The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1142

"Yes Mother Guan went immediately.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, people also no voice, this place quiet down.

Mother, when she reaches for the stove, she can't take it. The Empress Dowager took a gentle look at the moon and said with a smile, "the moon is still warm to my aunt."

Cloud shallow moon smile, looking at the Empress Dowager's thin body, some sour eyes, low voice: "as long as aunt can be good, I will be happy!"

The Empress Dowager patted the head of yunqianyue, and her eyes were wet.

"Regent, the auspicious time is about to start. Little prince dye has not come yet. Would you like to send someone to urge him?" Zhang Daochang said again.

Ye Tianyi looks at the gate of the palace and doesn't speak.

"Regent, do you want the old minister to urge the dog?" Deqin Wang Ye has already been unable to stand. Rongjing and yunqianyue have come, but night light dye has not come yet. He was always a descendant of the royal family, so he had to join in.

"Wait a moment, night light dye will come." Ye Tianyi shakes her head.

Regent Wang Wen Yan can only nod, anxiously looking at the direction of the palace gate.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the auspicious time is approaching, night light dye finally appears in people's sight. They still wear the same clothes as before, but people still think that today's dye Prince is different from the past. No longer publicity, no longer free and easy, but from the heart of a sword tempered after the cold.

He walked steadily, step by step, the shadow of the past was not seen.

Cloud shallow moon looking at night light dye, suddenly from the bottom of my heart gave birth to a desolation, this desolation as he stood in her courtyard yesterday, so that she was cold. She withdrew her eyes and lowered her eyelids when she did not see him coming.

Everyone watched the night light dye, no one spoke.

Not long, night light dye came to the temple of the sun, the hourglass pointed to the time is auspicious.

"Let's go!" Ye Tianyi gave an order to the imperial warden.

Taoist priest Zhang quickly nodded, took out a piece of square cloth from his sleeve and unfolded it. His hand shook, and the square cloth was thrown out of his hand and held in mid air. He yelled, "emperor Dahang is going to bury the emperor."

"Long live the first emperor, long live, long live!" Civil and military officials, concubines of the Imperial Palace, and monks of Lingtai Temple all knelt down together.

Those who didn't kneel were only Rongjing, except for the queen and the moon.

"King Shizi, why don't you kneel?" Ye Tianyi kneels on the ground and looks at Rongjing.

Rongjing has been standing quietly since he arrived. At this time, he looks at the coffin of the old emperor and says, "the former Emperor once gave orders. Rongjing doesn't kneel. If you don't kneel in life, you don't kneel in death. "

Night Tianyi looks at the clouds and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon light way: "although I did not get the emperor's uncle's permission, but he lived I did not kneel, also did not blame, now died does not kneel, he will not blame."

Ye Tianyi takes back her sight and no longer speaks. No one spoke.

Zhang Daochang looked at Rongjing, yunqianyue and yetianyi and began to recite the words on the square cloth.

Yun Qianyue looks at the square cloth hanging in the sky and thinks that the Taoist priest has some abilities. However, this is nothing more than his strength. The words on it are nothing but the merits of the old emperor in his life. When emperors died in the past, they all liked to praise their meritorious deeds without mentioning their faults. After the death of the old emperor, it was no exception.

A full of praises and praises is finished, Taoist priest Zhang's work is finished, take back the square cloth, and look at King Xiang Yun.

King Yun was in charge of the Ministry of rites, and the funeral ceremony of the emperor was naturally handed over to the Ministry of rites.

King Yun stood up and took out a square cloth from his sleeve. He did not have any martial arts skills. He naturally spread it out in his hands and cried out: "emperor Dahang is going to bury the emperor! All the monks in Lingtai temple, in order to show their heavenly grace, practice the ceremony of praising things! "

Abbot Ciyun and other monks sat cross legged and recited scriptures.

The whole palace is full of chanting.

Half an hour later, the chanting finished. King Yun yelled again, "emperor Dahang is going to bury the emperor! From the beginning of the second movement, the new emperor will lead all the civil and military officials to express their condolence! "

The Empress Dowager went to the coffin of the old emperor with a hand stove, and Brunei immediately presented paper money. She gently placed it in the brazier in front of the coffin. The paper money meets the charcoal fire, coax but.

"Regent's condolence!" The cloud Lord yelled again.

Night Tianyi stepped forward and Brunei presented paper money again. He kowtowed three times and put the paper money into the brazier.

"Jingshizi's condolence!" The cloud Lord yelled again.

Rongjing stepped forward, Brunei again presented paper money, he gently raised his hand, put the paper money into the brazier. When the paper money met the fire, it went up with a bang. In a moment, it turned into ash and fell outside the brazier. He took a faint look and retreated.

"Prince De's condolence!"

"Prince Xiao's condolence!"

"Dye Little Wang Ye's condolence!"

"Cold little prince's condolence!"


Civil and military officials were called to their names and went to pay homage to them one by one.

When a hundred people pay tribute to them, they are the princesses and princesses. Six princesses, seven princesses one by one. The princesses and princesses will pay tribute to them, while the imperial concubines will pay tribute to them.

Wang Ye was about to call out his concubine's rank. The Empress Dowager said coldly, "wait a minute!"All the people looked at the empress dowager, and Prince Yun stopped talking.

"Where is Princess Ming?" The Empress Dowager asked the concubines.

Concubines and concubines shake their heads.

Yunqianyue knows that her aunt is talking about the imperial concubine. She thinks that once the emperor dies, some people's identities have changed. The empress becomes the empress dowager, so does the princess Mingfei.

"Do you know, father-in-law Wen?" The Empress Dowager asked Brunei.

Brunei also quickly shook his head, "back to the empress dowager, I do not know, from that day after the emperor's funeral, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was seriously injured, and after returning to the palace to recuperate, she never saw the Empress Dowager again."

"She was the most favored by the emperor before her death. For more than 20 years, she has been in constant favor. Now that the emperor died, how can we not have her? If she is not there, the emperor will think of her, and the chariot will not go The Empress Dowager said in a deep voice, "regent, what do you say?"

"The empress mother is right." Ye Tianyi nodded and said to Brunei, "please go to the palace of Princess Ming!"

"Yes He went to Brunei immediately.

"Skip the imperial concubine of Ming Dynasty first, go on!" Night Tianyi orders.

The Empress Dowager did not have any opinion. The king continued to read the rank of concubines and went to pay tribute to them one by one according to their ranks.

Under the empress dowager, the imperial concubine of the Ming Dynasty is not there, only the cold princess, that is, the once cold imperial concubine. After her appearance was destroyed by yunqianyue, Princess lenggui was no longer favored by the old emperor. Later, the Empress Dowager had a dragon son, and the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was in charge of the harem. Her life was extremely difficult. But after all, she was a princess and supported by the prince of filial piety, and the emperor's kindness was weak. She also had some feelings during this period of time. Now she has changed her personality and is quiet. I have a feeling of seeing through the world.

The Empress Dowager and concubines of the Imperial Palace pay homage to each other.

After a while, Brunei had come back, and his face was very bad. When he came to the Empress Dowager and ye Tianyi, he reported: "Empress Dowager Bing, Regent Bing, and the people in the imperial palace of Ming Dynasty all explained that the princess was missing." , the fastest update of the webnovel!