The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1315

Cloud shallow moon still does not speak, in the heart some uncomfortable.

"You see, you have been so miserable to see me today. Wouldn't it be more painful for you to see me every day?" The Empress Dowager held Yun Qianyue's hand and explained: "the Regent blocked the ronghua palace two months ago, but he wanted you to go to him. What my aunt thought was that she didn't want you to feel bad to me every day, so she sent you away. Now you look like a strange aunt? "

Cloud shallow month looks at empress dowager, pursed lip way: "aunt, you tell me, do you want to your belly child alive, do emperor?"

The Empress Dowager suddenly laughed, "yue'er, my aunt is not a child. He is living a problem. How can he be an emperor? He had a chance to be reborn, but he didn't have the life of the emperor. "

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks.

The Empress Dowager reached out and touched her stomach. "I always like children. I still remember when my sister-in-law was pregnant with your brother and you, I often ran to the cloud palace. Looking at your brother's birth, I wasn't there when you were born. You were all born when you were out of the palace in a hurry. I thought at that time that such a good child would be trapped in the deep palace courtyard like me and my aunts of all ages. But later I saw you growing up, disobeying discipline, being a dandy and unruly, not to mention being a queen, how could you be that material? The emperor must not allow it, so I was happy. Later I learned that you like King Shizi. I began to worry again. Now the emperor is dead. There is a regent who has the power to court and the royal family is loyal. There are royal guards all over the world. Jing Shizi and you are just two people. I'm really worried. Fortunately, my brother is alive. You also have a brother behind you, and you and Donghai If the crown prince of our country makes friends, I can rest assured. "

"Don't worry so much, aunt. It's bad for your health." The cloud is shallow and the moon is soft.

"My body, I know, I can't hold on for many days. I want to talk to you more today." After the Empress Dowager said this, she had some virtual strength.

Cloud light moon holds her hand to give her some real breath, the true spirit is in every detail, enters her body, her wheezing voice is lighter, her complexion also slightly changes a little bit. She remembered that although she didn't like the palace when she was a child, she liked the cakes in the palace, especially those made by her aunt. Every once in a while, she came to the ronghua palace to beg for food. Her aunt never gave her anything she wanted. Now she was lying here, unable to get out of bed, waiting for death to approach. She turned away her face and could not bear to see her again.

"Zhenqi is such a good thing that the Regent will give me some every day. I think if I can also master martial arts, I may be better than now, so that I will not be able to support my children for less than a month." The Empress Dowager whispered.

Cloud shallow moon withdraw hand, silent.

The Empress Dowager also told her about her childhood. At that time, the heavenly saints were more prosperous now, and poetry meetings were held in the capital city from time to time to discuss Qin art articles. At that time, she felt that it was best to learn all the things that women should learn, and that it was best to put everything in the first place. Although she adored the son of Rongwang mansion, she did not dare to move forward. He could only contact the prince at that time according to the ancestral precepts. The prince also treated her tenderly. Later, he married the queen smoothly. After he married into the Imperial Palace, he found that his gentleness was just a disguise. He easily knew that what she liked in her heart was the man in the rongwangfu, and he hated her. Fortunately, she did not ask for anything. Besides, there were rongwangfu and his father who supported her. He did not dare to treat her After that, she never stepped out of the capital again. Tiansheng's territory was very large, but she had been confined to this place all her life. The farthest place was to go to Yuncheng. When she was ten years old, she went to Yunxian County of Yuncheng with her father to deal with the affairs of the side branches of the cloud palace. Later, when she entered the palace, she only went to Lingtai temple as far as possible

The Empress Dowager said a lot about her. When it came to King Rong, she fell in love at first sight with a light smile. From then on, that face was stationed in her heart. Even if the man died ten years ago, she couldn't forget it.

Cloud light moon quietly listening, every one or old or about to be old, have the most beautiful Fanghua. In the most beautiful bloom, it is right to meet the right person. If you meet the wrong person, you will be wrong and you will miss your whole life.

Half a day passed by, and the Empress Dowager was also tired. She took hold of Yun Xiaoyue's hand and said softly, "yue'er, I want to see my father, but I can't go out. Would you let him come into the palace to see me tomorrow?"

Cloud shallow moon nodded, "I'll go back to the cloud palace and tell my grandfather."

The Empress Dowager laughed, and then held her hand tightly. She said in a soft voice, "yue'er, the child in my stomach belongs to me alone. It has nothing to do with Ye Shi. Have you promised your aunt that you would take care of him for me? Is it still a matter of fact

Cloud shallow moon purses lips, does not speak.

The Empress Dowager clenched her hands and looked at the eyes of yunqianyue. "Yue'er, the only child that Auntie can stay in this world. I haven't been out of the Imperial City, I haven't seen the world. I want his eyes to replace me. Aunt, please, can you take care of him for me

Cloud shallow moon closed her eyes, a moment, looking at the Empress Dowager: "as long as you give birth to a child, he can live, I will take care of him." She added, "but I can't guarantee how long he will live. Maybe one day, maybe a year, maybe three or five years, maybe ten or eight years, or even decades and hundreds of years, it all depends on his nature. "The Empress Dowager's mouth showed a smile, "I know, it depends on whether he has a life, but if you promise your aunt to look after him, she will be satisfied and dare not ask too much." As a result, she said in a low voice: "because I know that Regent Wang and King Shizi are already incompatible. The Three Kingdoms stand on their own, and it will not be long before the troops will be set up. No one can predict what the situation will be."

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks.

The Empress Dowager waved to her, "it's already dark. Jingshizi should be waiting for you. Go out of the palace!"

Cloud shallow moon looked at her, closed her eyes, stood up, tucked her in the quilt, stood still for a moment, out of the ronghua palace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!