The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1205

"If general Gu gives the king medicine, send someone to ask his Highness the prince." Luo Yao didn't seem to recognize the meaning of Gu Shaoqing's words, "in short, the prince's highness does not come, and this medicine can't be given to the king."

"It doesn't matter if you have the Queen's wishes?" Gu Shaoqing raises eyebrows.

"The king's life is related to the state of Nanliang. Now the crown prince supervises the country, and the empress's wife orders to ask his royal highness." Luoyao road.

"The princess of Donghai is really extraordinary. No wonder he emptied the prince's house for you Gu Shaoqing said with a smile, "but do you know there is another beauty here tonight? He happily carried the beauty into the prince's house. I don't know if you will change the emperor's bedroom to her tomorrow. "

Luoyao suddenly lost her voice.

Yunqianyue takes a look at nanlingrui, and nanlingrui has no intention of going in.

"It has nothing to do with me whether he will come or not. In short, he is not here tonight. General Gu can't make medicine at will." The cold voice of Luoyao.

"Ah His Royal Highness has always been good at making women die hard on him Gu Shaoqing laughed again and said to a man in the hall, "Duke Liu, go and ask the prince to come down."

"Yes Liu Gonggong immediately answered and ran out from inside. When he saw nanlingrui standing at the door, he was stunned and hastened to see him

"No gift!" Nanlingrui walked in and said with a smile: "the general is really loyal to the king for his country. He works hard and is busy. He came back to Beijing late at night to see his father. Even if he is unconscious, he may be happy to have such a courtier."

Yun Qianyue turns his eyes violently behind nanlingrui. Everyone flatters him, but his mouth is like a knife.

"It turns out that this girl has also been brought by the prince! The prince's highness saw the general's toil, but he did not see the girl behind you, so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes? " Gu Shaoqing saw the cloud light moon behind nanlingrui, and said without expression: "when did your highness begin to show no pity for the ladies and the jade? There is one in the palace who is worried about you, and now he has brought one in spite of the rush. "

Luo Yao also saw the cloud light moon behind nanlingrui at this time. She looked at her strange face carefully. Her face was a little cold, her eyes were a little cold, and her breath was a little heavy.

"They are all from their own families. They are worried by the prince when they work hard. General Gu doesn't have to worry about this prince." Nanling Rui turned back and pushed the moon in front of Luoyao, "your sisters are close to each other."

Luoyao's face was cold again.

Yunqianyue thinks of nanlingrui, which really makes people have ideas! What is their sister intimacy? Although there is nothing wrong with this, it is ambiguous. She didn't want to make Luoyao jealous. It just seemed that she had some interest in her brother. This woman was not easy to be provoked. She coughed gently and opened her mouth slowly, "I am..."

"Don't tell me who you are. I'm not interested in listening." Luoyao interrupts yunqianyue and says with a cold face to nanlingrui: "since the prince's Highness has come, my task has also been completed. I'll go back first!"

After that, Luoyao went out with a straight back and a dignified and gentle step.

Yunqianyue blinks her eyes, turns her head, and sees Luoyao's back. In a hurry, she can't even see her face clearly. She looks at Ling Rui in the south.

"It's vinegar! How wonderful Nan Lingrui is suddenly happy.

The cloud shallow month has no language, uses the transmission to enter the secret to him way: "you play! Be careful to kill yourself. "

"Dead girl, no good words! How much effort did your brother put on her and how much cold face did I eat her? Now it's not easy to turn over the plate, and certainly let her vinegar, cure her South Ling Rui scolds a way.

Cloud shallow month hold back spray his action, turn head, see Gu Shaoqing looking at her, she smile to him, stretch out a hand to say hello, "life where not meet! General Gu, we meet again. "

"The girl looks very energetic!" Gu Shaoqing picked her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow month just want to speak again, south Ling Rui intercepts her, push her to the Dragon bed front, "with him waste what words? Come and see if you can wake up the old man

Yunqianyue staggered for a while before standing still. She saw a small eunuch standing at the head of the bed. She blinked. The eunuch's eyes turned and she walked to the bed.

"Your Highness, what do you mean?" Gu Shaoqing reaches out his arm to block the moon and raises eyebrows to nanlingrui.

"My father is hypnotized. She can wake up. General Gu, what do you think Prince Ben is doing Nan Lingrui asked.

"Don't your highness feel that he is dictatorial? The dragon body on the king is a big event, and other princes and courtiers are not there. Is it not appropriate for you to make a decision on your own, and to find someone to treat the emperor at will? " Gu Shaoqing asked coldly.

"Didn't you just give my father medicine?" Nan Lingrui takes a look at the medicine bag in his hand.

"I have worked so hard to find this medicine that it can relieve the king's hypnosis." Gu Shaoqing said: "my general is loyal to the emperor. Heaven and earth can show. Does the prince think that this general will harm the king?"

"How can you trust your medicine? Who knows if he will become like you, living on human blood. " South Ling Rui puts on a pair of obvious disbelief appearance.Gu Shaoqing is furious, and the sword goes out of the market as fast as lightning and stabs nanlingrui.

Yun Qianyue suddenly took Gu Shaoqing's sword and kneaded his forehead. His brother stopped shouting and ordered, "Nan Lingrui, you go out now. Gu Shaoqing, you stay. I know some hypnosis. First try to wake him up. If I can't wake him up, you can give him your medicine. After all, my method is not harmful to his body, and drugs generally have side effects on his body

Gu Shaoqing is stunned. He looks at Yun Xiaoyue and holds his sword in surprise. His eyes are narrowed and his emotion is inexplicable. "It turns out that the girl's martial arts are so good."

Yun Xiaoyue loosened his sword and said to him, "since general Gu doesn't need to take off his sword when he enters the emperor's bedroom, you can protect my Dharma for me! If it doesn't work later, I'll help you protect the Dharma. "

Gu Shaoqing did not speak.

"You're not going out yet?" Cloud light moon to see south Ling Rui.

"Dead girl, I'm your brother. Keep him and drive me away?" Nanlingrui is angry.

"Can we save people? If you don't want to save it, let's go out together Cloud light moon road.

South Ling Rui stares, a brush sleeve, turned to go out, throw back a word, "if you two can't save him, I'll fight together."

Cloud shallow month no longer look at him, pick eyebrows to Gu Shaoqing, "how about my proposal just now?"

"How can I believe that you are not here to harm the king?" Gu Shaoqing stares at the eyes of Yun Qianyue.

"Do you think nanlingrui will harm the man lying on the Dragon bed?" Yunqianyue also looked at his eyes and found that he had a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, amber, thinking that he did not know what kind of hidden disease, let him drink women's blood every night to suppress mania, how much perseverance to endure the world's different eyes, no wonder the 15 year old, so mature, have a lot of hard-working muscles and bones. , the fastest update of the webnovel!