhao's parents are safe and sound."

"Where is it now?" Shen zhaoyixi, tengdi stood up.

String song hesitated for a moment and did not answer.

Cloud shallow moon seems to think of something, Rong Jing slightly pick eyebrows, warm voice way: "Shen Zhao is not an outsider, but say it doesn't matter."

Xiange said in a low voice: "Shen Zhao's parents were the former troops of Murong's Hushi general a hundred years ago. Uncle Du contacted Shen Zhao's parents for a long time. Now that he knew about his son, he asked for their opinions. They agreed, and they were accepted by Mo Ju and left the mountains and went to Mo Ge. Mo Ju said that because she was responsible for receiving uncle Du these two days, she did not have time to report this matter to the son of the world. "

Yun Qianyue thinks that sure enough, under the care of Rongjing, no one should be able to take Shen Zhao's parents away, and they will go quietly, unless they are willing to. She suddenly felt that the world was really small. It turned out that Shen Zhao's parents were the former troops of the general Hushi of the former dynasty. She looks at Shen Zhao.

Shen Zhao can't react to it.

Rong Jing smile, looking at Shen Zhao: "this time you should rest assured, your parents nothing."

Shen Zhao takes his eyes back from the window and looks at Rongjing. For a while, he seems to be unable to adapt to such news. He is originally a smart man and can know something from this short period of time. Staring at Rongjing with a dull stare, Rongjing smiles at him and stops talking. After half a sound, he lowers his head and whispers, "I don't know My parents are... "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, "a hundred years ago, the whole world is Murong's, your father and mother are the descendants of Murong's cavalry general, and it's no surprise that your parents are descendants of the old army of Murong's Hussars general. How many people in this world used to be. "

Shen Zhao nodded and looked up at Rongjing. He still couldn't believe it and asked tentatively, "King Shizi, are you Murong..."

Let the scenic spot nod, "I am!"

Shen Zhao lowered his head again, as if digesting the news. In a moment, he raised his head again, seemed to pull out the clouds, and solved some unsolved mystery. He said, "on that day, Miss Shen lived in my house. No wonder my parents told me to go to the capital city of Southern Xinjiang to see Miss Chu off, but she could not find it out. She forced me to send Miss Chu They came to bring me to you. "Cloud shallow month a Leng, "is this? When Who did you follow because of your parents' orders? "

Shen Zhao looks at the cloud and nods.

Yun Xiaoyue sighs that she didn't find out that the old husband and wife have this idea, and the acting is still vivid. No wonder she promised Shen Zhao to send her so happily at the beginning! She turned her head to see Rongjing. Think Murong's subordinates are so powerful?

Rongjing was a little funny. He touched Yun Qianyue's head and said in a warm voice: "it's probably because Uncle Du recognized Mrs. Chu at the beginning of the jade pendant, and he had contact with Shen Zhao's parents for a long time, so he asked Shen Zhao to keep up with him. Mrs. Chu took Shen Zhao away. They can find out the people and things involved with Mrs. Chu according to Shen Zhao, and go up to find out the owner of the jade pendant."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to help forehead, exclaimed: "good careful mind. No wonder these rear parts can be hidden for a hundred years under the network of Yeshi hidden guards. I've been fooled. "

When Shen Zhao heard the last word of yunqianyue, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at her in disbelief.

Yun Xiaoyue sighs for a moment. She is stunned when she sees Shen Zhao's surprise. Originally, she thinks that he has been shocked many times today. She doesn't want to say that he is shocked. I didn't expect to say it again. She had no choice but to smile. To Shen Zhao's unbelievable eyes, she said in a warm voice, "you heard me right. Madame Chu is me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!