The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1130

They walked on foot. They didn't walk fast. There was no wind after the snow. It was just cold into the bone marrow.

After walking for a while, yunqianyue turned her head to look at Rongjing. She saw that he had a normal complexion, no flush, no cold and heat, and no sign of a disease. Secretly thinking about the man, this creature, in general, is very powerful. Only under special circumstances, can we have a weak special.

"What's the matter?" Rong Jing feels the vision of Yun Qianyue and asks her in a soft voice.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "nothing!"

"Nothing?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow month glanced at him one eye, leisurely way: "think of the medicine effect that son book collects is good, just one day and night you are good."

"The jade Prince's medical skills are really excellent."

Yu Zishu glanced at them and said with a smile, "a doctor can't cure a patient's heart. If patients cooperate with each other, they will get better soon. It's not Zi Shu's good medical skills, but Jing Shizi's cooperation. "

Rong Jing nodded after hearing the speech, and he agreed with him very much, "well, the jade Prince is right. Someone told me to get better soon and go back to ride Yuxue Feilong. How dare I not get better soon? This disease is really a heart disease. Someone has relieved my heart disease. Naturally, it will get better soon. "

Yunqianyue, hearing his speech white, glanced at Rongjing, and originally wanted to laugh at him. But thinking of Yuxue Feilong, she immediately turned to yuzishu and said, "Zishu, let's go back to ride Yuxue Feilong and have another race?"

Yu Zishu laughed, "cloud son, you ride jade snow flying dragon, won I also disgrace?"

Cloud shallow moon light cough a, turn round to Rong Jing to ask, "Hello, besides jade snow flying dragon, do you still have good horse in stable?"

Rong Jing shook his head, "there is a Tianshan mountain snow in the stable, but although it is good, it still can't catch up with the jade snow flying dragon. That's the best horse in the world. Where can there be a better one? "

Yunqianyue looked at yuzishu and asked, "Zishu, do you have good horses in the East China Sea?"

"There are also jade snow flying dragons in the East China Sea!" Yu Zishu blinked, "yun'er, didn't you say you would go back to the East China Sea with me that day? Are you going now? Tiansheng is located in many mountains, and most of the East China Sea is plain. That's a good place for horse racing

Cloud light moon eyes a bright, "is it the same as Hulunbeir Grassland in Inner Mongolia?"

"Almost! There are places like that. " Yu Zishu nodded and said with a smile, "there are mountains, waters and plains in the East China Sea. And the local conditions and customs are very good, outstanding people, stay at night, celebrities. I think you'll love it there

"So good!" Cloud light moon shows the color of yearning, sighs: "the land of heaven Saint lets a person live is really too tired."

Rong Jing glanced at yuzishu, and suddenly reached out to touch the head of yunqianyue. Wensheng reminded him: "yunqianyue, don't forget grandfather Yun. He can be your granddaughter."

"That bad old man has been holding me back for so many years, but isn't my father back now? He's with him Cloud shallow moon does not agree, "do not hinder me to the East China Sea."

"What about those people in the Rong palace? Didn't you always want to protect them from harm? Yunli and the seventh princess. " The scenery is also a way.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "my father is not in! He's magical! Can't protect these people? "

"Tiansheng's land is really not good now. In the first two years, there was a great drought, and this year there were floods. It can be said that all over the country. The refugees lost their homes and were unable to make ends meet. Now that the first emperor is dead, the new emperor is not born, and the Regent is in charge, the second prince and the fourth prince must be unfair. I'm afraid there will be a lot of turmoil in the future. The noble sons of the capital will not worry about food and clothing, but it will be the heavenly saints and common people who will suffer. Yunqianyue, you were born and grew up in Tiansheng. You are the son of Tiansheng. You should be the saint of heaven and try your best for your son. If you go to the East China Sea for leisure, would you be too unkind and kind? " Rong Jing vomited out a lot of words.

Cloud shallow moon a choke, suddenly by Rong Jing words feel that her image is very tall, tall to the saint of heaven, she can not be general.

Yu Zishu chuckled and looked at Rong Jing and said, "King Shizi really loves the people more than the prince."

"That's nature. For a hundred years, Lord Rong's house has taken protecting thousands of creatures as its duty. What we respect is not the sacred Yeshi River and mountain, but the common people in the world. Rongjing, as a descendant of Rongwang's mansion, should follow the benevolence of his ancestors and love the people. It is not in vain that the people of the world respect the Rong Wang Fu and Rong Jing. " Rongjing slowly tunnel.

Yu Zishu nodded and said in a funny way: "although jingshizi should be like this, yun'er doesn't have to be? She's just a woman. "

"Prince Yu, do you look down on women?" Rong Jing is leering at yuzishu.

Yu Zishu coughed gently and said, "there are female officials in the East China Sea! In this way, Jing Shizi thought Zishu despised women? "

"In that case, that's it. You should know her importance to the heavenly saint." The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Cloud shallow moon mouth no water, some words heard this sentence early spray, she turned her head, a face speechless looking at Rongjing.

"He doesn't know whether he is important to Tian Sheng, but he is very important to Jing Shizi. Zishu knows it." Yuzishu is also funny.

"The jade Prince is wise." Rong Jing praised yuzishu.Cloud shallow moon raised her eyes to the sky, after the heavy snow, the sky is also a vast expanse of white, she thought of this person is really

All the way, they talked and came to the gate.

Because of the heavy snow, it is difficult to walk. Besides the soldiers guarding the city, few people go out at the gate of the city. The soldiers guarding the city saw three people, and they went to the city.

The streets in the city have already been cleaned by soldiers. The streets are neat and there are no snowflakes. Only the ridge of every house is covered with a thick layer of snow white, and the rest of the shops have been cleaned and opened. Compared with the cold feelings inside and outside the city gate, the streets of the capital are bustling with people and vehicles.

"After all, it's still a prosperous place for heaven's holiness. The emperor's time limit has not seen any panic." Yu Zishu said with a smile.

"The city of heaven and earth is left behind." Cloud shallow moon sneers.

Rong Jing Mou light swept a glance at both sides of the shop, the street stream of people, no words.

After walking for a while, they saw a carriage coming out of the corner with the license plate of the prime minister's residence. She raised her eyebrows and asked Rongjing, "which imperial edict is invalid?"

"No! Provisional edict. " Rongjing also saw the car, light road.

Cloud shallow moon raised eyebrows, "respect the provisional edict? Looking for someone to thoroughly investigate the two decrees? We'll make a final decision after that? "

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

"Now that you worship the prime minister, how will you deal with it? The Prime Minister of Qin has returned home with his family Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"It's snowing hard to return home. It's snowing. It's time to go back home. " There was no emotion in Rongjing's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!