The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1140

Her words fall, Rong Jing walks in, the door closes tightly behind him. He slowly came to the bed, cloud shallow month a hold his hand, his warm palm inside the small hand cold bone. He frowned, and his light tone suddenly caught a heavy anger, "cloud shallow moon, you unexpectedly..."

"Well, I'm so sleepy. Come on up. I'm going to sleep." Yunqianyue covered his mouth with another hand.

Rong Jing suddenly shook off her hand and turned around.

Yun Qianyue held his hand, and his voice was soft and pitiful: "Rongjing, I don't know how I started the ice breaking skill. Now I can't go back. If you don't care about me, I'll freeze to death. You don't care about me, no one cares about me..."

"You..." Rong Jing turned back, a pair of eyes rarely looked at her angrily, "Ye Tianyi just let you No, or because night light dye, night light dye just let you... "

"Don't mention them, will you? I'm so angry that I want to freeze them to death. " Cloud shallow month interrupts his words, a pair of eyes son is not instantaneous to look at him, the eye actually has silk tear meaning, but that tear meaning turned into ice bead, let her eyes look particularly bright.

Rong Jing pursed the corners of her mouth, stopped talking, and opened the quilt and went to bed.

As soon as he went to bed, yunqianyue immediately climbed on him with his hands and feet, and the whole person was like ice.

There was something surging in Rongjing's eyes for a moment, reaching out to hold her two hands in her hands, and the warm air flow passed from his palms to her palms.

Cloud light moon's cold palm suddenly warm, and then, a warm air flow familiar along her meridians into her body, where are warm.

"Next time, if you let me know that you use this kind of ice to break, you will be frozen to death." Rong Jing withdraws his hand, the tone still remains angry.

Cloud shallow moon to his arms arched arch, body warm up, heart also followed warm up, a smile, soft way: "you willing?"

"Willing!" Rong Jing glanced at her.

"You're not willing to cheat ghosts." Cloud shallow month will take his arm to encircle her waist, with the head to rub in his chest.

"If you don't want to sleep, we can do something else to help you warm up." The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Cloud shallow moon immediately stopped small action, pretended to yawn, sleepy idea thick way: "trapped dead me."

Rongjing looks at her and doesn't speak.

Yunqianyue immediately closed her eyes and did a day's work. Night light dye came and stood in the yard in the middle of the night. Night Tianyi hit her with those words. She was already exhausted and nestled in the warm arms. She didn't want to think about it any more. She really wanted to sleep.

Sure enough, within a short time, the cloud light moon will send out the even breath sound.

Rongjing looks at her, even if the ice breaks and dissolves, her body warms up, but her face is still clear as a mirror. It seems to have been washed by ice and snow, her face is pure and she lies quietly in his arms and sleeps peacefully. She has a kind of shocking weakness and beauty. He took a little breath and then a little breath, as if something had disappeared in the process. In a moment, he held her tightly in his arms and closed his eyes.

The next day, before daybreak, Ling Lian's voice sounded outside, "Miss, the Duke Wen of the palace came to deliver a message that she would be invited to enter the palace. You must go to the funeral of the late emperor today."

"How about not going?" Cloud shallow moon does not open an eye, ask a way.

"The Regent said," if you don't go today, no one can help you. But in any case, the former Emperor is your uncle in addition to his status as a former Emperor. " Ling Lian repeated Brunei's words.

The cloud shallow moon snorted, disapproved: "what about uncle? Tell him I won't go. "

Ling Lian answered and went out.

Yunqianyue closed her eyes for a moment, opened her eyes and looked at Rongjing. Seeing that he was still closed, she remembered yesterday, and her heart suddenly warmed. This man has been loving her in his way. Although it seems that she is bullied by him every time, he has always given her enough tolerance and tolerance.

After a while, Ling Lian went back and forth. She stood at the door and whispered, "Miss, the Queen's mother sent someone to send a message to let her enter the palace and participate in today's funeral ceremony."

"Aunt?" Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed.

"It's the palace lady who sent the message! She said that the daughter of the cloud palace is the one who is most qualified to ring the bell in the imperial mausoleum. " Ling Lian said in a low voice: "the Queen's wife also goes to the imperial mausoleum today."

The cloud is shallow and the moon is leaning towards Rongjing.

Rongjing also opened her eyes and laughed at her, elegant as lotus. "Yes, the daughter of the cloud palace is the one who is most qualified to ring the bell in the imperial mausoleum. Not for the Ye family, only for the cloud palace. Go

"Then go!" The cloud light moon may nod with or without.

Linglian heard the words and went on to reply.

Yunqianyue sat up and suddenly thought of something. She lay down on Rongjing's body and gave him a kiss in the corner of his mouth. In a moment, she got up again and jumped out of bed.

Rong Jing Mou Guang moved, looking at her brisk pace, the body lying down sat up, put on her clothes, and slowly went down to bed.They packed up and went out of the room. It was light outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!